Why are men preferring to play video games over pursuing careers?
Why are men preferring to play video games over pursuing careers?
Is coffee good for your anus?
Because there is nowhere left to formally conquer without being dubbed a war criminal. There is no country to call your own because of unregulated invasion. There is no longer any adventure beyond going to some amusement park or taking a tour through some shithole country.
Glory is gone, and ambition died with her absence.
because you are weak. if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
think on
Because the world ended
Video games are surrogate jobs. The games you play most are what you'd rather being doing for a living.
Because I have no state-mandated gf so what’s the point
JUDEN that's why
My personal expierence
too expensive and risky, i'd rather invest 40k loan into a buisness and fail rather than schooling that scams you and forces you to take classes that don't match up with your career, and most technical colleges don't have
the trade i want to go into
it's an obvious answer my savings are higher
than the average american household, but
it's so depressing seeing your co-workers
work there for years and get nowhere
so i quit and live off day trading at my own time.
so i'm mostly a neet with a large sum of money
nothing in life is interesting except gaming,
i've tried urban exploration and hiking near the
mountains near me, it gets boring after you
know every route, i'm planning on traveling, but
it's not exactly something you can do forever
except playing vidya, careers are a constant
battle agaisnt someone will cheat the system, or having better charisma than you, some of
us were dealt with a bad hand in life and we
just gotta make do with what we can.
We still have space and oceans to explore. Wont be our lifetime... Might be never considering how retarded everyone is.
The worlds over and we all know it
Can i kill stuff for a carrer? No? Okay then good talk.
List 1 thing worth getting that can't be acquired with a mediocre wage and spare time.
Also this.
Fuck, I wanna righteously bash some skulls so bad.
>lock men out of careers unless they fit the diversity scale (have to be a woman, nonwhite, or LGBT)
>lock men out of post-secondary education unless they fit the same quota scale
>force men out of work and replace them with foreign imports for pennies on the dollar.
>wage a decades long media war against men and all things masculine
>whittle away mens groups and activities, force them to become "inclusive" and woman dominated or be drowned in lawsuits from vindictive cunts who can't stand the idea of men doing something that isn't fawning at their feet
>whittle away medical research on mens issues, while forcing those resources into more programs for irrisponsible whores
>artificially remove most sense of accomplishment from society, and reserve it all for the diversity quotas
>dogpile ever restrictive/damaging consequences on men, while removing all consequences from women and minorities.
Gee I wonder why men are turning to the only communities willing to still accept them in droves, and make them feel like they matter at all.
A nigger wrote this. 100%
I shitpost for glory!
it's more rewarding than making money for jews, doesn't really matter if I do something to earn fake money in game or fake money on paper
because there is no future, there is nothing to live for, the Church was destroyed, the US and European countries were destroyed, history, culture and traditions were destroyed, the family was destroyed, western women have become garbage, eradication of race, promotion of homosexuality and overall degeneracy... why would any male care to work? why? to serve some self-proclaimed elitist class of globalist ideologue psychopaths?
>no chance for qt gf
>loyal friends don't exist
>nowhere to belong to (can't take pride in race, gender, community)
>can't attain any luxury goods without selling years of your life to get them
>up to half of the population is alcoholic
>everyone I know wants to kill themselves
>no chance to work a job that produces any value, or even one I enjoy
>everywhere I go people are screaming and fighting
>no safety nets unless your views and personality line up exactly with what people want you to be
Games reward consistently, careers rarely do
this is the price of individuality and freedom. With strong national identities you would have to go die for someone else profit.
Enjoy the cute asian gfs and affordable international travels until you can. Back in the day life was meaningless too for working class drones.
yeah. same
Video games are designed to be addictive
Also men want to stay like Peter Pan, the boy who never grows up and is king of neverland
Look out we have a tough guy here
Someone please bring lube because we’re all about to get raped by the tough guy if we cross him
absolutely based
>start massage therapy school in April 2019
>year long program
>Graduated April 2020
I can't massage people under threat of arrest because of this retarded lockdown.
Ah yes, one wife please.
We live in a society
Because anything a guy does is probably going to get him in trouble.
What reason do we have to go after a good career when we can play video games?
Because neither option is much more fufiling or profitable than the other.
No you wouldnt leaf tranny
because we live in a society
video games are fun
And it sure is fucked up with all these technophiles
you're welcome to call me a faggot for phoneposting
Video games:
>your contribution matters
>you advance and make progress
>NPCs and sometimes other players are thankful towards your efforts
>enjoyable tests of skill and knowledge
>idealized worlds with few niggers, those that so exist are servile, same goes for women
Why do people prefer to eat fast food instead of cooking for themselves? It’s less effort.