Well Republicans? Pick one.
Well Republicans? Pick one
Other urls found in this thread:
>*Glug glug glug
What now, bitch?
He never said drink lysol. Stop being a fucking asshole. He was talking about a study at Cedar Sinai Hospital, you dumb ass liar
>every social media site and news outlet suddenly starts saying Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach and shoot themselves with lasers
I'm just going to go ahead and assume he didn't say that. He never said the shit you claim he did. It's always misinterpreted or made up entirely.
cope harder you fucking faggot
just a reminder that joe biden raped one of his staffers with his finger.
That's all you got? Shoving your head up your ass because you can't stop sucking jewish cock?
>I LOVE ZION DON!!!!!!!!
who's sucking jew cock?
Some of you may be wondering why these threads keep popping up? It's to distract everyone from the fact that this video surfaced today.
The video is of Tara Reade's mom calling into Larry King regarding Joe Biden raping his daughter.
why do you dumb kike shills think anyone here likes biden?
Cope harder you fucking faggot.
I am a child of God, and accept Christ as my Lord and Savior.
Politics mean nothing to me. They just align close to the right.
Please divert:
Libtards Caught Hoaxing Again
Joe Biden’s Sexual Assault Accuser’s Mother Called Larry King About 1993 Incident
It was a stupid question he should have known the answer to, but he never suggested people should drink lysol.
No reasonable person listens to what he said, which was not a statement to the public anyways, and then says "ah, I need to drink bleach"
why does the opinion of some one flying a leaf flag even matter?
no matter how you try and spin it, Trump will be President again
WTF I forgot all about Biden having alzheimers now.
Sage the Shills, they've beem making the same threads all day.
Go suck Chinese dick Cucked-nadian
It will be about as effective as those yang gang faggots were. Imagine thinking Yas Forums is worthy of a organized shill campaign.
Drumpf said to drink bleach haha what a dummy, it’s over.
Dialate and replay celebrities singing Imagine video again.
What will you say if this ends up being a serious treatment
Shill thread. Ignored.
Based MSM death nail. This will be forgotten by Monday, proven wrong and nothing will happen to the provacateurs like always and 50% of the Population will again fall for kike lies
you fucking idiots are the definition of "brain dead cultists". holy shit
Lysol smells good so I'll drink it up
get raked leaf your post is a poorly meme'd fallacy, shocking
I was listening to that TDS podcast earlier and they started talking about this and bursting out in laughter at ol’ drumpfy wumpfy and how stupid he is, only Mike Enoch didn’t laugh, followed by a story he remembered about UV light and microwaves being used to kill viral poz loads and he was promptly interrupted by the two other low IQ hosts “yeah drumpf says stick a UV lightbulb up your ass and inject bleach LMAO” as Mike changes the subject. It was then I knew the other two are not critical thinkers like Ranch Enoch, and will drive him to obscurity by holding him back with their Low IQ takes
Former Trump Soup Order here, gotta admit It's Over.
He really said it this time. Put disinfectant into the body.
He didn't say that either.
>implying it's bad if people who are stupid enough to inject Lysol dying is a bad thing.
Why did he call it sarcasm today then