You KNOW (you) want to, Sir.
Force them to wave Sovereign Immunity in Bankruptcy Court
Other urls found in this thread:
How to bring liberal Rogue States back in to The Union.
Interesting topic. Sticking around to see what unfolds.
Bit too late for me to discuss economical warfare.
Have a bump with sauce anyway.
However, on second thought, I can see where this could lead.
>The 'abolition' of sanctuary statecraft, for one?
So much to choose from.
Thanks Luxembro.
Gitt mat Gott.
>the abolition of sanctuary statecraft
Great Minds Think Alike.
The Language you would need in Modifying The Bankruptcy Code via EO is;
Subordinate to The Sovereign.
Capped for comparing to future EO's.
Good night.
It would behoove you to debate rogue States like California and Illionoise, then make them waive Immunity for Funding ala Argentina.
I forecast this Happening several years ago in a thread about California titled " Don't Cry For Me, Argentina".
Dyslexia is underrated.
Good night.
Good to see you active again, inb4. Been a rough few days for many I think.
Do you know what the chinese assassination i mean doctor squad is doing with kim or is he dead for real. That's real bad news.
From the article:
"[Some]say it would violate the federalist system and the sovereignty of states set forth in the Constitution if they were allowed to pursue bankruptcy protection in federal court, where a judge and Congress could hold sway over a state’s fiscal affairs."
The very thought that a judge and Congress could hold sway over States' affairs is intriguing.
>if that were the case, insuring our next Congress is Republican is vital
as would finally replacing the missing RBG, the compromised John Roberts, along with the appointment of Patriot judges far and wide.
This could be very exciting. The Restoration of our Republic could be recrafted almost fully earlier than thought possible.
I have so many ideas.
Are sanctuary states the only reason certain *ahem* creatures can remain continental and a old prosecution?
Go on
Allow States who remained Loyal to The Republic, and for Which It Stands to retain their intended Federalist Status.
Reduce the rest to Vassals, then Cede them to Adjacent Loyalist States when the time is right.
Remember, my brain thinks this way due to DNA.
My Forefather with the same Surname
Crossed a Frozen River.
In The Middle Of The Night
On Christmas.
To kill /our/ Enemies.
>Reduce the rest to Vassals, then Cede them to Adjacent Loyalist States when the time is right.
Break up CA into 3 different pieces first maybe.
Nah, it's because they have that dumb wire over each city that allows them to do as they please.
> The Restoration of our Republic could be recrafted almost fully earlier than thought possible.
I have so many ideas.
As has Always Been;
My Lineage and I are At The Service of
OP is a faggot
>inb4 source
Well Thunk.
Allowing states to declare bankruptcy, which is a matter of federal law only, would require an amendment of the Bankruptcy Act. Municipalities may declare bankruptcy, which would be helpful for places like Chicago or LA. It is more likely that a state would negotiate with its creditors, its employee unions and its pension funds for a compromise in lieu of bankruptcy. The problem would be Illinois, which has a provision in its Constitution that disallows the diminution of pension payments--no matter what--and which has been upheld by the Illinois Supreme Court. Really, Illinois must amend its Constitution or all of its tax receipts are going to go to state and municipal pensions. It already has stripped services for kids and seniors generally in order to favor state pensioners. Their Dem governor, Pritzker, has requested a bailout from the feds to cover not only the CCPvirus costs but also losses in tax revenue. Mitch McConnell's refusal to bail out states may have been in response to pleas by Illinois, not NY as is commonly thought.
Certain combinations will work, others will not. I get it. My forefather escaped Turkish imprisonment as a teenager, with a belly full of chewed up filters. /Our/ enemies have always been the same. War never changes. My question is, do you think any non-compliant states will be invaded by ((them)), if they aren't already. Might be too new for this...
>The Restoration of our Republic
Full restoration won't happen until all the iranian/paki/ muzzies in west are kicked out/dragged into destruction and broken in a way worthy of their post 1993 delusions, 150 million 'democrats' have been properly made to submit to the American republic , or be culled out entirely.
Start with that bitch tlaib, valerie jarette, and of course all 'defectors' posing as 'based' and 'redpilled' trying to take advantage.
Only when the infestation has been properly broken and is on the ground with boots on their necks in front of the whole world and rest of the world learns to stop trifling with white american/european/russians will there be peace and stability in the republic.
Possibly allow Jefferson to become a State, and Cede the other two Apportions to Arizona and Nevada.
Maybe a small portion in extreme Surreno Cal for Anchor Babies.
OP's real.
>new republic
>anchor babies
uh inb4
pick one.
You guys can easily go through about 1.5 million 'asian' anchor babies post 1993 (not just china), at least 1-2 million muslims/ middle eastern and african extraction, besides the standard public offical 11 million illegal number.
Combined with 13 million from corona, we can start our country anew. Within 3 years.
I want to believe.
Well, the infiltrated, co-opted, education system in this land has been sorely broken for decades. So much so, the IQ and intellectual acumen of every generation has diminished in pace. We even have adults -not just younger ages- who so sorely lack common sense, they cannot even discern where truth lies.
It's time to return to Classical Education.
We need *trade schools* now.
We need to draft our youth into the service of our Country, to learn skills and critical thinking. A reeducation for all. This need not be for warcraft alone.
To rebuild our infrastructure, we'll need more than just bodies...we need focused minds.
Let me stop, before I start writing out loud. Apologies.
I have a very Elderly Eastern Europen Jew who is retired 3rd Gen U.S. Milint who has befriended me, since I am the only one to have shown him Kindness in these trying times of late.
I shall examine the Calfs Intestine with him this Eve.
I will let you know what I Glean.
Only some form of militarized solution certainly militarized leadership will do at this point.
Certain sectors and certain patriotic money men are going to have to make sacrifices against the trend in order for the republic to survive.
Even if not all are such, few such initiatives will have to set an example. Right now enemies are way too emboldened and people under too much suppression, the exact opposite of where people envisioned we would be in 2020 when this shit began in 2017.
Is there a plan for Trump to reveal all that is going on? For example saving kids from the DUMBs - if that is happening, why is it so hard to find info?
When will the public be ready to hear?
Go to bed Frank
Washington? Nice. I'm the Ben Franklin niece, with another Uncle who rode with Paul Revere *that* faithful night.
I like where you're going with vassal states, but fear the unloyal, who have miles of critical shore and border lines- would try to bring us to our knees...UNLESS we insure those shores and borders remain out territory for x amount of miles. In essence, we secure all borders by an EO which demands we have oversight control, or, full control.
*something like that*
Next time, if you see a picture of young B55J on here that will be me, I was axing you for int on him earlier t-tu-tuh-day senior.
>My Lineage and I are At The Service of The Republic.
As is mine, good sir.