This is the reality of today

This is the reality of today
Yes you're seeing it right
Corporations are now using commercials to prep young white girls for the BBC and they're getting away with it
Porn paved the way, and now commercials are going to normalize it

Attached: 1558243686593.png (452x642, 639.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

stay mad, white boy

These commercials have been around for many years.

no they haven't

in the US the niggers need all the help they can get, they are typically poor as fuck, slovenly, smell like shit, and always have red eyes like they have a hangover

bbc trolling is a psyops used against retarded white incels who dont actually live around niggers and realize they are literal subhumans and nothing like the golems paraded on the electric jew

From nine years ago:

Pedo symbol

The chick in that image looks mulatto or latino.

Your seeing it as a dick because of projection.

Attached: 1585538098073.jpg (789x1024, 228.31K)

You are fucked in the head. White chocolate tastes like shit.

wtf is that pic about?

Why are they so dominant in all professional sports yet are only 13% of the population then?

That’s right! Cope harder. We’re of superior genetics that’s why women choose us


I hate this image
>Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with the "Sabbatic Goat"
It's too "new" to be authentic. Baphomet is a LARP god.

Attached: SYMBOLS123.jpg (1000x1000, 143.2K)

Looks like the lords of hell.

baphomet didn't exist before 1856?

thought this was a SHITTED pic at first

retard thats how magnum has always advertised.
Its a chocolate cowered ice cream with layers.. you are ment to bite into it

Has anybody deciphered the meaning of these scrolls.

>superior genetics
>Can't swim
>Can't go outside without snow pants and a parka in sub 60F weather

Its ancient jewish manuscripts. The jews worship satan.

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Obviously because of generations of hard labor and only the strong survived the slave ships. Sports aren’t a positive force for blacks either minus the ones who “make it”. It diverts a massive amount of time and energy away from building a better future for themselves or protesting against the government

in mormonism satan is the savior if mankind

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can you see a pentagram in that pc you dumb nigger? Its the star of renpham that represents the jews god Saturn.

the way it is drawn not
>The 19th-century depiction of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Éliphas Lévi (Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, 1856).

Also funny that it stems from this:
>Raymond of Aguilers, a chronicler of the First Crusade, reports that the troubadours used the term Bafomet for the Islamic prophet Muhammad and called the mosques Bafumarias.


If you see a pic of a girl eating ice cream and imediatley think of black dicks YOU are the one with the problem.

Sports stars rarely build family based dynasties.

Business stars do.

Attached: 3.jpg (195x259, 9.72K)

cool bro

Attached: kike leaders.png (1024x707, 616.86K)

Sex is over. This is the age of the 'rona. All you can do is Zoomfap to each other now.

freemasons have an obsession with goats
I don't know what it's about but a symbol of a man riding a goat is their main thing

Pretty sure they're prepping little girls for being lard asses. Its called fat, not thicc.


this is making me horny

Nigger the pentagram is 4000 years older than Jesus. Sumerian. Time to study more on this stuff other than about your kiked book.

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Imagine wh*te women needing suggestive advertisement to suck BBC.

...we unironically need to crack down on porn. You could give every elementary schooler a sheet of acid and it wouldn't fry them the way porn is doing. It's a drug.

Freemasons are proxy kikes and often very satanic-minded. Stay away from them.

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Toothpaste... it's a fucking ice cream bar. She's cracking through the thing, insignificant layer of chocolate to bite into the rich, deep, creamy layer of white ice cream that's holding it altogether. Please stop trying to find race politics where it isn't to be found my chocolate bar chomping, vanilla ice cream chugging, not gay but maybe it's hard to tell because of the things you seem to fixate on, friend............

t. the united states of why are you so fucking gay op?

Attached: classy trump.jpg (720x600, 190.03K)

You people are such retarded faggots holy shit

Imagine looking at ice cream and seeing BBC what the fuck is wrong with you?

This. The fact that the propaganda of race mixing exists so heavily is evidence that it needs unnatural coercion to occur. If it was as desirable as implied they wouldn't need to say shit. Black people have been part of society for ages now, and white women haven't been throwing themselves at niggers. Race mixing is the modern phenomenon born of suggestive propaganda in media.

Attached: 2b53154f4006a3e9ddcfe6ab8ce4d23ad297a720e14eb418c3ff21f08b5ff3f5.jpg (1024x792, 99.92K)

Fake and gay.

>Stay away from them.
what can they do though?
I'm gonna be honest, I'm a lot more curious than afraid.

it's real faggot
go on their instagram page

>orbit of planet venus
>women are from venus
Women confirmed demons from hell and Men are retards that nuked themselves on Mars

>Women confirmed demons

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jesus what the fuck
does browsing this place makes someone so retarded every time they see people eating a chocolate ice cream reminds them of sucking black dicks?
is this what Yas Forums does to you?

They operate on a network and help each other into higher positions of power behind the scenes, much like jews. Low tier faggots are useful idiots / cattle but you best not talk too open about it if they leave you alone, just stick to online research. They are crawling like maggots in every office, even in toothpaste.

Just came to OPs pic

How is that relevant to anything lmao

confirmed, one literally just flew over my house

I think you're seeing things and need urgent help

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Is that pic a reference to something ?

Kek. This is some next level schizoposting.

Dude these commercials have been around for years and it was always white women in every single commercial, and it was always sorta sexual and just look at the fucking name.

how do you feel about kikes?

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I worked with one that used to wear his freemason shirts to work under his jacket/suit and he was definitely just a useful idiot, but he said he was high ranking in our area. He got fired for being too lazy

Why did his tail fall into pieces?

this unironically