I am racist where's my fellows racists at AMA

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Other urls found in this thread:


stop scratching your asshole

>obsessed with nigger dick
you're among friends here.

oh and your swastika is back to front you larping faggot.

get a nail file nigger god damn

clean your nails you disgusting sub human

Yas Forums is like six white guys and everyone else varying shades of color.

Why did you write Yas Forums with the Jupiter symbol

Are you really racist? I laugh at the memes, but c’mon guy, it 2020 ffs.

are you not? fuck off then

Your pinky nail is the biggest nail and your middle finger nail is wider than it is long. Your index finger is abnormally short.
The only proper finger you have is your pinky finger.
What is going on here?
Is the rest of your family like this?
Can you please post more finger pics so we can get a better idea of what the situation is?

Swastika is backwards too


The only part of me that's not white

>white supremacist
>disgusting unhygienic inbred hand
every time

What are you a metrosexual? Women love greasy men.

Clean your nails.

Think of myself as a race realist and amateur eugenicist.

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Apparently I’m banned from posting threads which one of you glorious bastards did this in my neck of the woods google.com/amp/s/www.kfvs12.com/2020/04/24/crews-battle-early-morning-fire-islamic-center-cape-girardeau/?outputType=amp

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Go back you Fucking faggot.

stop biting your nails

Hello CIA Found what you were looking for?

Attached: God Howard.jpg (1333x2000, 418.37K)

a jew made this

Those are some fucked up fingers mr. master race

You have the hands of a betamale

You are a low iq larping brainlet, fuck you faggot

there aren't any racists here my man i'm really not sure where you think you are
maybe you should go back to where you came from

your hands are dirty, and you're not white hahah

You fucking twat. I'm not here because I hate chinks or niggers or spics.
I'm here because I think they have souls and deserve to exist. And so do Europeans. It's the leftists and the globalists who want to wipe out every national and cultural identity. They're the ones with the Kalergi Plan.
I want a world full of patriots. Of nationalists. Even if it brings conflict, it's better than destroying every nation and people on earth to make some stupid utopia.
Save whitey. Save the niggers. Save the chinks. Save the spics.
Fuck the UN and fuck the Kalergi Plan and fuck mass-immigration

you must be anti-hygiene too

That's how we draw it in America not abo infested nigger Australia. Also the German race might be the most retarded race european ((people)) like laderhossen look like something faggy sex gear that why I refuse to draw it like that socialist atheist hitler.


Attached: AHEM.jpg (511x658, 34.24K)

How insecure are you exactly?

A statement against the cultists of Saturn

Look at this fag who bites his nails

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Pol is a Christian channel, I think you're lost user

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What's with the Jupiter symbolism

hi friendos, I am racist against whites. I hate them dumbass crackers

gaydar's going wild on this on. OP is faggot larper confirmed.

what a gay cunt.

Your handwriting is that of a 10 year old. Should've used Crayons instead faggot

Attached: OP.jpg (497x749, 28.18K)

Fuck off che

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whats wrong with ur finger nails, you might have Mulrooney's Syndrome :(

retard got the swastika wrong


hello glownigger

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>backwards swastika
>jupiter symbol
>1488 = goyim are slaves
How do you do, fellow (((white))) man.

Attached: jupiter.png (600x600, 6.43K)

no. this is the racism thread. I am here to be racist against whites.

This is basically what national socialism is and pretty much what the nazi’s wanted to. Be frens with each other but through segregation.

whites are so fucking disgusting
why are whites such gluttonous greedy pigs?

Attached: the average white woman.jpg (1280x720, 95.7K)