>22% of millenials have no friends
>53% dont have more than 4 friends
This is unsustainable
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They’re all incels
who needs friends when you have the internet
4 friends is sufficient.
i have no friends where do you find them?
I had one growing up and I just found him dead 2 days ago from suicide.
I used to have friends until I graduated high school.
Neither I nor my three siblings have any friends. It's just how we were raised. I blame my parents.
> tfw I am one of those frenless millenials
Buy on ali
I’ll be your friend.
Woke politics ruined the idea of making friends with people. It's too much of a hassle to not offend someone and if you do you offend someone then prepare for the endless wave of bullshit internet campaigns against you.
He got suicided?
I have some close associates, but no friends.
no he got woman'ed
what kind of fag has friends lmao
Why sustain it?
hi friend. what was your favourite happening this week?
>22% of millenials have no friends
ayy thats me.
80% aren't worth knowing....
>tfw haven't had a close friend in nearly 20 years
Is he okay?
time to get on facebook and get more friends !
hey friend. you a coombrain? I need to seek mental intervention on my coombrain
Yea just a little stiff
we're in it together fren. god chose us to be strong
It is good to know I am not the only one.
To be honest there is no realistic way to make friends anymore in this world. Except for school and they are not really friends.
Someone doesn’t have a life outside the internet
i have three
>needing more than 4 friends
Are you 12?
pray tell
Better than being surrounded by people who don't really care about you.
Let's see - 50+ acquaintances, how could you not if you work?
20-49 friends, on the low side of that.
1-4 close friends, probly 3 or so.
1 best friend; best is an absolute so one and zero are the only possible answers.
What do I win, other than posts telling me I'm a faggot who should kill himself?
>didn't even take her with him
He was a faggot
That's not how the world works, what is there to tell?
yes boss. heyyy-ooo
nice track. thread theme
Read Bowling Alone. People were isolating well before woke politics.TV being the biggest reason.
Having more friends isn't a bad thing, user. It's not about need. Friends enhance your quality of life.
all the normies and basedpilled bros are on the internet. if not on the internet, where? i just want some frickin frienderinos
tfw you have to dialate alone
A halfway decent social life and some form of a safety net if they're actually close frens?
also nice quads abdulrahman
I’ll be anyone’s friend itt. Not frenless but close to it. I do have a gf tho
It's more of the fact that alot of normies consider facebook friends to be actually real friends
I didn't even have friends in high school. Hell, I didn't have any in middle school either.
I doubt you even know what an actual friend is
Literally everyone is on the internet, are you stupid? You sit and post in an echo chamber and you let it fuck up how you view the world.
hi fren. how did you find the lady? do you love her?
>tfw i try to make friends with the lonely millenials and older zoomers
>no matter what they can't seem to break out of their shell
It's sad, I wonder why this is so
Ever pay attention to people over 50? Males in particular. They have no friends. Only wife and kids. Never looked into. Never considered a bad thing. But OMG same shit in your 30s is bad goy!
I dont have many friends and I don't care to. Its a choice that I make. That many have made. I have a family. I found a wife. I dont have time for bullshitting. I'm not 20 anymore.
It takes time user, people don't open up to someone they consider an acquaintance
ya exactly. pray tell how having a life off the internet allows you to find friends? i just go on /comfy/ walks solo and do any other activitiy solo because everyone is too busy with their tumblr accounts
Have you seen the absolute state of what passes for a decent person these days? A whole generation of selfish oneristic cattle with no ability to look beyond the next weekend of extreme alcohol consumption.
What happens when you reach 50 and you have no wife and no kids? Its likely that there are people alive today that will go their entire lives without having a real friend.
Last time I had any was over 10 years ago. I remember caring at one point, but never enough to actually do something about it.
Tumblr died years ago m8.
>i do everything on my own in real life, why can't i make friends? :(
Really user? Find someone you enjoy being around at work or something if you just stick to yourself all the time
how do you a find a woman without friends? i agree with you and just want a wholesome family and read books with my wife. but until that point, i need to have human communication to stay sane
Hit me up for bottled water and TP, fren.
Some people are just wired that way. It's as easy as it's ever been to just become a hermit.
Go to church or something if you want a wholesome family
He got information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
>tfw i cant even make friends with faggot NEETS on a cambodian goat milking forum.