Why do so many morons believe Trump?
Why do so many morons believe Trump?
Because, as has been repeatedly established, his base is 100% rural and suburban retards.
I don't. I believe the the homo on the news.
This but unironically.
Faggot leftards went way past moron a decade ago and are currently between subhuman and inanimate
Look at this genius
Does coffee taste of coffee?
Wish that glownigger would get aids and die finally
Because he's right. It was sarcasm, but also had truth pointing towards new research. The media is really flopping with this one. My dad was redpilled on this before I was. All the boomers think this is horse shit.
All these cucks are doing is making voters angrier at them. kek
only a moron would think trump was serious
City people voted for Hillary.
>has sex with men
>calls others morons
White rural retards fall for it
it's because of rural and suburban retards
Because he’s right more often than liberal faggots.
trump is on stimulants of some kind. probably derived from meth. that is the only explanation that makes sense. the man doesn't know what he's saying or doesn't realize how it sounds to people around him.
I don't but I still don't think the entire thing has been a disaster. If mother fuckers forgot about impeachment in January they'll forget about this by November
Yeah this guy’s a retarded subhuman but he’s also not the most powerful “man” in the world.
low test detected. i am fucking frantic all the time. ready to kill and fuck, just like president trump.
Stop bumping these threads you fucking idiots, they are distractions from the irrefutable sexual assault allegations against biden.
I took one of my moms insulin needles and inject 10ml of bleach yesterday. It burned like hell but my cough has gone away and my feet have stopped tingling.
Why does the media believe all viewers are morons?
He thinks your a raging cockgoobling fag, Andy.
Shill posting. Fuck off.
Why do so many morons believe Anderson Vanderbilt
OP is a dick sucking nigger democrat who eats little babies and takes it up the ass from Jim Comey.
Hillary at least would’ve been surrounded by competent people. Trump’s surrounded himself with parasitic (((capitalists))) who are glutting themselves on the public largesse.
It takes a special kind of retard to believe this.
They're really panicking now that anti-body tests are coming out and showing that this was always, in fact, just the flu bro.
>Hillary at least would’ve been surrounded by competent people
you must be 18+ to use Yas Forums
This vitriol is gonna destroy this country.
thank God people like Joe Biden and Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper are out there to debunk all the presidents lies!!
>Hillary at least would’ve been surrounded by criminals.
cleared that up for you
the irony of anderson cooper saying that