My father who is a Marine vet was trying to get me to choose the Marines over Navy yesterday. As if I need any more reasons to say no to that.

>inb4 both r gay hurr durr die 4 israel
no u

Attached: CMC-Letter-R1-1.png (1600x2175, 273.76K)

>butthurt over being told not to use a racist flag

You're too much of a bitch for the marines anyways

>the marines dont want to offend or scare anyone
Whats next give them bb guns? Replace the mascot with a unicorn?

>racist flag
i've never heard a flag speak, ever.

Can you stop licking nigger asshole for even one second?

newsflash army people: your job is killing people, not critical thinking.


>t. isis flag over white house

You are a weak, pathetic human.

Attached: Gen._David_H._Berger.jpg (2400x3000, 1.22M)

I can tell nothing gets past this guy

>The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also. Most of that fanatical spirit at the North on this subject, which in its zeal without knowledge, would upturn our society and lay waste our fair country, springs from this false reasoning. Hence so much misapplied sympathy for fancied wrongs and sufferings. These wrongs and sufferings exist only in their heated imaginations. There can be no wrong where there is no violation of nature’s laws. We have heard much of the higher law. I believe myself in the higher law. We stand upon that higher law. I would defend and support no Constitution that is against the higher law. I mean by that the law of nature and of God. Human Constitutions and human laws that are made against the law of nature or of God, ought to be overturned; and if Seward was right the Constitution which he was sworn to support, and is now requiring others to swear to support, ought to have been overthrown long ago. It ought never to have been made.
-Alexander Stephens

he looks like he fucks black guys

Isn't the confederate flag use Ironical?

Just replace it with this. Marine officers are dumber than down syndrome squirrels so you should be fine

Attached: Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_Marine_Corps.svg.png (1200x667, 27.78K)

If the south wasnt currently attached to the USA and full of Americans then it would be

>Isn't the confederate flag use Ironical?

Attached: 1559234085090.png (736x724, 679.67K)

>If the south
But "The South" doesn't exist anymore.

It's Americans using the flag, from whatever part of the Unión they come from.

Yes "the south" still exists and yes, all Americans can use it. Should we shitcan the US flag when we operate alongside the bongs too?

>flying a flag of a treasonous enemy country
How was this ever OK?

Where the FUCK is General Krulak? I'm becoming ever more embarrassed to have earned this title. I'm getting sick and tired of these Generals who think they are politicians. I hope this motherfucker is fired and someone rips the EGAs off of his Alphas.

This. Any smart officers leave.

>Yes "the south" still exists
the Región, yes.
But "The Confederate States" is no more.

>Should we shitcan the US flag when we operate alongside the bongs too?

Whats this got to do with the subject at hand?

trans - ok great
confederate flag - not on my watch assholes

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The south identity still exists Pedro. The confederate states to not you coke farmer.

every fucking time.

Because our flag isnt the british flag, as we seceded from them.

>Should we shitcan the US flag when we operate alongside the bongs too?
>Whats this got to do with the subject at hand?
The US once were at war with the UK and they may still be butthurt over it like yankees are butthurt over the idea of southern states even daring to think they have the right of self-determination.

I'm fine with this because I love the confederate battle flag and I don't want faggots using it.
The flag is finally too hot for normies and fags again. Awesome!

Whoa it’s almost like flags are visual symbols or something

Peak mutt. Fuck this clown.

>The south identity still exists Pedro
Okay Jesus Tyrone Williams, So? what's the identity got to do with the flag?

The flag is a representation of a disolved Confederacy of States.

States who now form a part of The Union.
And those States joined back.

The war was because the Federal government had disrespected it's agreement with the Southern states.

Don't forget that 4 northern states had slavery during the war.

In other words, a false concept as what the war was about is now having consequences.

Fuck off with your crying 'racism' at everything. My socks are racist because they are made from cotton.

No one wants or needs your opinion.