The country is open RIGHT NOW

Unless you have a risk factor, you should act as though the country is back to normal as much as possible. Stop caving to the fear mongering. Living in fear is no way to live.
All those TikTok nurse videos should be sending you a clear message: the virus is beyond overblown, and hospitals are way below capacity.

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Bump and agreed. I live in NY. Our local hospital just laid off 60 people.

NY Fag, can confirm. Fuck Cuomo

No easier way to force socialized medicine than forcing all the hospitals to go bankrupt because you prevent them performing routine care for 3 months....

We could restrict nursing homes and keep the borders closed, and return the rest of the economy to normal (while encouraging voluntary masking) and still get the same or better numbers as we are seeing now, without destroying the socio-economic fabric.

I don't live in a commie lockdown state so other than restaurants being closed and working from home it is business as usual for me.

As for people living in places with lockdowns, violate them. No court will find you guilty since there is no declared martial law.

>business was nonessential in NY
>got a month off work but they kept paying me because my company has no jews in the management and actually gives a shit about their employees
>after 4 weeks the company sucked someone's dick and got us considered essential because one of the 200 things we make is technically used in agriculture
>but they still aren't sure how serious a threat the virus is, and still care about us, so they're bringing us back in smaller shifts one week at a time and measuring our temps at the door
>I work my last day of my one week tomorrow, and then get two more paid weeks off before I have to show up to work again
Damn it feels good to work for actual whites.

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Unless it's airborne HIV. That is all I'm worried about right now. What haven't they told us. Judge the government by their actions. Shutting down the economy over a the flu makes no sense. What do they really know about this virus? When will the reinfections occur and how lethal will it be?

i need 5k more ventilators, hurry before the italians are no longer willing to over pay hurry damn you!

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What state do you live in? I feel trapped and need to get out of IL.

Fuckin' bump.

Fuck this retarded hoax. Fuck MSM. Fuck terrible distribution of wealth. Fuck the senators. Fuck the governors. Fuck all puppets in the arse.

I have not even noticed the country was closed. Nothing has changed in my daily life beyond cheap gas.

The reason for the lockdown was to reduce the impact of a larger outbreak on our food supply. You're seeing plants closing because of outbreaks during a lockdown. Now imagine even more plants closing because the workers are infected.

So, go out, go to a grocery store, and see how little is for sale there because of what the virus is doing. When they talk about capacity, the food supply is what they had in mind. They knew that they couldn't just say it because it would cause panicbuying.

Medical capacity wasn't the most important thing at risk lately. We're seeing a test of supply chain capacity right now.

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new york ? tell me the story of how the dagos took over and why you let it happen

>So, go out, go to a grocery store, and see how little is for sale there because of what the virus is doing. When they talk about capacity, the food supply is what they had in mind
My last two trips to the grocery store had everything in stock except for half the pasta and there was no toilet paper or paper towels. Otherwise, it's business as usual.

Way ahead of you.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Bill Gates lab, and I've been involved in numerous secret tests on chinamen, and I have over 2.4 million confirmed kills. I am trained in nationwide quarantine measures and I'm the greatest hoax in the entire US glownigger history. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this #OneWorld, mark my fucking words. You think you can #flattenmycuve by sharing data over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your ID2020 is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The cytokine storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 6 gorillion ways, and that's just with my media induced panic. I’m the invisible enemy. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the NIH and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will sneeze all over you and you will drown in viral loads. You're fucking dead(if you don’t give me your dna), kiddo.

It's funny because I go out the same amount.

Well yeah, this has nothing to do with the virus. The US went bankrupt in Feb 20th, 2020 which is the real reason all of this "lockdown" is happening. Our supply chain isn't going to go back to normal till WE produce it. You fell for the scapegoat and are only now starting to figure out things aren't adding up lol

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Way ahead of you


This, Arkansasfag here. Been cooking at home a bit more, but that's about it. Less traffic has been nice, but now it's started to get back to normal levels.

I've been doing this since day one. Refused to wear a mask. Told everyone in charge that they're a bunch of impotent faggots and we're ready for war. DONT GIVE A FUCK.

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thats disgraceful

Who's living in fear? I'm positive and asymptomatic. I'm staying home so I don't give it to someone who can't fight the infection off.