How powerful is Russia really?

How powerful is Russia really?, It can be considered as a Superpower as the former USSR?

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Other than the nukes and few industries that still matter Russia is not powerful at all. Understanding that makes the non-stop complains by the US and Europe even more ridiculous. China is much more powerful than Russia in nearly every way but the US and European government kisses China's feet

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Pizdets powerfull you meme flaggot

Their GDP is the same as New York, and only New York.

Very true, Russia is always in the eyes of Europe and United States

There military is as good as the USSR so it doesn't matter.

Very weird being the world's largest country


there is no comparison at all

Regional power with MAD capability. It doesn't really have much influence beyond Europe and Asia and is nowhere near as powerful as peak USSR, but it's a lot more sustainable in the long run. It's mostly propped up as boogeyman by boomers who can't let go of the Cold War, but a military conflict against them is overall a really bad idea.

The same GPS of New York?, at least they don't have a external debt of 150% (or maybe more, I don't remember) as the United States, more than all his economy

China has surpassed Russia in power and influence.

>look, a plane!

It amazes me how people cannot grasp the enormous differences in size between the military forces that exist in Europe today compared to the 1980s. And that's true for both west and east.

Every "big" power has been worn thin. And China (despite being funneled limitless Western and Soviet tech) is only threat in any way, shape or form because of Britain, or America, Russia wearing themselves thin like the dumb fucks they've always been.

It's their own fault that now everyone is being brought down to China's level (as opposed to China being even remotely competent enough to raise itself up), which is nonetheless advertised as "The Rise of Asia", or just "The Chinese Century".

Russia is weak.

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The natsees were zog puppets

they would win the nuke war and be the last ones standing
muh gdp = npc cope

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Too bad Russians don't have what it takes to use those nukes otherwise they already would have. They're like those guys who will bluff all the way to the very last second and so far it's worked because most, or at least those "leaders" in "power", are too chicken shit to out do their bluff all the way to Moscow.

If you read 200 years together you'll realize jews are as central to Russia as they are to america.

I remember reading the US created Russias central bank, and it's still the same today.

So, cucked tier.

Ironic coming from you, Anglokike.

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With regards to Europe, it's either Western Zionism from America or Eastern Zionism from Russia (or whatever gay ideology jews come up with).

Keep living in cope

>american niggers are more productive than slav niggers

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They have a secret weapon that fended off the Germans and Napoleon's army. Winter.

How do you gauge power? America has one of the biggest military budgets in the world and the absolute cutting edge of war technology but we still lost to Vietnamese rice farmers then Arab sand farmers back to fucking back

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That's the Russian military strategy. Just get the enemy to smother themselves half way to death by way of the winter cold and then drag them down into the bog that is Russia (and generally the Slavic world).

Imagine a group of soviet beurocrats and low ranking kgb servicemen had an opportunity to play gangsters. They don't have any particular plan or goal in mind but they know they can get away with anything. And it so happens that this group manages to take over a whole country. They put a bunch of other dirty people that they trust on high governmental positions, put a bunch of ex-actors, singers and athletes in the parlament and kinda go with the flow. The populace is politically retarded from the soviet era and stunned from the 90's crisis so they not only believe anything, they actually want to be lied to. Does it sound like a superpower?

Russia is just a vassal state for the worlds true super power


>but we still lost to Vietnamese rice farmers then Arab sand farmers back to fucking back
You lost due to a lack of commitment, not brute force. If you're not going in ready to kill the entire enemy population to achieve your objective and your enemy is willing to sacrifice the last man, woman and child if needed, you already lost.

What about the army? Our last defence minister was a son-in-law of the ex-vice-premier. Just a clerk, his only military experience was serving a couple of years. Caricature look of a fat theiving slob. After a year or so his fat bitch lover got over her head so the higher-ups had to teach het a lesson. She was in charge of some military construction department and got busted for fraud. After a search in her home they had to carry cash in trucks. Also she had like 80 furcoats, rare paintings, jewlery and just whatever expensive and useless shit you can think of. She was pardoned after doing 6 minths in prison, the defence minister resigned with no other consiquences. The similar people are on other high givernmental positions, it just those two went over their head a bit. Do you think our army is functional?

Russia is dependent half-colony without any consistent rule.

I call bullshit, Russia has a modernized military with a smart, capable leader.

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