Even Drudge abandoned him

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is bad, guys. WTF are we gonna do now?

>even drudge

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Shill posting. Go fuck yourself.

How much do they pay chinks to do chinky shit on Yas Forums OP?

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drudge abandoned him a while ago dude

The shilling has been crazy today.
I don't know what discord or forum these shills came from, but the mods shouldn't let them spam 50 threads about the same topic over and over again.

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This has been an impressive coordinated shill effort. Not that Trump doesn't deserve a fuck ton of criticism for MIGA.

I am not part of any coordinated effort. After 3+ years of Trump being attacked by the media to see Trump make "sarcastic" jokes to media reporters he knows hate him is just stupid. Also, Trump's kike cock sucking bullshit over the last few years is also a major reason I do not give a goddamn what happens to Trump

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You misspelled jews

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Stop talking about current events!!!

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Drudge is like huffpo at this point

hehe this blanket shilling is hilarious to the effect of how hard they are losing this war!
XD faggots

alex jones

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Makes you wonder why they would need a branch of their military just for internet trolls...........

No, conservatives abandoned (((drudge))). And that site isn't owned by Drudge anymore, but keep shilling for the next 4 years.

Constant shills.

Go get pegged by your dominant feminist gf you unemployed shill

Drudge is long gone bro. No idea who is running that site now but its not Drudge.

This shit makes me miss old 8ch an Yas Forums. We always had something to fall back on when things got too crazy over in here.

I heavily lament over the fact that 8/pol/ died before the Corona virus debacle. Some of the most levelheaded no nonsense topics and posts were over there. No fucking stupid "LUL BBC SUPERIOR" posts or anything like that.

You sure Drudge didn't just get activated by his Mossad handlers to turn against Trump? He's a flaming kike faggot, you realize.

>what is 8kun/pnd
you're welcome

err, 8ch does exist, the url is 8kun dot top

It ain't the same thing my dudes. That place is too slow, discussion is relatively at a snail's place.

It really works guys! I just tried it, I have diagonsed with Corona-Chan 3 weeks ago. I injected some mysterious disinfectant that Old Geroge sold me, and now i'm perfectly fine!

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Don't do this, this makes mustard gas!

To quote every first post from /wg/ ever, "read the sticky." You're not supposed to make more than 1 thread about a topic. But mods don't really enforce it, so..

real talk.

why is drudge tossing TRUMP under the bus?

>Anno Domini 2024-4
>still browsing far-left, foreign-owned, foreign-operated Drudge Report

You do know that Matt Drudge sold the site a year ago, right? You do know that the site has since been owned by non-American far-lefists and operated on non-American soil, right?

Alternatives -


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because Trump tossed his supporters under the bus

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hello discord tranny

Drudge sold his site to Soros a year ago. That's why it went to shit.