/nbg/ - Nothingburger General #18

(Hapooners seethe at this site, wonder why?)

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>197K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 people die every year

>muhh exponential broooo
Been below the peak for what, 19 days? Hahahahahaha

The doomer cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check marks and sensationalist news, they're too bitter to admit it.


>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

>Corona BTFO by USC

>Only 3% of ALL active cases are serious/critical
>1,775,511 / 58,525

>Tests show postive for ANY coronavirus, not just COVID

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

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Other urls found in this thread:


can someone explain to me why this isnt going to mutate far enough that vaccines will become useless the same way the other four regular human coronaviruses are so as well as getting a common cold we get covid every year, so everyone just dies at 65 now from decades of getting their lungs rekt

Threadly reminder that these threads get buried for a reason, and it's not cause we're wrong.

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The 1000's of mutations that the /cvg/ OP claims to have happened are all genetic drift (happens in all RNA viruses), these are changes that don't effect the virus in a way that would change the effectiveness of a vaccine.
You would need a total genetic shift to cause a mutation like the one you're thinking of.

would you? can i get a sauce or some keywords to google to read on how that works? dont know shit about microbiology

Also, the /herdimmunity/ thing is looking like it worked pretty well for Sweden.
No lockdown, no collapse, no millions dead.

Dr.Campbell was talking about it in one of his videos, I'll try to find it.

STFU faggot. Don't you know that COVID-19 causes sterilization, reinfects 99% of people, is literally airbourne aides and ... apparently causes dementia.

Why don't you go lick a fucking door knob!

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Can't seem to find the video but here's how it happens with Influenze

I was mistaken, genetic drift is tiny changes on the viruses surface that CAN accumulate over time to make a new strain.

The main thing that caused panic is high R0. It is way more contagious than flu. Flu has R0 of 1.3 and Covid has R0 of 3. Basically if you take just flu and change R0 from 1.3 to 3, you will get rapid ramp up of infections and deaths. Because for flu it takes much longer to spread, the deaths are spread out over the season. For Covid, all the spreading was done much faster and all the critically ill people popped all at once. And that is the real reason for this panic. Because now anyone can claim that flu doesn't kill 2K people a day. But if flu had R0 of 3, it would, because ramp up would be much faster than 1.3 R0 flu.

> I was mistaken, genetic drift is tiny changes on the viruses surface that CAN accumulate over time to make a new strain.

Well genetic drift or not, there's not telling if an effective vaccine is possible at all. With SARS, the only vaccines every developed actually made symptoms worse (tested on house cats iirc, hope someone can post some sauce).

Doctor Ioannidis talk about this around 32:30 mark in latest perspectives on pandemic interview


it was about flattening the curve to reduce hospital admissions, the same number of people will get infected

The main thing that caused panic is high R0.

Ya I think that's why the governments have all reacted the way they have. Health care systems being overwhelmed is highly visible, plays well on CNN and is easily blamed on the party in power. So governments don't really care if lockdowns would actually cause higher death rates because the types of deaths to result from lockdowns (suicides, drug overdoses, deaths from chronic conditions etc) are easier to sweep under the rug.

It doesn't really matter to them if fatalities from lock-down are higher overall if they think that they give them better control over the narrative. Never mind that health care in the first world didn't get overwhelmed anyway because if it even got close to being overwhelmed it would have been bad politics for the parties in power.


Watch Spring comes and vanquishes this mortal plague and we can hear about how great the lockdowns work. They will hype it up so we can have a new round in time for elections. Mail in votes will be bought by the millions, no way to stop it. After about a year Biden will step down for health reasons and some sheboon will rule us with all the unlimited power we are giving the government right now.

kek, this one doctor destroys the covid panic


It didn't get overwhelmed even in NYC. We shutdown over high R0 flu. How does that play into politics? Probably overestimated critical case % too.

> it was about flattening the curve

Experts tend to fail to account for the fact that in any kind of crises scenario people tend to really pull together and mount extraordinary responses. Whatever the initial health care capacity was, people managed to expand it with hospital tends and even entire military hospital boats.
Given this, I don't believe that there was ever any real threat of running out of hospital beds or ventilators in North America or Europe. With that said, the lockdowns were dumb even for the stated purpose, Paper linked below explains why mass lockdowns are unlikely to work


High RO means it goes away faster too though. The whole shit about the medical system collapsing was a scam to get us to comply. They ramped up capacity, but still no end to the lockdowns and I'm certain they will repeat in Fall if we let them.

Infections went away. Deaths may linger, because deaths lag infections. Realistically, infections are a process driven by R0. Deaths are driven by external factors. They can milk those. Notice exit requirements are based on deaths. All you need is a spike in deaths to delay opening. Most of those people will die too, so if they die in batches it can go on for a long time. Just spike deaths for a day and delay for another 14 days.

> How does that play into politics? Probably overestimated critical case % too.

I wonder how much the rumors that this thing came from a bio weapons lab contributed to the overreaction as well. I'm sure that this is not the kind of thing that intelligence officials in the US take lightly especially given that there appears to be good reason to think that this virus came from a lab of some sort.

That doesn't matter though. The data clearly shows now that this virus is a nothingburger. Governments and media are just trying to play hide the ball now that it's obvious that they overreacted and there is no serious threat here.

We don't open still, and there is real economic damage now. Not sure what's the benefit of keeping things closed. Now we have GD levels of unemployment and economic damage will linger. The later they lift lock down, the more economic damage will be caused. It's a nuclear bomb in terms of economic damage.

> Watch Spring comes and vanquishes this mortal plague and we can hear about how great the lockdowns work

It's better than that my friend. A quarantine done too early actually causes a second wave to occur (makes intuitive sense if you think about it). So when the second wave, that they caused, happens it will be proof that lock-downs are necessary and a new call to lockdown will come forth again.

A paper I already linked in this thread explains how early lockdowns cause second waves. Here it is again...


High R0 fearmongering only worked when nobody wore masks. We will be forced to wear masks all year long. That destroys high R0 factor.

>my cuck governor isn't opening the state until june and will take the rest of the year to open it completely

Just kill me

Normies have completely forgotten about this. The curve is flattened so we should be ready open up but some states don't even want to think about it yet

Flatten da gurb was last month we're on to more advanced newspeak now. "Ending the lockdown now would be like not finishing your (((prescription))) because you feel a little better."

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> Not sure what's the benefit of keeping things closed.

I get the impression that the so called 'elites' are not so smart as they think that they are. They've been lulled into a false sense of security by their position in power and have fooled themselves into believing that their current dominance implies that it's their smarts that have put them in this position. But what they do makes little sense to me because I don't see that it benefits them politically in the long run, even if they didn't care how selfish or how evil it made them and cared about themselves only.

Take heart in this my friend because I think that they may have overstepped their power this time. The pain that the lockdowns will cause and the subsequent political backlash will make things in the west, I think, better for a time after people are forced to wake up.

But that's only if people like us are able to plant a seed a truth in the heads of normal people so that they have an alternative to the government line. There has to be at least a plausible idea in people's heads that the decision by governments to lockdown was gross, incompetent negligence at best and evil at worst.

soijakniggers deserve to be banned on sight

Can I whore my life in these threads? Sega

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>t. soiboi

back to the cuckshed

More cases than /nbg/ posts

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>t. redditjakposter
back to your containment shithole, faggot

I think the economy was taking a dive anyway, so they decided to use this as an excuse to blame it all on the virus. Shutdown made it obvious the damage is from the virus, so they could step in in a historic intervention.

But pols are stupid, and don't think ahead. Step 1 was more benefit to shut down, and claim the shutdown saved lives no matter what the outcome is. Step 2 is a trap. Because if you open, you run the risk of wave 2 being blamed on you or you run the risk of being blamed for economic implosion. There is no win for step 2. They took easy step 1 and lost on step 2. If we shut down again, the economy is really dead and will be blamed on the second shutdown, and if dead are like now, it's not going to go over well.

>leave house to buy some groceries
>die few weeks later