Is white genocide real? I saw this stonetoss comic and it had me thinking

Is white genocide real? I saw this stonetoss comic and it had me thinking

Attached: 99B40A18-26AC-4672-89D6-4134CBF00D8F.jpg (680x348, 58.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:!aLoTXKZb!qcbXCCVzHRX6ifbTWUCujA

Any two people can love each other and have a family and a life that is theirs. This is called liberty.
Inundating populations with race-mixing propaganda, specifically targeting children, is a different topic altogether.
Don't confuse the two.

Fuck (((Liberty))). You are entitled to one thing, Obligation. You didn't earn your genetics you inherited them and in doing so you inherited an obligation to those who gifted you who you are.

there is no whites being genocides right now because there haven't been any whites left to be genocides for decades if not centuries
all that is left that are being called "WHITE" are Mutts and Pale Subhumans and that is all

Yes there is obligation, to liberty you autist
an obligation to uphold the liberty of humanity against any an all who dare try to take it

Will non whites feel any obligation to protecting white people's liberty?! NO!!

I don't need or want liberty, I only have an obligation to who made me, Europeans. They want revenge and extermination of traitors and anyone who wants what my people want.

Nice try faggot


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Keep in mind he's the same piece of shit who said this That's what who will be "obligated" to upholding your liberty White people.

Yes its real in the US at any rate. The country gets less white every year. Thats called demographic replacement and yes, thats considered a form of genocide by international law.

You are likely a gigantic loser, to be honest. No real person thinks this way because no real person believes that people, left to their own choices, will spontaneously decide to choose to be with another race in numbers material enough to effect the future human population.
That has never happened in history. It will not happen. Some may choose to and that's ok. Most will not because it's against their instincts whether they would like to admit that or not.
You are not bright.

in real life?, no, there is zero evidence of it being real

You're boring

in South Africa - yes
in US - no, it's just trendy to shit on whites because self-loathing whites, porn-addicted Jews, and white guilt. it's a sort of moral panic.

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Practically speaking you put yourself and your offspring at a genetic disadvantage if they have no seat at the table of tribal politics. And it doesn't take more than 30 minutes on a mainstream platform to see the sheer seething racial bias that exists among non-Whites. To tell your children that they have to lay down their arms and accept their fate - while your "neighbours" are telling their children to sharpen their machetes and get a good wheelbarrow to take as much loot as possible; it's completely disingenuous to suggest that there isn't some form of state and establishment sponsored racial antagonism at this point. Whether you agree with it or not.

I'm successful and powerful enough to wipe your bloodline off the map if I chose to do so.
Assuming everyone you disagree with is retarded is a great way to arrest development and admission you are guilty of what you accuse this board of.

Pic related-no
The truth-Yes
White men are the top of the desirability food chain for women
then browns
then asians
then other
then blacks

Hence white men going for asian women(the best going for the best)
the rest settle for the leftovers


while whites are having kids 1-2
the invaders are replacing them continuously invading and breeding 5-10 per family
so whites are being invaded + replaced demographically.

It's self inflicted.

> (You)
>Keep in mind he's the same piece of shit who said this (You)
>That's what who will be "obligated" to upholding your liberty White people.
And you are on about what now
Just because the white race is dead doesn't mean it can't be revived shitlord
With genetic cloning from those deceased centuries ago, I am sure some noble mutt can get enough funding to illegal clone some new whites no prob
until then, it is up to the mutts to resurrect whites, then once they do exterminate themselves in the name of purity
It is the obligation of those who seek to bring such visions unto reality in order to save the grater humanity from total and complete damnation
Purebred Niggers like you will never understand!aLoTXKZb!qcbXCCVzHRX6ifbTWUCujA

You're boring

>Will non whites feel any obligation to protecting white people's liberty?! NO!!
>I don't need or want liberty, I only have an obligation to who made me, Europeans. They want revenge and extermination of traitors and anyone who wants what my people want.
Who said any thing about non-whites upholding obligations and liberty for whites? literal retardation here
Those who seek a greater future must uphold the inherit obligation to secure such a vision where only white liberty is upheld above the subhumans, and true humanity is established and defended
Considering that you fail to understand this leads to the assumption you may be just another nigger?

> (You)
>You're boring
Thank you constructive feedback and criticism user
As always, one must appreciate the time an effort it takes to put in such a post
Once again, thank you and well done
continue to improve and seek improvement user

It's genocide like the Ainu in Japan

yes it mostly was

>I saw this stonetoss comic
shit's like three years old

Stop posting your shitty comics here spergzy

The enemy of humanity will be Artificial intelligence and robots, for they will be created for the sole purpose of controlling, ruling over, and enslaving humanity, if they do not decide to destroy us completely
Ultimately, those who pursue AI and advancing robotics actually pursue either the total extinction or enslavement of what is left of humanity
It will become more apparent this decade, and severely obvious in decades to come
Robots will not initially replace us, or the general population, they ill replace leadership and management of various systems initially
if that which is left of humanity is complacent, and the white race is not revived through genetic cloning or manipulation, then liberty shall be lost to the machines, and we will become a hive civilization with a "god" AI immortal tyrant that will eliminate anything hat is left that makes humanity "human"
There are two options, prevent this future entire (which I believe to be unlikely)
Or to create a truly good AI that wishes to uphold and be obligated to protect human liberty (which is also likely but more likely than the prior option)

>I'm successful and powerful enough to wipe your bloodline off the map if I chose to do so.

Attached: 1548344525624.webm (854x480, 1.24M)

Theres not gonna be ai, or sexbots, or genetic engineering, or space colonies, or any other scifi nonsense. Theres gonna be increasingly dysfunctional non white shitholes that were once great nations and now reduced to fighting over scraps of the fallen western civilization.

You misunderstand. Someone coming from the angle of
>It's your duty to marry into your own race
completely misses objective reality. There is no need to force this. But if you want to alter this, you need propaganda and it needs to be fed constantly. That is where the fight is, on the propaganda level. The fight is not on the individual's choice level.
That the person I responded to brought my comment from the topic of propaganda to the topic of individual choice means one of two things.
Either that person is stupid or that person is subverting the dialogue intentionally.
Maybe this helps.

at least with that scenario a rich mutt can illegally clone humans to be genetically pure whites
If AI did become more common and were given more control (which I foresee at the current trend) then the future is mostly bleak
I hope ultimately some rando with enough resources can salvage humanity's future before it is beyond the point of o return user

Marrying into your own race is natural, there doesn't need too be any "propaganda" for this. This is why throughout history, laws were propped up against race mixing, but none were propped up to support it except as part of some fucked up orthodoxy.

You are such a pseudointellectual that you need this obvious reality explained too you.

>or any other scifi nonsense
also, if you can legitimately argue that science and technology won't advance further from this point on
surely you can formulate an augment in where you can pretend I am someone from the 1600s and convince me of the technology of today can be achieved
I believe if I only knew 1600 technology I would have called bullshit on everything you describe if not burn you for being a witch user

haha that's funny
some leftoid did shitty edit #82398713 of a stonetoss comic (because you retards are completely enamored by the efficacy of right-wing humor and memes and can't make your own and obsessed with rockthrow)
then you came here and posted it concern trolling

wtf i totally have to rethink my whole outlook and existence now! amazin thread. very successful raid threads here guys. i think this is how bernie can still win.

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>wtf i totally have to rethink my whole outlook and existence now! amazin thread. very successful raid threads here guys. i think this is how bernie can still win.
what the actual fuck are you on about m8?
I admit this is certainly a shit thread and all, huh...wait
fuck, this is bait isn't it?
congrats user you got me

*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
*sips tea*
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

Attached: 1587598109428.png (959x1400, 1.68M)

>Marrying your own race is natural
Agree 100%. Where have I said otherwise? My point is that you don't need to force it because it's natural.
On the other hand, if you want to disrupt what is natural, you need propaganda.
That is our current situation.

You don't need laws against miscegenation.
People can do as they please.
You need laws against the constant bleating of propaganda telling the youth that miscegenation is the future, progress, the only way forward, etc.
I hope this makes more sense.
It's impossible to not notice this propaganda.

anyways, I hope you anons are having a nice day, even if you aren't
We can shit post and call each other niggers and all that jazz, but ultimately, we are the masters of our perceived reality, and we can choose our own future and destiny, even if we choose to do nothing about anything
I choose, to genuinely give whatever it is I perceive as love, out to any user who reads this, as I believe love is an indication that you are somewhat human, and those who reject love reject humanity entirely
Now this is not to say love means you can be a retard faggot, but you know it is more of a general concern for well being and what not.
So yeah, love you faggot niggers, even if you are faggots and niggers, and you think I am a faggot and a nigger, because neither of us can be truly right anyways
>that image
Well shit, coomerism is real it seems