Any soldiers that have seen combat here?

How do you feel when nurses on instagam and tiktok call this shit a "warzone" when you yourself have actually been in a fucking warzone?

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>seen actual combat: no
>been in bases inside of warzones: yes
>care about nurses and their social media trash: no

My cousin got tried for murder cause he shot some Arab dude pointing his gun at his convoy. His commander told him to shoot if he felt threatened and he did, that was the only reason he got acquitted.

I’m too busy drinking/doing drugs/beating my whore girlfriend to care what the fuck nurses are doing on fuckin diktok

Not a combat vet, but it still triggers me when I see medfags acting like this glorified boomerkiller flu has turned hospitals into a "warzone". Just ultra fake panicky bullshit to further add to the atmosphere of urgency that everyone is trying perpetrate.

Shooting at camel farmers with their shitty aks with iron sights isn’t ‘combat’. Soldiers are pussies

Low IQ

Yeah you basically had to hope they missed the first few shots before you were allowed to engage.

seen combat; no
been shot at and under constant IDF; yes
give two fucks about some idiots dancing ; no

>seen combat
>Care what some thots on social media say

They have probably seen more people die than I have. They can cope however they want

why is this relevant? bitches will say anything for attention

Get in the box

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Wait, ROE prohibits you from shooting someone pointing a weapon at you? You have to wait for them to fire?

Listen here Jack.
Back in the days we didn't call it "combat action" but Blitzkrieg.

I had a friend called Hans Striegel who shot more than 24 russian soldiers with his Mauser in the area of Minsk. This was when i was high on Pervitin and couldn't sleep for 4 days. When the ice cream truck came along i ordered some chocolate with Haselnuss and felt fit for service again.

This was way before we liberated Kiev from the bolsheviks.

Oh fuck yeah I've seen combat! I wiggled my way into Nazi chatrooms and email list. My boys and I would seek out gatherings, then fucked them up, and robbed them of all their shit. Modern day warrior defending your fucking freedom!

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i found a few blank rounds on a base one time. they were just lying scattered around our drill rig. picked up a couple dozen and turned them in at the front gate. war is hell

We were told if someone shoots at you but runs back behind a wall and walks out without the gun you cant shoot him. Shit you not.

That sounds incredibly fucked.

>They have probably seen more people die than I have
Wouldn't be the case if they did their job rather than making videos

did the goatfuckers have decent cameras back then? or was everyone on eggshells because snitches?

ROE is fucking gay, but its because of the war we were in, had to literally wait till some retard shoots before you engage


And I don't have tiktok so I haven't seen it but I don't really care. They aren't actually in a warzone and everyone knows that. It's just a figure of speech. Unless the video is way different than I'm imagining

i saw combat in saigon, huang valley and dai lang river, it infuriates me so godamn much it makes my blood boil GRRR!!!

"Soldiers" fighting for foreign interests are traitors. Anti-American scum

>seen combat
>tiktok nurse
Get back to work

doesn't bother me in the least.
They're working hard. Here in Canada, something like 30% of cases are healthcare workers.
They're risking their lives, only the methodology is different.

No such thing, this is how modern firefights go in sand nigger country

>have high tech weapons, $80,000 on each solider
>get shot at by sand nigger with stolen all and Sandler’s
>be too afraid to shoot back
>order 2 million dollar air strike to kill one sand nigger in flip flops and a goat
>come back a war hero

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95% of being in a warzone is being so bored you take turns setting peoples pubes on fire

Every day I wake up I wish the sand niggers took me out of my misery. That's how I feel. Typical millennial. Couldn't even suicide right.

I've been in several firefights and I honestly don't care what nurses call their hard day. People can make whatever comparisons they want. None of this shit matters. Focus on stockpiling ammo, food and water and get ready to hit the kikes and niggers hard when the lights go out.

Thanks for the blog post, Chesty.

>The year was 1968. We were on recon in a steaming Mekong delta. An overheated private removed his flack jacket, revealing a T-shirt with an ironed-on sporting the MAD slogan "Up with Mini-skirts!". Well, we all had a good laugh, even though I didn't quite understand it. But our momentary lapse of concentration allowed "Charlie" to get the drop on us. I spent the next three years in a POW camp, forced to subsist on a thin stew made of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice. I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States, but they just can't get the spices right!

yeah but if you ask really nicely, you get a pair of $40k nvg

That sounds like a war being waged by a HR department terrified of controversy.
Only a nation as well resourced and with as little to lose in that conflict as the USA could afford to fight a war with rules of engagement this fucking retarded. Must have been so demoralizing for the guys on the ground to put up with this nonsense.

Reminds me of that SEAL raid where they snatched a guy in the dead of night from inside his own neighborhood and they punched him in the mouth to keep him quiet and seals got in trouble for it.

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that would be in roughly four-five years. dems will absolutely make us pay dearly for electing trump

for me it was the mystery meat they put in the subway subs on base, and this one philipino drink that had nicotine in it

Is this achievable natty?

>philipino drink that had nicotine in it
that sounds awesome, i cant believe ive never heard of that

it was only in diego garcia, and the name was in tagalog so i never could find it. looked and tasted like one of those starbucks frozen coffee drinks

I was deep in the shit, but it’s top secret.

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Yes, but you'd need a lot of dedication and hard work.