Why is it on the decline? Ten years ago online you would see rabid libertarians and Ron Paulians in every comment section and /new/ (the old Yas Forums) was more libertarian than nazi/ethno-nationalist during the early Yas Forums years. Now libertarians basically the unheard footnote of political ideologies.
Why is it on the decline...
Florida man.
It's because of the liberty movement itself. Rothbard didn't do enough to warn future libertarians what the open borders Koch Brothers would do to the ideology. He didn't do enough to push America First into the liberty movement which is why I'm now siding with Nick Fuentes against the libertarian party
The radicalization of the left, along with their clear refusal to compromise or leave anything that isnt their point of view undestroyed, has made libertarianism, and centerism at large, an untenable position.
We are forced to look at things from a more base perspective, do i want to survive. Do i want my people, my language, my culture, my race to survive.
If the answer to that question is yes you are forced farther and farther right, into a group willing to fight for their people.
If the answer is no they fall victims to the progressive hordes, trading everything that makes them human for the almighty dollar, and the virtues of the false god of equality.
Not really, it's a combination of the fact that without a political figure to rally around, there's no libertarian movement, and that they got swallowed back up into the left-right paradigm.
Most libertarians here went right, on reddit they went left.
The idea itself wasn't the problem. The problem was a lot of libertarians are unlikable assholes and you don't want them having power over you.
Spooks succeeded in making it uncool and in promoting their "nationalist" puppets instead.
The party got corrupt, as all do, and stopped pushing real libertarian ideals
All Libertarians became nazis
this pandemic is proving that people are too retarded to live in a libertarian society without chaos and turmoil
>Nick Fuentes
He knows the absolute truth the problem with him is that he doesn't go far enough with the exception of the women question. He'll be hellbent on destroying immigration but he won't push for repatriation, plus catboy. I agree with him on optics but my fear is that he'll counter-signal someone who want legal immigrants to go back home and explains why in a way that isn't hateful but practical and necessary yet he will try to bring nu-groypers back onto the plantation of trying to halt the destruction of america rather than reverse it due to it being "immoral". Cause that's what ending immigration will do, only buy us more time, not the whole solution
Libertarians are retarded
What's the story behind this image?
Makes sense.
Hoppeanism is still strong. At least in terms of snake memes.
Because everyone that used to identify as libertarian are lumped into the "alt-right" by normalfags and anyone on Yas Forums that doesn't immediately blame Jews and niggers for stubbing their toe in the morning are told to gb2reddit. They're still here but they'd rather just troll you faggots with BBC spam.
Because open borders and nonwhites makes lolbertarian dreams unrealistic.
This is what the elites want, you dumb niggers. Radicalized people fighting each other instead of them. You guys are retarded and fall for it so easy. All your internet Nazi celebs are assets
The most libertarian candidate in history, Rand Paul, was not for open borders. Never even met a libertarian who was. You're making shit up or blindly following someone's lies.
Rand and Ron both sucked off spics on the campaign trail when it was their chance to run. Granted nether were as bad as every lolbertarian since. The whole movement is about muh weed and beautiful brown shitskins now.
libertarianism is a jewish ideology just like communism and capitalism are
It's not, this board just got worse and younger
Strawman composition fallacy
the societally dependent retards without an ounce of individualism do not just "go away"
Of everyone has the right to vote, the masses will vote for more gibs, more taxes, if you force people to accept your ideology than you’re no longer libertarian.
Libertarianism can only work if everyone is a libertarian, and a society like that doesn’t exist right now, so most of us old libertarians have turned to the dark side.
A liberated man.
>Libertarianism is untenable because democracy
I don't think you understand what libertarianism is
>on the decline
It hasn't been a real force in America since Calvin Coolidge. Maybe Barry Goldwater at the latest.
So what is libertarianism should proposed government if not democratic? Rule by corporations?
The private sectors job is to turn a profit, and progress for the sake of profit, the governments job should be to use taxes to make the citizens lives better.
If you let the private sector run rampant you will end up with neo-feudalism, which you’re starting to see with our electorate being so afraid of authroitarianism.
Are the elites not jews?
This images sums it up remarkably well. Libertarianism is all well and good in normal times - but these are not normal times. There's a lot of people that might prefer Libertiarnism, but recognize that the current situation as of the last few years requires a stronger, idealistic ideology.
Also, some elements of actual Libertarianism have proven to be unwise, if not full-on dumb. Uncontrolled immigration and unregulated international free-trade, for example.
Another way to look at it is that a lot of ex-Libertarians now recognize the short-comings of the ideology .