The USA (north) fucking owned slaves too. Why is this considered "treason" again? Many of the first USA (not confederate) presidents owned slaves.

Attached: confederate-flag-1-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 95.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We should atone for slavery by shipping all the niggers back to Africa.

I will always have that flag in my heart. I'm a Carolina boy.

You retard. Dc banned slavery because it was a bad look to other countries. The north owned barely fucking any slaves. You southern fucking inbreds attacked first and tried to break off from American.

Agreed patriot.

kys commie

Stop fucking your cousin and get back to farming.

incest porn is hot fuck u

>tfw you can’t argue back so you go for the classic “kys (insert insult)”

If you actually knew anything about the attack on Fort Sumter you'd know it was a provoked attack.

The Confederate Government petitioned the Federal Government repeatedly to relinquish the fort.

Every time they were either ignored or denied.

Attached: consitition.jpg (474x327, 33.74K)

Most of them were Irish. The more you know ;-).

>tfw you respond to multiple comments by the same user

Oh we argue all day & night if that's what you want. Did you know that Lincoln original purposed the 13th amendment to allow for slavery in definitely in those states where it was already legal as an attempt to appease the confederate states? Well that didn't work out so well, because that's not what they were fighting for.

Attached: lincoln-on-the-union-slavervy-if-i-could-save-25049201.png (500x372, 102.76K)

Doesn’t matter you southern fags fired first. Also you’re traitors who couldn’t fucking get with the times. Slavery was dying

Doesn’t matter. You’re a traitorous shit head for trying to leave America.

I used to be all about the CSA...and while I still honor the front line soldiers that fought for them, fuck slavery. Because of it now we're faced with social justice "white people bad" shit and, soon enough, slavery reparations.

The CSA wasn't about slavery but the truth of racial inequality. Funny how niggers are still bitching about unequal everything is despite abolition and a metric fuckton of civil rights policy put in place.

>CSA: kept the niggers in cages where they belong
>USA: gives niggers guns, votes and your tax dollars

The true traitors are the ones who provoked war with their own countrymen for the sake of economic dominance.

And now we have a push toward a one world government

I bet you support that too faggot lol

What clear headed person would not want to leave that cesspool

We wanted to stop.

It's a flag that stands for literal treason against the United States of America.. The person who flies this flag wants to let you know he hates the US.


>you provoked the war over the economy
Nigga you wouldn’t drop slavery because you couldn’t adapt with the times. The cotton gin couldn’t fucking save your ass forever.

Get the fuck out of here with the disingenuous false patriotism.

Fuck confederate scumbags

>muh treason
>doesn't realize 15 people in all of USA history have been convicted of treason in the USA

Oh noooooooooooooooooooo. pretty large claim you're making MIGApede

>false patriotism
>confederate flag

You're right

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>Takes fort Sumpter

Did you just learn to read a book?

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You think that'd be any different the UK deals with claims of imperialism all the time, every country owes reperations to Israel because muh Holocaust, they'd find something else.

dont get upset, I'm just stating trivialities widely recognized as the truth. See, these guys are at least being honest about it:

>unnecessarily and purposefully occupying southern land to provoke a retaliation

>t. Traitor fag

The slave trade was a jewish enterprise.

Jews push slavery myths to cover-up for themselves and to D&C the populace.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711-1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition

The slave trade, cotton plantations and sugar plantations etc. were utterly run by jews. See this thread for the full facts:

Attached: slave traders 1860.jpg (1401x1049, 277.57K)

>tfw southern land isn’t American soil anymore so we can attack and be completely justified as the traitors cucks we are

It makes me wonder if you'd team up with Black people if it meant taking out the Jews.

ok nigger lol. 15 in all of history is a super minority but you're a nig so ill let it slide

this nigger assblasted that the north freed him and showed the world that niggers can't even feed themselves w/o whitey's help

An "Aryan" national socialist with suspiciously degenerate sexual interests was teaching a class on Dirlewanger, known war criminal.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Dirlewanger and accept that he was the greatest military commander in history, even better than Robert E. Lee!"

At this moment, a brave, honorable, Christian Confederate who had given over 1500 Germans a rousing Rebel Yell and a taste of the cold steel and fully understood the necessity of saving Anne Frank and agreed with all the military decisions made by the Confederate government stood up.

"What is this?"

The Aryan smirked quite homosexually and smugly replied "A LeMat revolver, you stupid redneck."

The under barrel shotgun thundered as buckshot ripped through the arrogant German's chest. "Correct."

The Aryan was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Mein Kampf. He stumbled out of the room bleeding that inferior blood all over the carpet. The same blood that coated the bayonets of the brave Confederate soldiers as they drove deeper into Berlin. There is no doubt that he wished he had been born in the South, but he was not even fit to pick cotton in the fields.

The students applauded and all joined the Confederate Army that day and accepted Jesus as the lord of the savior. A beautiful young Jewish woman named Anne Frank walked into the room and bred with the brave Southerner, conceiving a child right there on the desk. The Holy Bible was read several times. General Lee himself showed up and led the Southern troops to break through the defensive lines in Berlin.

The German savages lost Berlin the next day and they were all shipped to plantations across the Confederacy, where they were all promptly whipped to death or lynched.

Deo Vindice

Attached: Knights in Grey.jpg (3500x2400, 830.16K)

lmao shut the fuck up retard you lost the war

>slavepeddler calling anyone a commie

The message & legacy of the civil war was not "south bad north good" or "South good North bad" it's not like that.

These were men who gave their lives in combat in the single bloodiest war in American History.

The message was that Americans are standers! We stand against Tyranny against the odds, despite the numbers. Rather we are numbered or out gunned, we stand defiant. It is part of who we are as Americans.

Both Yankee and Confederate soldiers fought valiantly & paid the ultimate price. The Federal government erected monuments & honored the Confederacy because they fought longer and harder than any one thought they would or could. They honored them because they needed to appease the Confederacy because they didn't want that kind of thing happening again.

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wars not over faggot lee threw in the towel. it just went cold for a bit. you gonna have to come back again because mitch gonna starve yo ass if'n you dont billy yank. so git ya girls together and come on down here and get this corn. We'll be waiting.

The fuck kind of fanfiction is that?

Your image contradicts your projection.

Slavery is bad.
Mercantilism is bad.
Democratic Socialism is bad.
Communism is bad.

Get over it.

>They honored them
No, we didn't. You guys erected the statues.

Of COURSE they lost... they we're out matched out gunned, out numbered. But they fought any ways. They longer and harder than anyone ever thought they could.

You act like it was "easy" like it was just a walk in the park. It was single bloodiest war in American history & If you were wise you'd keep your fool mouth shut because it sounds like to me like you wanna have another go at it.

You'd best to leave well enough alone.

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I'd rather deal with reparations sent outside of the country than deal with it right in front of my face.

Could you imagine caring this much like user?
She type
Kind I will kill with my bare hands

Stop cucking to the Federals, you need to be completely on one side of the fence or the other.

There has always been slavery hence the word slav, which were taken as slaves by the Vikngs. funny how we never hear about south and central amercan slaves, middle east slaves, north african slaves whose markets continue to this day. Asia is given a pass lately I wonder why. The Americans were the first country to outlaw slavery. Get modern appliances in your country ffs.

Who the fuck are you kidding with the U.S.'s insanely funded military?