
Why do trump lovers defend this level of self sabotage.

Guaranteed only white ppl will try this and thus more white deaths.

Defend this

Attached: Capture+_2020-04-24-20-57-23.png (542x171, 13.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>why are rural trump voting retards retards who voted for trump
Gee i wonder

OP is a fag. That is all.

He's merely pretending to be retarded.

Why do you liberals lie about what Trump said?

Aw user is triggered

because it isn't a big deal you absolute retard. trump saying funny or mildly retarded shit just makes him more endearing to be honest.

this kind of shit cements what people already know, that he isn't phony, or isn't as phony as an obama. that nigger was pedantic af. why people said he was a great speaker I can never understand. he sounded like professors who suck at lectures.

Here's how all this confusion went down:
>Didn't specifically tell people to inject themselves with disinfectants but suggested medical experts look into doing something like that
>News outlets and social media seemingly take what he says out of context and thinks he told people to use household disinfectants to cure their corona
>Tells the press that his suggestion was "sarcastic", inadvertently confirming that he meant it to be interpreted as telling people to inject themselves with that stuff
There are four things to get from this, either Trump doesn't how to properly damage control, doesn't pay attention to the shit he says, he has dementia, or all of the above

Drumpf could say the moon is made of cheese and you rural retards would come out with wine glasses saying they should fly you there for weekend getaways

There are more than 2 parties dickwad. Try critical thinking.

jesus fuck the shills are going all out tonight

>say some dumb ass shit
>"aw nah man i was just jokin chill nigga"
Drumpf voters, everyone


At what point do you stop listening to him and start making fan fiction of how good his intentions are lol.

Drumpf is so finished. He has blood on his hands. The 25th amendment couldn’t come fast enough.
What we need now is a poised Technocrat like Biden to take the mantle. He is cool, calm and collected. He will steer America back on the right track.

>trump doesn’t know how to properly damage control
Have you not seen the thousands of posts doing mental gymnastics to prove he was speaking in Egyptian hieroglyphs and didn’t actually mean drinking Lysol?

Who gives a shit you whiny faggot? Go freebase the fumes off rubbing alcohol.

*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
*sips tea*
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

Attached: 1587170521263.png (530x687, 173.5K)

just filter and ignore them

Lol. Drumpf racists will learn the hard way come November.

Yes the country. No the world. Is laughing at this clown named trump.
When shit happens ppl talk bout it.
That's called shilling now? What a farce.

Finally someone gets it. Trump doesn't pander to darkies and he makes faggots like you absolutely seethe lol. Why wouldn't I defend anything he says?

> t. urban retard

>like biden
No, what we need is to abolish the constitution entirely and appoint someone like bill gates or elon musk as an autocrat

Drink the bleach goyim

Attached: 09dc-trumpspstein1-superJumbo-v2.jpg (1427x2048, 520.71K)

Trump was right
u all gay

Drumpf is a racist jerk.
We need a calm and honest President like Biden who will use his calm persona to lead America back on track.

Low IQ morons will vote for him in November. Sad.

Attached: 1587743559511.jpg (987x827, 234.39K)

Lol. What we need now is the ADL to take the helm at our State Department to prevent such racist people from taking power again.

>y-yeah see
>he actually meant this specific paper too but you’re all too low iq to see through his clever super secret code
The sad part is that you’re not even being paid to shill here because you don’t have a license to do it

What the enveloping backpedal from the drumpf tards

He didn't mean it when he said people should consult a physician about their medication?

>can't be on a per-case-basis
>fuck context
Saging your shit strawman thread, faggot.

He didnt mean it when he said his voter base is a well balanced and intelligent group

He "thinks out loud", which is another way of saying he lacks an inner monologue.

Lol Drumpf tards are some retarded. They don’t realize that we need the ADL to run this country. America can never allow racists like Drumpf and his Nazi supporters to take power.

Another way of saying we need Biden as President

Ex-fuckin-actly, these racists are going to torpedo this country because they dont know how businesses or economies work, we need immigrants and refugees. We need socialism. We need continual technological and societal progress. Rural retards are a thing of the past and they cant accept theyre being left behind

"Trump is an idiot and doesn't know anything. HE'S NOT MY PRESIDENT!"
>Trump says a thing
"Gomg! Dumpf is an idiot. Can you believe what he said?!?! Zomg! His supporters amirite?!!"

"tells it like it is" is when he calls out propaganda.
"he doesn't really mean it" is when he clumsily tries to communicate a idea that is already well known, but he isn't a expert, so it ends up sounding strange, confusing, and lost.

Basically he was saying that those things kill germs, and then he took it the next logical step to say "we use these to kill the virus inside the body!". He clearly didn't know what he was talking about, but his intention was clear, he intended good. And that is want idiots don't seem to understand, intention. Intention is everything. Like when you talk about things that kill the virus, and you want the virus to be killed, your intention is a positive message about hope, hope in that there are more ways of possibly killing the virus. Or how about the intention that when someone over reactions to things like a child, their intention is to garner attention?

Exactly brother! Only by being literal mouthbreathers can we save America from itself! Now let’s drink our Lysol I mean freedom juice!

You can jump thru all the mental hoops you want, but you cant construe what he said as literal instructions. Sorry you can't meme.

>muh good intentions
Doesn't matter when it's extremely irresponsible and not based in any medical knowledge. His careless talking out of his ass could get people killed. He has no medical expertise and should let the doctors handle that.

Honestly surprising to me how resistant white racists are to moving it forward to a multiracial and multi religious constitutional state.
More ideas, more progress, and less low IQ rural whites will move us to the next level of cultural advancement.