Holy shit, now people are drinking bleach because of Trump

Holy shit, now people are drinking bleach because of Trump

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this can't be real

Except he never suggested injecting disinfectant as a cure. But it absolutely is an interesting idea. Remember the expression "What the hell do you have to lose"?

The Fake Media ridiculed him on hydroxychloroquine, and it turned out to be a game changer. Maybe this might work too. Who knows. But it's worth a shot.

Darwin at work

man i've been telling libshits to drink bleach for yeras. thank you President Trump.


>leftshits are so retarded they thought they heard the president recommend drinking bleach
yeah im thinking its gonna be an entertaining four more years

Trump can literally kill his supporters and they'll still vote for him. Nice.

wow fake news really works

eh its just trump fags

They're brain dead fuckers.

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>100 calls
So, lefties are making prank calls. How is this news?

It's as real as anything else ABC says.

Also how many calls do they normally get a day...

trump pls

Honestly I am glad people are doing this, we need less retarded nigger trash in the US. This is the boomers tide pod challenge, and I couldn’t be happier. You can’t fix stupid people, but you shire can kill it. Please keep drinking this shit, save the gene pool for chads like us.

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Are we going to hold the media accountable for spinning the story to Trump saying people should drink disinfectant?


its real.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-25 Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MDMEMA) on Twitter ALERT🚨 We have received several calls regar[...].png (700x506, 44.2K)

marylander here

i did not receive this emergency alert

>Blue states
Hilarious if true.

The crows are pecking out the dead and dying now

new levels of COPE

It's not.

>never heard of O3 injections as disinfectant

This will be forgotten by monday.

millions will die

Seethe more Justin.

Maryland is a deep blue state. Of course the state government would put out ridiculous tweets like this, just to make Trump look bad.


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Come on, this can't be true

Its useful in some instances, its not a cure, try harder, clown.

>th-they’re prank calls bro
>just drink the bleach he’s technically correct
>I mean he’s totally joking don’t do it
>fuck off shills god emperor trump can do no wrong lalalalala

>we have received several calls

From dumb ass demonrats and CNN reporters.

>thinking this is exclusive to Maryland
They're the only ones to report it, you retarded trumpshit.

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I hate the propaganda machine so much

>They're the only ones to report it,

Maybe there the only ones "reporting" it because it's not even a real thing and they're making stuff up, you retarded libshit?

Trump didn't win Maryland though.

Jesus Christ you retards always come up with some fucking insane spin. It's amazing. Trump can NEVER do any wrong.

this... he never said verbatim

Hell yeah I drank bleach, if you only drink a little it doesn't hurt you. I'm not some pussy cuck scared of the crap under my sink.

>leftists call in pretending to ask about drinking bleach
>write article about fake calls as if its all real
Keep trying, kikes.

inject and defend.


take a good hard look at your life, look a what you are now defending....
and inject.

As real as the callers it seems.

Do redditors think they're clever when they make these calls? Do you think the general public doesn't see through your bullshit?

This. Also, people will call the government and ask “should I drink bleach, the President said I should do it?” so that officials will release such a statement.

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Science is not a subject for the liberal they only deal in paid for feelings.

Yeah I know right? He really is just that awesome

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