People who used to be emo

Where my former emo bros? Post memories and songs from the last white movement

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Being emo was fucking great man it felt great being part of a group of people who liked the same shit

who here brokenCYDE?

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pretty much how I expect you faggots to look. if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on

You're all a bunch of posers.

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Hello fren

Fuck off, dumb attention whores.

stop with this bullshit spam
you guys were faggots back then
and you guys are faggots now.
GTFO, not even when the nigger hordes come will we still think you self cutting fags are cool

Thursday - Understanding in a Car Crash

I was EMO but i was actually alone, and had
nobody to relate to, not to mention
being emo wasn't even in style when i was.

still doing it. older now and I don't care to go full retard with it, but I'll wear it outside of work. Not the retard hair/makeup/piercings just the clothes. Thinking of opening a fashion company for it since I know what's missing from the market.
People compliment, probably laugh behind my back. I don't give a shit. At least I can afford it.

I miss the emo girls. They at least tried to look nice instead of this godforsaken obese rainbow hair faggot fashion going on. Why did we have to bully them so bad?

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I'm still emo idgaf

I always used to sit and cut my penis to this song as i cried

Leave us alone asshole


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boy I sure hope these guys are doing some ironic satire on the emo scene and how lame it was

*lights clove*
Never heard of it.


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>being "depressed" and being edgy 13 year old bitches

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met up with a girl i met on (((fb))) who still has scene hair yesterday for the first time and her and i actually have a lot in common and she wants to see me again

>tfw might get an emo gf
>i might make it brahs

Post emo photos from MySpace circa 2006
With shitty 1 megapixel camera phone

>he thinks making it means having a gf
Never gonna make it.

Damn I actually feel sorry for this guy. He's probably posting to r/atheism or something

>who still has scene hair
these are like the saddest poeple in the word. any time I see someone with that haircut I just shake my head and sigh

never emo, but I do enjoy some La Dispute, is that emo music?

How is this political you stupid nigger?

hide normalfag posts
sage normalfag posts
do not respond to normalfag posts
come on Yas Forums i thought you were smarter than this

i live in vegas sometimes and i saw scene/emo "kids" (age 20s) until around 2016 there

If this is not pasta, it's probably one of the most autistic posts I've seen

Garth Brooks here.

Noofie posting is great, ngl. What the fuck is up with the chugs, though?

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its like going outside and seeing someone with this haircut

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La Dispute is pretty good. I saw them in philly once

Zoomer here. Never been an emo but literally going to become one if hair salons aren't allowed open next month. Jesus

Why did you?

>scene hair
They're called Karen now.

emo/scene girls were the hottest of them all

Go to hell faggots

I wanted to be emo but I was poor and my parents neglected me, so I wasn't able to get the dye/haircuts/clothes and didn't listen to any music. I settled for just being a depressed kid with a bad home life