>let’s put fluoride a literal poison into the water supply to prevent tooth decay
Let’s put fluoride a literal poison into the water supply to prevent tooth decay
Other urls found in this thread:
is this a simulation
honestly by some stroke of luck, where i grew up the people refused to put that shit in the water
>nice clean mountain spring water in the tap, yummy
most assuredly so
where is Q
>deer piss and shit, mmmm
t. Billy bob the mechanic
Can confirm. We are biological meat machines given consciousness to solve for an unknown variable. Once it is solved all this goes away.
Are you retarded? The amount of that minor biological contaminant getting into the system is in a rounding error in a well above the valley base water table.
Fluoride is a neurotoxin, it is actually worse than poison.
>Are you retarded?
No, because I don’t drink pissy mountain water lmao
>fluoride is a class of poison, it’s worse than poison
Yea your opinion is weighty lmao
Why do you think the sheep are going along with the lockdowns? Combine the fluoride with a load of vaccines and these fuckers barely know they're alive.
alcohol is technically poison too, but we drink that shit by the bottle
Another choice substance to dull the minds and abilities of the plebs
>new levels of COPE reached
>10 simultaneous shill threads
>"MIGApedes are the true shills, y'know"
Magaloids on damage control
very stupid.
100 years ago every building was built by drunks.
wtf he really said that?! omg i cant support this orange clown! I am OFF THE DRUMPF TRAIN.
I am now RIDIN with BIDEN!!!
>Let's fill the blimp with highly combustive gas so it can fly
Vote Biden 2020!!
No this is God lowering the bar. Anyone who doesn't see him at this point should be damned to hellfire
Bootlicking straightfag
Those drunks that slaved away on the buildings were paid pennies while the clear-minded businessmen made millions.
>What if we, just hear me out, what. if. WE.Give nukes to the middle east
>voting for a literal sexual predator
Christcucks are a joke, literally the most pathetic religion there is.
>A fucking roo
Guess you better not vote at all then retard, they all are
>Hey. Lets sink the titanic
umm yeah so the first city to fluoridated the water was grand rapids, Michigan in 1948 (the same year Israel was founded)
thanks god we won wwii lest wed be speaking Germans. golly gee whillickers those chunks sure are grateful we saved them from the maps and the like a sure are grateful we saved them from the Germans.
>jealous of shitty shills
irony, the post
Settle down, be a good golem and listen to your Israeli handlers like
Flouride has been in American water for years now, faggot. And NOW you're talking about it? Where have you BEEN?
>Hey. Yeah you, fuckface. Lets send billions in aid to terrorist countries and create a terrorist group
There is a store near me that offers pure water. They literally manufacture it in the store using advanced processes.
I go in and fill up a glass jug. Then I use the jug to fill up various glass bottles. I pour the glass bottles into glasses, and drink from them. At no moment in time does the water ever touch plastic. So far as I'm aware, there is also zero fluoride in it. It's nice living in a liberal place with lots of hippies who are paranoid about their health
roger stone is in jail and hoping for a pardon from Trump
wtf Im a communist now