Is Kim dead?

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Very likely. Either dead or dying. A dictator doesn't simply disappear.

have sex incel

nig if jew

North Korean leaders disappear all the time. This has seriously happened a few dozen times.

Xi is now the ruler of Best Korea.

Attached: president-xi-jinping.jpg (736x536, 23.99K)



4/24/20, 9:12 PM EDT

China has sent a team of doctors to North Korea to help determine supreme leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un's health status, Reuters reported on Friday. Hong Kong Satellite Television reported that Kim was dead, though there has been no confirmation from U.S. sources at this point.

"While the U.S. continues to monitor reports surrounding the health of the North Korean Supreme Leader, at this time, there is no confirmation from official channels that Kim Jong Un is deceased," a senior Pentagon official not authorized to speak on the record told Newsweek. "North Korean military readiness remains within historical norms and there is no further evidence to suggest a significant change in defensive posturing or national level leadership changes."

Kim's last confirmed public appearance was on April 11, at a politburo meeting, though state media also shared footage of him attending aerial assault drills the following day. It was his absence from April 15 Day of the Sun celebrations dedicated to his grandfather, North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, that first sparked speculation regarding his well-being...

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He just needs a nip of bleach and he'll be right

Supposedly they shipped him out of Pyongyang.

he's probably at Mar-a-Lago getting injected with HUGE light, the best, believe me
really great

silly round eye, gods cannot die, they can only change form

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Didn't Kim dissapear for a few days a few years ago? I have a faint memory of that happening.

he's cocooning

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Better question, who gives a shit?

Taiwanese news reports that Japanese news says Kim is brain dead, like CNN initially reported.
>Japanese media, citing the medical team treating North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, say the failure of initial surgery has left the 36-year-old in a vegetative state.
>Amid conflicting reports about Kim's health, Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Gendai reported on Friday (April 24) that a Chinese medical team member on the mission to North Korea briefly explained the situation to its senior writer, Kondm Daisuke.
>The medical expert said during a visit to the countryside earlier this month, Kim clutched his chest and fell to the ground. A doctor accompanying Kim immediately carried out CPR and took him to a nearby hospital for emergency care.
>The doctor also requested a medical team from Beijing for assistance. At the hospital, prior to the arrival of the Chinese medical team, the North Korean doctor performed cardiac surgery but there were complications due to the hereditary dictator's obesity and the doctor's anxiety.

Fuck, this is why I need to lose weight.

unless he faking his death

even thinking that should be grounds for execution

many important people and also me, a not important person

true but his father and grandfather died from heart attacks as well

I wonder if he's not just hiding from the 'rona.

They all fat.

North Korean doctors aren't used to operating on fat fucks and the surgeon was nervous about fucking up so Kim died.

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He’s not dead as long as he’s alive in our hearts, user

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Just has a mild coof.

next question

This whole thing feels like a coverup for an assassination.

They announced some mysterious surgery, then CNN (where former spook (((anderson cooper))) works) claimed he was dead - meanwhile the fucking south korean government, which probably has more moles in NK than anyone other than china, denied it.

Now Hong Kong, US aligned, is announcing it too.

How was SK last to find out?

They aren't, it's glownigger propaganda

Funny if true

China is moving in to pick his successor and confirm the fat bastard is dead. If the Norks don't cooperate, China will do a quick invasion and install a puppet governor.

Probably. If he WAS alive, then NK/SK/China would be JUMPING at the chance to put a Camera in front of him to let everyone SEE how powerful and great and disease-free he is. But they're not. They keep SAYING he's fine, yet can't SHOW him being fine for some reason.
They know that if Kim dies, NK will be more unstable than ever and it puts all of SouthEast Asia at risk. Look forward to a body-double.

Mendela effect?????

If Coronavirus has been spreading since late November to early December, could THAT be considered the "christmas gift" Kim talked about? Did he do any "test" launches of any missiles right before the outbreak?

Meds. Take them.

>Loves communism
>Live as an elaborate borgeious
>Western diet, fancy cheeses
>Asians are lactose intoleratant
>Rumors about speed addiction in best Korea among the borgeoous
>Heart attack
But really who knows what goes on in that country

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It's very likely that he's dead. Norks worship Kim and will delude themselves into thinking he's still alive because he's the Great Leader.

He's Schrodinger's Kim now.

i laughed

This is how communism works user.

