This is so disgusting, it makes me physically ill
Front page of Twitch.TV
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It's a literal demon.
I remember I was working at my old wagie job with this old woman. She was great to work with, hard worker and kept up with all the young guys np. On day this trannie walked by and she turned to me and said, "that's demonic." No internet connection needed, no knowledge of elite pedophile rings or cover ups or even what a drag queen was (much less drag queen story hour) and she knew that this shit was demonic. THAT is the value of religion. It teaches lessons without having to show and convince through evidence. As long as it's teaching good lessons, religion should be taught in classes for all I care. People NEED to be innoculated from this shit because the truth is not something easy to explain or that can take effect quickly. Religion is an amazing base for our ideas, even if the person grows up to not believe it. Why do you think Christian's have been so attacked by msm for decades. I'm no christcuck, but it's a lot better than this hell we're in now.
yikes. Thats bigoted sweetly, in 2020 these people should be allowed to read to your children while naked
fucking retard, literally everything is demonic to christians - even aliens. suck my dick you inbred homo, i’ll never submit to your bullshit
how would the front page of fare in 40k?
Have you ever considered they could be correct?
Also no one is asking you to 'submit' dipshit, you can be an atheistic faggot all you want. But if all of society is atheistic it's an uphill battle trying to convince anyone not religious that the closest thing to pure evil exists and isn't Adolf Hitler.
Bible fags think everything is domonic what's your point
Ok shlomo
I dont like that one bit
No it's not. It's a fucking faggot who can be killed by getting a shiv in the neck.
Mortals cannot be demons. It's like some absolute shitty ripoff of Alice Cooper or something.
Hrs we should be allowed to shoot fucking trsnnies on sight
an entire planet of piece of shit retards who snuff animals and finalize the desecration by chewing on their corpse and swallowing
really not all surprising this POS planet was fast on their knees for a jewish death cult called freemasonry.
now DC is running child snuff rings and members of the DOJ, POLICE & FBI are all in the child-snuff sector of this masonic jewish death cult.
fucking hopeless POS planet.
Reported the channel.
Reason: "Get this disgusting creature off the front page you mentally inept morally corrupted fucks."
My point is, even assuming you're correct about biblefags overclassifcation, if rather people overclassify and think barcodes are satanic then think this drag queen shit is ok. The harm causes by people overclassifying is not comparable to the harm caused by people thinking this demonic genderbending freakshow is good.
Beef is tasty....gonna go have a steak because of this post. Veal tomorrow.
I guess this guy grew up southern Baptist lol
Think of how many young zoomers are watching this garbage too. Wonder who's behind the normalization of this? Find out who is funding that channel .
Twitch is owned by Amazon, which is owned by ((Jeff Bezos))).
small twitch streamer here
Any time a fan deicides to join my fan discord, it's typically a bunch of people 12-19
twitch is filled with a shit ton of fucking kids man, this is essentially indoctrination of kids which is sick as fuck, they're doing what hitler couldn't do essentially believe it or not, they're controlling the youth into believing idiotic ideals.
Good. Esports and Twitch steamers turned vidya into corporate garbage and ruined it permanently. I'm glad your little zoomer circlejerk got destroyed by these troon freaks.
Don't remind me....
Let's not forget about all the tiddy streamers literally making money showing their bodies to children...
Demon, tranny, evil alien, all the same shit
>I'm happy our enemies are getting bolder in indoctrinating the youth because they also influenced my hobby in ways I don't like.
Amazon is a supporter of HRC, an LGBT lobbying group:
It checks out.
came here to post about this lmao
the entire thing is pornographic and satanic and an obvious attempt to try and normalize this shit with kids
they literally moved the dragqueen story hour agenda to a platform for live children and low iq manchildren
there will probably be a dozen articles about how great it is for twitch now. anyone that objected in chat (there were many) got immediately banned. this is twitch gaming in 2020.
what streamers do you watch? :)
that is a fucking demon
I definitely don't understand how, we're in the wrong
they're brainwashing everyone into believing
they're the good guys, trannys have such
high suicide rates cause they themselves
find out that it was a horrible idea
Dr Disrespect is fun to watch, only on jewtube though--don't even have a twitch account.
Mass report this demon for having an inappropriate username.