What is Yas Forumss Corona mask?

What is Yas Forumss Corona mask?

If I go outside without a covering of my face and nose the man will fine me so I unleash my autism

They said I had to wear a mask, they did not say it had to be effective and the effective ones are for sale nowhere

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Get yourself one of those siege masks.

you can get a cotton washable mask on ebay for like 10-12 dollars. I use it to go to the beer store or whenever i have to go inside a store. To disinfect mine i just boil some water and submerge the mask in there for 10 minutes.

I don't wear a mask. If your wearing a scarf your just being retarded it doesn't do anything other than show people to your afraid and you do what they tell you.

make one of these

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Put a 3M halfmask in it

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Do you really not have an actual gas mask on hand in case the ATF storm your house and start chucking tear gas through the windows? There's a site called facebook that may be more your speed.

i wear a turban in the berber nomad style.

wearing a mask is taking a little bit of privacy back from the electric eyes

i like this. may have to modify my turban.

Some of us now live in ultra-authoritarian states where every grocery manager/owner sucks politician dick and you can't buy food anywhere without a "face covering."

I'm not spending a single cent on this bullshit and all I could find was a tie-dyed bandanna that I forgot I had.

Make a paper bag mask with your own message on it

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saw a bunch of youth wearing bandanas. was waiting for the glocks to come out. this has a nice dystopian vibe that i want to preserve.

Yeah that's how I see it. It's fun, I don't give a fuck about the virus. It like Halloween everyday now.

i sometimes wear my gasmask but i'm not wasting a filter so don't put one on.

One of these

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I chuckled today because the cashier at Walgreens jumped when she looked up at me. I had on a black hoodie and my bandanna. I bet she briefly thought I was an opportunistic robber.

Full face/half face with goggles respirator and P100 filters

just use an old filter?

Unironically a good idea

I wear the mask of The Republic. A freeman on the land.

N95 all day everyday

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Is me. I have the filters, never wear them. No one gets it. But I guess if some nigger sneezed in my face it would help anyway.

3M respirator. It’s only $20-30 and it’s far more comfortable to breathe and wear long term for stuff like grocery shopping.

Also wear goggles. The first doe cited that died in China was because they weren’t wearing eye protection. If you’re just wearing a mask it’s literally useless because if your eyes are exposed you will still get it.

Also P100. N95 won’t stop actual virus particles. It’s good enough if that’s all you can find. But spend the extra money and get the P100.

I've been saying this the whole time. Everyone getting over a boner over wearing a mask and thinking it will 100% protect them has been retarded because the eyes AREN'T protected.

Lol get a load of this faggot, he actually believes the virus is serious!

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You sound like the type of faggot that shits himself every flu season

Weird question OP but are you from Kentucky? Even with the face scarf, you look familiar.

pillow case with 2 holes

>What is Yas Forumss Corona mask?

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Your little sister’s panties

Never had a flu vaccination in my life.

This isn’t the fucking flu faggot.

If you get this shit one single time it can rape your lungs for life. It can also zap your fucking balls and make your sterile.

Sorry I’m concerned about my own health you fucking corona chan faggot. Go choke on your bloody lung tissue.

The virus is real simp.

Wearing a mask and gloves is a small price to pay.

Remember even during the plague 2/3rds still survived. Those were the non SIMPS that actually stayed home, isolated and attempted to cover their eyes and mouth and legs when they left the house.

Some how an uneducated person from the Middle Ages is more intelligent than the average poltard


Also. Masks, gloves and goggles absolutely work. There are doctors and nurses who work 12 hours straight absolutely surrounded by infected people. Yet they’re able to prevent getting infected because they have the proper gear.

The same thing applies to Ebola. Somehow it seems impossible to explain to people that actually wearing gloves and a mask and goggles can prevent people from getting the illness.