Press F or S for him
one of his best guys just quit and he is in trouble
Press F or S for him
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Could have been a great leader, ended up as a great traitor
>(((best guys)))
good riddance
Fuck off, petralha.
good riddance.
what does it mean
sergio moro was one of the reasons why bolso won the presidency
Retarded-ass monkeynigger who's going to be chewed up like the last retard who decided to screw up everything then blame everyone else.
Shut up MAV, you shills are the scum that destroy(ed) this place
New director chief of Federal Police.
His name is Alexandre Ramagem
Say something nice about him
He did well
you go nowhere being honest and teaching others by example
He should align himself with the corrupt politicians because then he can do anything in politics
yep. he had everything in his hands to make decent changes but kept wasting his time in the first 15 months fighting against strawmen he made himself and now he burned all his political capital with just a shitty pension reform (can't even be called a reform anymore desu)
>sergio moro was one of the reasons why bolso won the presidency
moro wasn't part of his campaign retard
Shut up GdO, you shills are the scum that destroy(ed) this place
by the way say hi to your new leader
lula getting arrested by moro helped his campaign a lot
kill yourself, commie
Am I the only one that realizes that this was the exact same maneuver that Moro did when Lula was almost being released? Moro is a media manipulator mastermind.
is that the new narrative?
he literally leaked, purposefully and illegally, Lula's audio on the last debate day for maximum impact.
get a load of this retard
Do you think Bolsonaro will answer the call?
Moro no STF was one of his campaign promises
one he has no intention to fulfill
COPE, his days as president are over
funny how today both bolsonaro and trump are dealing with the fallout from their fuck ups. and in both situations the fuck ups were entirely created by them, so it isnt something the media invented, they were just fucking retarded
The drama is exactly because Moro didn't accept the STF seat lol
what does this have to do with Bolsonaro?
prove it
someone do this for bozo x moro. i'm too lazy.
He won't return anytime soon, the left is still too morally bankrupt on popular conciousness. Infact their biggest problem is they are still holding onto his rotting political cadaver
Go to bed Olavo
what are you talking about?
i just IV’d some bleach and now I’m in perfect health.
Better check yourself, lusophonia
bolsonaro says one thing one day and the complete opposite tomorrow. there's no way you can trust him to keep any promise to anyone, ever. moro has been dealing with criminals all his life and despite that he still fell for it when bolsonaro promised him the world as his minister* if he fell for that shit again, especially after seeing bolsonaro constantly lying on people's backs for months, he'd be retarded and not where he is now
* things might still work out in moro's favor but bolsonaro backstabbed him hardcore
Why you keep using this pasta? You seem suspicious.
>(((Alexandre Ramagem)))
Oh, don't fuck me. It's too good for our purposes.
>he didn't vote in 4D chess way
>he doesn't understand if bolsonaro wins we win, if he loses we can win even more
>he votes like gado eleitoral
What are you people doing here?
i like him, but as any president of Brasil, he wont be able to make a difference. Brasil is among the hopeless nations, just like mexico is
it wans't he the one who put that cunt of lula behind bars?
because it's true. he's so incompetent he literally lost to himself. same thing that happened with dilma. this is only going to get worse, and faster, since we're already kneeshit in debt, the corona will fuck us over and our congress is even more troublesome now
and don't bitch because it was after the first turn, campaign only ends with a winner
look at the amount of dislikes
lmao dis nigga commited policitical suicide! YAMERO
Military coup when? 5.6 reais to the dollar and flights are dirt cheap now. I want to watch the show from my balcony on the beach with a caipirinha in hand.
They will try to reinvent themselves when Lula dies, that's honestly fine by me because it shows that the overton window shifted a lot in the last few years and lulismo is not acceptable anymore, they already did that during the elections by hiding their little red star and convict criminal.
>do perfil de
looks more like a compliment to a popular judge, does this mean he was officialy part of his campaign? no
Just to be clear, I did not vote for Bolonaro, but do not be naive. Moro was a JUDGE not a investigator. It seems everyone forgot that his role with Lava Jato was being a JUDGE, he did not investigated shit, everything that he gets credit for it's the merit of the Policia Federal which needed investigators and prosecutor to prosecute Dilma. He deserves credit, yes, for being fearless on condemning Lula, but this was his god damn job. He did not above and beyond like the investigators did, because if he did he wouldn't not be a judge, and if he's not a judge but a prosecutor he cannot convict anyone.
>Military coup when?
when mourao orders it, it is just a matter of time.
It seems the military really got upset when bolsonaro gave alcantara to NASA and embraer to boeing
>Ignora a COVID-19
you will probably have to go to Brasilia for that
when? soon, congress picked up the scent of
president's blood in the air
What are you gonna do, bitch boy? Cry? Maybe shit yourself? WUP WUP YOU JUST GOT DABBED ON
sah, dude.
trump's bleach debacle is peanuts compared to what happened today here, we were literally on the verge of bolso's resignation
Hummmm... Ok.
Interested in knowing how we can win BIGGLY if this keeps going?
he said haddad is better than bolsonaro
>commie rats attempt to exploit the situation for political gain
Fucking off retard.
I'm all for Moro but this is pretty cringe bruh, are you some falseflagging lefty? You don't need to do that anymore since they're already divorced.
Lula and PT are history, just like FHC and PSDB are history too, they're just both too delusional to see it.
I'm a race realist and I understand that all brs such are you are retarded monkey niggers.
Oh shit here we go again
i never said moro was responsible for investigating anything. he did help with the investigation and steered them though, sadly, as was shown in his conversations with deltan. it wasn't his place as a judge, but he one of the people responsible for the operations being as successful as they were. he also played his cards right by releasing audios at the right times and whatnot. he was a good judge, but let's be honest, he wasn't impartial to lula, and considering how crooked our fucking system is, if he acted differently, lula wouldn't even have gone to jail in the first place
our entire legal system exists mostly to keep the protected class free while fucking over the poor. if the ministerio publico, policia federal and the justica federal weren't out for blood, these fuckers would never be condemned over anything