I'm getting kinda scared about how common zoomer trannies are becoming...

I'm getting kinda scared about how common zoomer trannies are becoming. (1998 here) I feel like as relationships become more ruthless and go along more with neoliberal capitalism, attractive trans girls are gonna have some sort of leverage over guys and girls, guys especially. Imagine all the cute girls they're gonna fuck while a lot of us average guys can't any. You're gonna see more and more psyop shit about how trans girls are way better than men. How men should just give up and either kill themselves or take the pink pill. And even for young women, they're gonna be told that they're not as good as cute girls with dicks.
" What kind of faggot guy would even wanna fuck a woman with a pussy? Girls with dicks are the only real kind of girls, these days."

Have you guys seen these cute 19 and 20 year old girls with dicks? It's like they're a new level of human that we're not wired for. And its going to become more and more normal for zoomers, they won't even think twice about it.

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spend less time thinking about them

>read at your own risk

When I saw zoomers lusting after Emma Watson I knew your generation was fucked.

1997, woman, and I fuck trans women all the time. Trans people are just nicer, they don't go off about this kind of stuff and they actually try to empathise with other people.

Also, just as a note OP, life isn't a zero sum game. There are a lot of people in the world. Most people don't end up alone, so why assume you will? Other peoples' success doesn't presuppose your failure. Stop worrying about it as said

>trans “girl”
Pick one. OP, you’re gay. I hate to be the one to break it to you.

/b has become a forum for tranny porn, it's a travesty honestly. Any anons that posts in those threads are furthering the Jew cause.

You fuck dudes all the time, not trans "women" even with their cock chopped off, it's still a dude mate

I fuck trans men, trans women and non binary people, so I partake of both fountains however you spin it, pal.

No one is gay

Cishet genocide now

that just means more zoomer girls for me

People aren't even having relationships. None of my cousins have girlfriends and, I've seen attractive girls their age hit on them. It's like the boys have just completely checked out into fortnite or they're these trannie fag things.

Trans folk can be hot. It's the ugly ones that mutilate themselves that I hate

>satanic transgenderism
What in the absolute fuck is going on with this thread?

Imagine being concerned about trannies with all the other meaningful things that could be worried about available to you

I just read this. Bruh. It goes from an elegant discussion of the history of computer science straight into crazytown... but interesting crazytown. Not sure what do with this.

No wonder your country is a shitshow

As the ride of the tiger gets even more violent, women will gravitate towards manly men who know how to run tings, get shit done and defend their honour and property.

As long as you can exude real masculinity, you will have to beat off women with a shitty stick.
On the other hand, I would accept QT traps in my harem however (assuming they were infertile after HRT).

>kill themselves or take the pink pill
This is going to be the conversation on here in five years. God we are so fucked. Please start fighting back before its too late

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My mental illness has accelerated in the last week. I've been trapped on pol and r9k. I'm going to die. This is what I'm jealous of. But I'm not going to be mean about it. It's like trans women seem to be able to connect to both men and women in ways that cis people can't. Like they have this 6th sense with relationships. Like they're always one step ahead of their partner.

I saw him drink piss. He was looking miserable.

>Only this thread is the problem
Bad new friend. Pol died years ago. Hostile takeover that never stopped. Conservative, Zionist, boomer fueled, Reddit gold chasing, faggots took over this board in 2016. Before that, the stormfags came and poisoned the NatSoc well.

You're an idiot and a degenerate.

Yeah, it's all me sucking tits and fucking clits. I degraded the moralities of my country all on my own.

Well, idk if I would put it exactly that way, but you might have fun researching the native Americans and their reverence for "twin souled" people. Native Americans had traps. They were very rare but worshipped as the perfect man, embodiments of the masculine and the fem in harmony.

Why be jealous? Though I won't deny the trans woman thing, I think it's part of getting treated like shit as a woman and a man separately that makes you doubly empathetic.

I think the more you read about being someone else or someone different the more I kind of get what it must be like. Maybe that will help you. But I'm sure you'll find someone who likes you. Trans women won't get all of em, same way celebrities seem to get a shit ton of puss but we all manage to get some too.

Also, don't let this place break you down. In the past, I've literally had flare ups of what I can only describe as temporary acute psychosis. I was seeing shadow people, thinking that people were moving files around on my computer, hearing noises and feeling like I was drugged. This place CAN and IS DESIGNED by glowniggers to drive you crazy. The feds are bored af waiting for happenings, just like you. They prod the bull to see if they can get another Ted to gun down and play superhero.

unironically take meds

This. I'm tired of the 1% hogging all the good traps and qts though. Occupy Traps

I'm good, but yes. Some rabbit holes can drive you crazy

linetrap on Yas Forums psyop’d me into a tranny in 2008 and I have been fighting back ever since. now linetrap is a disgusting piglet who goes by Bailey Balloon Tits. I spent the 12 years of my life extensively researching androgynous/trans people. I learned of Andrej pejic, how he defended himself as an androgynous but then was eventually tricked into a tranny in 2013 and probably cut his dick off. The more I searched I began cultivating the ability to determine the fake and shops from actual trannies over many years. I have collections over 10 years and every day I add to my collection and scan for flaws I find in a tranny to convince myself it is not worth transitioning. I will always know and therefore someone will know and if someone always knows then you aren’t a woman you’re just a cross dressing man. I have seen pictures posted of kids as trans and then the same kid posted later as an adult hugging their black friend and jumping all over him and many here do not see the resemblance or make the connection but I do. I started collecting many tranny porn and began my quest to find the most passable trans and as a result I have found many on brazilian back pages and tumblr. I constantly see fakes thrown in and unverified such that I have grown immune to the jew trickery and see that passing is not possible because I exist. I am my own Christ and if I did not exist transgender could be real, but because I exist it will never work. I will always screech at men I see dressing as women and nothing can stop me, I have become death destroyer of trans. I have much knowledge about the future of transgender. Eventually some of you will become me, and you will be able to spot a female in a pack of trannies like a hungry wolf. I have developed all the alpha skills necessary for a heterosexual man to survive in the new age. Those you see in this thread faulting and complaining that these pictures are deceptive are unprepared and will become homos.

Islam will take care of you

>How men should just give up and either kill themselves or take the pink pill.

This is what I did....

Let's see, be a lonely tiny white guy with zero sex life, who society hates, who has zero chance of having a meaingful career/family life.... or, become a white girl, have guys throwing themselves at me, have simps willing to pay me just for existing, have companies and colleges begging me to join them because of diversity, and instead of being angry about black guys taking the lead of all our social trends, i get to benefit from it.

Honestly, i was just angry and racist and unhappy until i took the pink pill. I finally feel happy now,

honestly i think it's evolutionary at this point. white boys are becoming more and more feminine, and have lower and lower testosterone. Meanwhile, black guys are becoming more masculine, have more swagger and are more confident.

What the fuck are you on about?
Trans people dont have it all figured out you dumb cunt. They are the ones killing themselves

Sometimes I wish I could take the pink pill but it'd be really fucked up. I'm 5"4, autistic. Sometimes I feel androgynous, and not like a real man. I only take comfort in knowing that a lot of young men feel the same way I do because of external factors.

That's pretty much the best looking tranny in the world and she still has that masculien look, it's true that for the new generation gender identity and sexual orientation aren't set in stone as it used to be, but there's no risky of trannies replacing girls or being considered superior, isolated groups of people will fetishize them.

This. I used to be far right (ie NatSoc) and i was full of anger (but "woke")... this place got flooded with reddit boomer conservatards, and around that time it all just became so cringe. I began to hate it. Then i realized i'd be alot happier being blue pilled. (or, pink pilled in my case)

Interesting take. I'm legitimately curious what you think about the claim that people in denial ,or are scared, swing hard to try and be alphas, finding themselves just as unfulfilled until they eventually come back.
I'm wondering, do you not feel "imposter syndrome" in your alpha role? Was it only in the role of a "trans"? I ask because it makes perfect sense to me for a trap to realize they are just effiminate men. That makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me is that trans people that presumably liked getting dicked down, will suddenly realize they are perfect alpha chads.

this is a shill thread, all posters in this thread are shills, do not respond to this thread, move on

Personally, I’d rather be the gf.

>white boys are becoming more and more feminine

That's what I see happening, to myself included and it scares the hell out of me. But then you see old white masculine gen x and boomers shunned aside too. Even though I'm only 5'4 and don't feel confident, I was very happy with a selfie I took yesterday to post here. It really brought out my features and for the first time ever I saw myself as a man with distinct facial features instead of a little boy with a generic androgynous face.