Cuckpitalism must to be smashed

>you have no identity beside "human of planet Earth" like every slave around the world under this sick system

>no culture beside the consumeramist and hedonistic cultures

>no heroes, just fake idols usually famous people puppets of rich pigs to brainwash the masses

>nothing to be proud about

>everything is stagnating

>no morals, degeneracy is ruling because individualism, freedom n shiet

>you're enslaved by the rich pigs to work for their asses so you can afford wasting money on taxes

>you're sent to die in useless wars for rich pigs meanwhile you get nothing beside few bucks to pay taxes, pregnant wife by an neighbor because there are no morals or respect and in best case some PTSD if not PTSD with some missing limbs or face full of scars

>politicians have no power, they're all dependent on rich pigs

>lots of useless corrupt parties doing nothing that just arguing, dividing people and creating national instability

>your women are prosituted and even whored to foreigners to attract cheap labor

>mass immigration aka new slaves that are cheap labor

>high rate of criminality because weak justice and silly punishments that have no effect over the criminal

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Revolution and USSR V2 when brat?

free market best market

capitalism and communism are both gay
national socialism ftw

Seriously, you miss standing in line for the worst toilet paper imaginable? Being thrown in a gulag for wrongspeak?

okay but cuckmunism isnt better

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best market to destabilize a whole country for the profit of a small group of people
yeah it's not like millions of innocent Europeans had been killed by this ideology in massacres and being sent to fight against Hitler's boosted ego or for it.

When I was a young man most of the party members were communist by necessity. You must be INSANE to be a communist by ideology.

isn't Marxist ideology Atheist and against old thinking?
im thinking of what happened in china where they destroyed all the statues and killed religious people and burned books

>defeat the jews by adopting their ideology

stfu swamp jew

>muh goods

Gay argument

>muh free speech

Faggot argument

The real reason cuckmunism sucks is because of it's equality doctrine.

He’s right. People are sheep and need to be led

Edgy kid

Meme flag be gone

How is this thread relevant to pol?

>Capitalism is degenerate
Yes, what do we replace it with

>Looking to others for a sense of identity, culture, and pride
Must suck.


They were free, you no longer had to go waste money to an market house or shop to buy them but if you hated staying in line you could've just go to a shop or market house and if you know hoe to beheave you wouldn't end up in a gulag.
>one central bank
>no power and capital thirsty rich pigs
>strong patriotism
>enforced decency and morals
>every decade coming with major progresses
>working and fighting for yourself and your people
>not good
Then what's good my kraut?

That's is indeed a good reason, but it doesn't negate the fact that communism means long lines for shit products, or not being able to say literally ALL the shit we say on /pol. There's a reason the Soviets started to use fucking bluejeans as currency in the 80s.

They were free, you no longer had to go waste money to an market house or shop to buy them but if you hated staying in line you could've just go to a shop or market house and if you know hoe to beheave you wouldn't end up in a gulag.
>one central bank
>no power and capital thirsty rich pigs
>strong patriotism
>enforced decency and morals
>every decade coming with major progresses
>working and fighting for yourself and your people
>not good
Then what's good my kraut?Look at DDR how good they've been doing meanwhile you Germans were sucking shit from American asses and degrading yourselves

Дa здpacтyвeт нaшa дepжaвa!

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Fuck off!

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A lot of your criticisms can easily be put against a communist system. There are a few exceptions, but they don't hold up since they're a product of globalist policies. Those problems didn't exist 100 or 200 years ago in Western society. The USSR doesn't win any prizes for creating a just dream society, except dirt roads leading to duplicated high-rises on the edge of forest wilderness, and the huge section of modern history books called "the cold war."


Depends now because Communism is pretty different from eachother continent, European one worked the best since it brought USSR from a total shithole ravaged wars and full of villages to fully urbanized nuclear superpower which was also able to help it's allies and not only himself.
It isn't an jewish ideology since it was against them and saw them as a threat.
Aren't we living in a dystopia in which our countries and identity are destroyed by capitalism after all?Aren't we looking for solutions and the source of the problems?Aren't we trying to redpill people?
Must suck you have none of those

this (((marxist))) bullshit doesnt work get over it

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No Hans, the wall was to keep your Weimar junior degenerates away from corrupting DDR people
Wrong country flag, that works perfectly with USA, those (((animals))) weren't seen superior but as a potential threat and had been living worse than the rest of the people that's why many of them ended up to run from USSR

Don't call me what you have in your bloodline along with much more