>Drink Bleach narrative btfo

>Kikes double down shilling


Attached: UV light treatment.png (417x329, 244.51K)

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but i thought he was being sarcastic? which is it goy

Wait...wtf....you can pass blood through a UV light to kill a virus? Is this shit real? What's next? A filter charged with ions or some shit that break up viruses as they pass through?

that exists too.
also formaldehyde is a disinfectant.

which is usually in vaccines, which you inject.

We mainlining kino to kill the wuflu, das rite.

Attached: 8FF18563-C9A4-4E5F-A774-3F554F569466.jpg (1920x1280, 574.34K)

He said he was being sarcastic. But why would he say that if he was actually referring to some plausible medical treatment? You're shilling for a borderline retard with a learning disability and you should be embarrassed until the day you die for having ever supported him.

Kill yourself

It would have been funnier if he actually said that, but he didn't.
It was actually a lot milder than what the media is portraying.
The reporters didn't even kvetch after he said that while they were still in the press briefing.
I had to watch the video just to make sure.
Big disappointment that he didn't say it.

inject yourself with it


>thinking viruses are real
>getting vaccinated

Attached: 02ec1a4fb82b782707fe7a5fa27e490697ba3c49166f9621112d80f0ebebfef8.png (605x558, 301.21K)

If you see a shill call them out

Yeah at 0.2mg lmao

this. Trump specifically said to inject 1 Gallon of bleach and we all heard it

It's either a first leak here or fake a gay.

Attached: Fake&maybeGayer.jpg (1226x733, 102.24K)



Attached: 1583183389038.jpg (1111x791, 165.17K)

See it for yourself, shills.


Take the uv pill

Attached: BA8A9E79-7123-43DC-83D5-FBF72A9E6610.jpg (640x480, 110.81K)

I think people know it kills it on the surface. But the problem is getting it to all the infected cells in the body. Remember that the virus isn't solely in the blood. Sure you might disinfect the blood, but the virus is still spreading in the lungs and just sending clean blood to the infected cells isn't going to disinfect the infected cells. UV doesn't turn the blood into a disinfectant.



Attached: ingest disinfectant.jpg (720x420, 79.8K)

This is your mind on Trump delusion syndrome.

What Trump actually said
>So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way
>tremendous light
>through the skin

How Trump cultist interprets this
>hold on, lemme google this
>oh there's a controversial therapy that says if you use a small amount of UV light on a small volume of blood, there's a possibility it can help
>this is clearly what Trump meant

Also, how is a UV treatment of blood going to treat a virus that primarily affects the lungs?

>>water is wet

He was being sarcastic about the cleaners. But you already know that and known the narrative was pieces together from multiple pieces of conversation and also flatly made up.


It's time to stop

>You see fellow gentlemen. Trump is a stable genius. He is so smart his speech patterns cannot keep up with his sexy mind. Let me completely reword what he said into something coherent. You see my gentlemen, he ACKTUALLY said that he spent many many hours studying, more than a doctor, about the affects UV light and household cleaners have on the body. Many many books by the nazis about this sort of thing by the way. Anyway he read them and realized he also found the cure for cancer! The doctors are gonna test that, just wait itll be a beautiful test. So he read these and found this obscure test from 2008 on bbcbull.com about bleaching cum on your wife's boyfriend. ANyway it works!

What I don't get that if it was such a miracle cure for things like pneumonia, why don't we hear of any cases today of where it has cured any? Seems like something that would be very popular in the alternative medicine practice, as UV light sounds very natural sounding, I mean the sun produces UV light after all, and it doesn't have a scary chemical name so it seems perfect. But there seems to be nothing.

That's an imagine of someone getting iv propofol for surgery sedation and someone edited it to make it look like something for UV.
Propofol is the only iv med that is milky white like that.
The gowning around the iv is pretty typical of a sterile field for surgery and the window around the iv is just to access and change the iv for different medications if needed.
So yes, that image is fake.
If you dont believe any of this post feel free to google propofol and sterile fields.

There’s no way it cures pneumonia as it’s a bacterial or viral infection. This is akin to lungers being told to move to the southwest to clear up what turned out to be tuberculosis. Although medical professionals did say it would clear up by the summer and reappear in the fall.

...please be joking. You're better than this.