Imagine being american living in little fake house made out of plywood without culture and history

Imagine being american living in little fake house made out of plywood without culture and history.

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If we hadn't saved your ass in WW2 you'd be speaking german right now.

DAS richtig

>Imagine being american
I imagine German's do this a lot. I wish we weren't occupying their country so we wouldn't have to deal with these shiteaters lashing out so much

i wish i spoke kraut

Shame it's all going to become a mosque.

Germany is amazing. I lived there for two years. I will always love the country and the people.

>no history

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achmed: go worship your pedophile false prophet. he’s definitely sucking on pig cock right now in hell

i dont have to imagine

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LOL imagine tearing all of that down to put up the six gorrilionth holohoax memorial.

Not gonna lie, the houses in Germany and Europe in general are breddy gudd. A lot of concrete. Slate or tile roofs. My understanding is they’re also 3x the price, is that about right ?

Imagine living in a city over 20,000 anywhere, especially in NWO Europe

Imagine not being idahoan. I honestly pity all of you.

well at least kids are being raped at public swimming pools which are justified as "sexual emergencies".

Bretty comfy to be honest.

LOL Germany is covered in soviet block niggerhousing

Imagine being a fat sausage chewing German cuck, that allows his women to be raped in the streets. Imagine being butthurt about being defeated and occupied since the 1940s. Yes Fritz, that is the sad dumpster fire of a life you have. COPE Faggot!

in america poor to lower middle class white men just abandon their first family or second family leaving behind numerous single mothers, because of state welfare benefits it makes them feel not guilty or burdened with the responsibility of providing for them. non-elites havent had culture in generations.

>imagine being ashamed of your history

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>imagine starting two world wars and getting cucked after both
>they make you pay for everything after the first one
>they split your country in half, rape your women, and make you docile foreverafter with the second one
The state of germany.
You fuckers never started shit ever since have ya?

This. And in a hundred years they will say it was always a mosque as it was always their land. And in a thousand years people will all be living in mud huts.

you know where you are right?

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Somewhere you can deny the holocaust without being arrested

He'll always be #1 in our hearts

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I live in a building from 1860

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checked. >Somewhere you can deny the holocaust without being arrested
yes but oh well (((it happened))) but jews can still go fuck themselves hadrian did nothing wrong

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Go out in public and tell someone you're a Nationalist.

dont anger the mutts too much, they will confuse themselves and start attacking enemies of israel

Germans live in shitholes and really have no culture. You have churches that you don't attend, books you don't read, food cooked by foreigners, tourist attractions that you don't see because you want to vacation in Mallorca, and televisions on which you view old American shows dubbed into German.

but Im not I want whole europe, usa and russia to do great

Post your permission slip

Newfags can't triforce

Had to be nice when regular people could afford to live there

Hahaha, you eurofags are cucks supreme. Here in the States we execute our niggers that rape and kill, you faggots find excuses and let them go. None of you eurocucks would dare say any of this shittalk to an Americans face.

>tore down the old walls
>modernist shit boxes popping up
>big tent to accommodate Arabs
What’s the point of gloating if you’re just wasting it all away?

It sucks desu. My moms from Germany and i've been a dozen times. But user, why the fuck are you giving it away to shitstains? Don't make us have to come over there to take out the trash.

>insults americans while talking american

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But most importantly.
Look at how many years it takes the average Joe to pay out his mortgage, in America it's reasonable.

And also look at mathematical relation between average income levels and average mortgage cost over 10 years and all various analysis of this type, America comes out as sane and healthy with relation to housing.

Yet in 2008-9 crisis it was American housing bubbles enabled by crony banks and credit score companies which shook the global economy for the most part (except Asia).

Kind of funny.

My house was built in 1890. Has ornate 11 foot ceilings and I’m not crowded into some building like Eurotrash.

Imagine being so obsessed with America you make threads about the USA hourly.

Americans have this and air conditioning.

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