Was 2007 the last good year?

Everything seemed to turn to shit during 2008, things like facebook, SJW beliefs, things produced with a lack of soul etc.

Were the early 00s the last good time for the west?

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Yeah sounds about right

I want to go back.

There were shitty periods before that too. You have plenty of years left to learn that kid.

*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
*sips tea*
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

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2012 was when SJWs and all the PC shit started.

2008 was the last good year.

2012 is when the world ended, my friend.

Yes, long before all this PC and SJW shit started.

Things were already long in motion by the time 2007 rolled around. In reality - 1989? 1964? 1950? By 2007, the rollercoaster was already over the top and gaining speed on the downslope. The people who had eyes to see had an idea what was coming decades and decades before that; we're just living it.

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The oughts—or whatever they’re called now—were definitely an improvement over the nineties, at least culturally. There were mass revivalisms and reinventions of classical American culture through a more modern and sobering lens. Then the neocons and evangelicals over did it with never-ending wars and moralistic preachings and it blew back the other way, only this time irreparably.

I was about to go to sleep and here is this fucker from the other side of the disc, just had to make me sad now. Fuck you, cunt.

Bepнитe мoй 2007

>long in motion by the time 2007 rolled around
Possibly, however it wouldn't have been apparent to most and therefore a 'good' time/era

That's when it really hit peak but I think it was quite obvious in the preceding years

user, 2020 is the best year yet and its barely started

I'm not certain I believe in the whole Mandela effect or changing world lines and stuff, but if I do, it definitely happened in 2007 for me. More specifically it happened in late March. One day I wake up, go to school as normal, and all of my friends seem to barely know me. People I used to talk to every single day suddenly seemed surprised I was talking to them. My best friend tells me that he is surprised I'm talking to him because he thinks we hardly ever talk. This was a guy I was so close to that people made jokes that we were the gayest straight friends anyone knew of. My parents were acting very differently too. My father, who was always a perfect gentleman, was now spending all day on cam girl websites. Everything changed that day. Everything was shit since then. If changing world lines is a thing, it happened to me in March 2007.

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It started in the 90's really with sexual harassment lawsuits & easy divorces

you're welcome cunt. things were just better back then, colours were brighter and smells were sharper, the atmosphere was better

The last, yes.

9/11 forced Neocons to become actual conservatives and liberals also became more sober and conservative out of sympathy for Iraqis

2000 was the last good year. After 9/11 people became complacent with having their rights violated in the name of security.

1999 was the last good year. I remember walking to a local place for burgers and sweet potato waffle fries with my two friends. Getting that Millennium Snapple bottle, with the lady in the ringmaster costume. Beautiful spring day out, I can still see it in my mind's eye. Brilliant blue sky, with huge, puffy white clouds, vibrant green leaves, neatly mowed lawns, clean streets. Wind blowing through the trees, and hearing the rustle of leaves. Friendly white faces I recognized. Knowing the people in the restaurant by name, and them knowing us. Every year the world around me has gotten a little browner, and less friendly.

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2020 has been awesome so far, the only thing going bad is the gym progress I was making becoming stifled by the lockdown. I remember 2007 being shit, but the internet was a better place

Yeah Bc halo 3 came out.

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we were knee deep in Iraq and our border was, as it still is, an open highway

Around that time women started getting catered to.

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>retarded child wanting to go back to 07
OP is a retarded child and a faggot

Definitely a change there. But the band was still playing on the Titanic until 2017. Been drowning ever since, getting colder in the water, lips turning blue and out of it in 2019.

However I feel like an awakening and a new future is upon us right now.

Games, books, movies, TV series all were better back in the day. You can now browse tv series and find nothing but shit day after day. There are no good new books at all, and modern gamedev is trash. Everything moved to mobile with "minimizing risks and maximizing profits".
People all over the world live more and more shitty. I though we had it bad enough here, until I saw real estate prices in the US, UK, etc. we're all bound to slave for life with no light in sight.
All people care nowadays is to get shitfaced, get money, get some sleep and show off. They'll picture their life as luxury in instagram and have mental breakdowns and suicides IRL.
They act like they have friends, but most zoomers nowadays have never experienced real friendship.
All men are girly cucks who only value women for their bodies and all women are whores who can be bought like usual goods.
Things like honor and honesty are about to be killed and buried.
And everyone pretends to have a happy life, showing himself off as being more successful than others around him.

We live in a fake world where nothing brings joy, nothing has any value, nothing is real or true, and it's just a treadmill to get moni or die.
And it's not just be being an old fuck, it was really completely different back in 2007.

2007 was the year the eveyone got access to the internet, it was the year of the smartphone and social media.
It was also the year that trendy nerd culture started and "I love scince" retards started poping up.
SJWisum was just starting to move out of the University and onto the internet.

Even in Russia bro?

>awakening and a new future is upon us right now
I think corona virus may kill globalism which in turn would significantly change the western culture. for better or worse though who knows..

I agree with you 100%, maybe I'm looking with rose tinted glasses however I believe that people were more community minded, friendlier and less rude in the early 00s. As you say things now seem to be all fake, showing off on social media and trying to one up everyone. genuine people are few and far between, and strangely this place seems to have quite a few of those who still value those virtues (honor, honesty etc). Although its not the only cause for where we are now, I genuinely think social media was one of the worst things to happen to society

There is a general lack of respect of your fellow person overall that is killing this world. Boot licking based on status of profession is todays false god.

I have never seen so much boot licking and corruption of those wearing the boot in my life time.

It may swing back the other way, but at most only slightly and certainly temporarily. The problem is hyper-individualistic, solipsistic thinking without regard to the health of the collective. This is the result of secularism eroding religiosity, immigration and multiculturalism destroying our racial and cultural homogeneity, and unfettered capitalism accelerating and exacerbating the situation. Basically, when you make money your God and self-service your directive, you get the shit show we have now. There’s no remedy outside a violent conflict and total reform.


We're just like 5-10 years behind you guys. I'm 29, so in my life I've noticed the pattern where it all goes. We already have laws that prohibits insulting religious people churkas and other social groups, laws that prohibit denying the holocaust and more shit. What's saving us is being conservative people by nature on top of being poor so hordes of blacks don't even want to live here (Even if living here sometimes and somewhere can be nice).
If we'd have money, we'd go to shit faster than the west.
And western cultural dominance is complete at this point. We had our own gamedev back in the day. You know, Cossacks, Blitzkrieg, Operation Silent Storm, Sphere, Faces of War, Space Rangers, Perimeter and much, much more amazing games what western bros have never seen probably, but those don't exist anymore. Same goes for pretty much everything else entertainment-related.
All in all, maybe it's not as bad here as it could be, but we're going to shit just like you guys do.

Although I think 2007 was kind of shit you're right about those real estate expenses. I know everybody talks shit about McMansions, but there's no denying that you can raise a family in them and live comfortably, and as long as you had some sort of education, be it in the trades or college, you and a wife could easily afford them where I am. Now larger houses like that aren't nearly as attainable, and god knows how hard owning a house is going to get after this wuflu shit.

Speaking of the wuflu, I actually had it pretty early on and while it sucked for a week and a half, it's just a strong flu. I could see it killing really weak people, but I'm seriously wondering if curb stomping the global economy is worth it. I think it'll inevitably get to everyone, and no matter how long we lockdown for it'll just return whenever the lockdown is over.

I think it’s just nostalgia talking

>pretending to be an oldfag

Yeah sure eat shit and die

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Around 2008/2009 once smart phones and facebook really took off is when it all went to shit. Before then only nerds and autists used the internet for hours on end each day

Remember those comfy Army recruiting commercials where they jumped out of helicopters listening to Godsmack?

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Are you me?

Idk nigga I was like 10. I got my first smartphone in 2007 or 2008 though

Facebook was already all over college campuses by 2003 or so. Social media personalities already started doing their thing.

It was CERN,

The initial particle beams were injected into the LHC August 2008.[26] The first beam was circulated through the entire LHC on 10 September 2008,[27] but the system failed 10 days later because of a faulty magnet connection, and it was stopped for repairs on 19 September 2008.

I remember going to a party and this chick asked some random to use his computer to check her facebook

>this place seems to have quite a few of those who still value those virtues (honor, honesty etc).
Yas Forums of all places. The most degenerate and perverted shithole of the internet. That tells you something about the modern world.
I was just like many of dwellers here. Jacking off, not washing for weeks and playing vydia 24/7 as a result of being raised by women with father barely participating. But as I gathered some power of will to better myself with time, as it was hard as peeling my own skin off, seems like most men started to do the opposite, became sissified shits with no opinions of their own, pursuing "dat pussy" and money, not even caring about ever establishing a family. For example. Young people nowadays call themselves hikkikomori to show off. While it's horrible to be one and you should avoid it at all costs, there is nothing good at being human trash, and I know many Yas Forums posters were like this back in the day, but "saw the light" and improved themselves atleast in their mind. These people do the opposite.
>I genuinely think social media was one of the worst things to happen to society
Internet is like a drug. It does very harmful thing to retards who use it. Not many people can use it as a recreational tool for life and not suffer many side effects. Or, as we say, - "FUCKING NORMIES GET OUT REEEEEE"

shitting on memeflags?
you must hate anonymity, anons actually wanted memeflags not only because well, memeflags, but also because it made the website more anonymous, unlike now
now you can attack someone based on their country rather than a quality of their post

Unfortunatly it's not.Despite i was born 2001 2012 was last memorable year for me. After that i couldn't remember any good thing in these years. I kinda regret that i wasn't been born at least in 1987 because i missed so much good stuff because i was a little kid in that time

Yeah I remember 2007, when every single person bought the iphone and had an unlimited data package.

Halo ODST, Reach, and Halo Wars were good too...but yeah, Halo 3 had a special magic about it the others couldn’t touch.

2007 was a good year for the most part.

Also boot wearers “sic-ing” their cliques on anyone who doesn’t want to join them.

They are legitimately ranked by the inverse of release date. You're possibly too young to have played Halo 1 when it firs came out, it was the shit and way more popular than any others, partly because there was just no competition from other fps games