The 50s were heaven on earth, how did we fall so far?
What happened to america?
Immigration from third world counties and outsourcing.
1965 happened
Civil Rights Act of 1964. All downhill from there.
It will turn to glory again after the 3rd World War.
The internet and the 60s
we forgot how important bleach really is
I don't get it, women had the right to work after ww2 yet most didn't until the 70s
It's obvious to anyone who has been on Yas Forums for more than a day that jews overtook all of our institutions and seek to destroy us because of a deep seeded racial hatred of us
This but unironically
The birth control pill, feminism, immigration.
These add up and leave people with little incentive to form families.
Families are the core of a civilization, they are the best form of financial, social, and psycological welfare.
Take away the institutions of marriage and family and you get a dystopian orwellian nightmare. Add social media and porn into the equations and it gets worse.
Sexual liberation killed western civilization.
But fret not, for the course of history will be set straight by righteous men, the happenings are just starting to unfold.
It will get worse before it gets better, but remember, struggle is growth.
The 50s were our best-goy award. Jews got off our back for a decade while they were scheming and infiltrating every public institution we had. Basically the decade with the least Jewish influence is the one most fondly remembered.
the internet happened
Jews have been in the west since its inception, did they suddenly start being evil in the 50s
They were not heaven on earth, you ignorant faggot.
>The 50s were heaven on earth, how did we fall so far?
>t. incel who was born in '95
>But fret not, for the course of history will be set straight by righteous men, the happenings are just starting to unfold.
>It will get worse before it gets better, but remember, struggle is growth.
because whites were cucks and fled cities and let them become overrun by niggers
the suburbs are the death kneel of america
Hippies. Left wing professors and not listening to Joe McCarthy.
The greatest generation were cowards who handed the country over to Jews
Every single staged picture from the 50s like that one was CIA propaganda meant to destabilize and influence Russia, congrats you fell for it
because they weren't paying attention when they were more preoccupied with what to put in their stupid homes in the suburbs
Start? No. But they had just won the second world war and ground into dust the last real challenge to their financial hegemony. Low-level kikery was always afoot but 45-64 was when they started to go into unopposed turbo kikery.
ahh leaded gasoline. the good old days. stupid americans.
They were busy making Israel before they got back to poisoning the white well
The tricky part is birth rates are starting to drop globally. Some think its behavioral sink.
fucking idiot, its obvious they were better times go fap to bug drawings
They put something in the music.
You want to just sit idle while the world goes to shit?
Start a family, be a man, educate your children in virtue, is what I meant.
they didn't work because they didn't need to. a man with a basic high school diploma could afford to buy a house and two cars, and she didn't have to do shit. women started working in the 70s because that's when Nixon went off the gold standard and massive inflation hit..
I don't like this narrative because it glosses over that the Jews were given Israel in exchange for getting America involved in WWI. The myth that they were given Israel after WWII because Hitler was just a great big meanie needs to die.
You could cut the sentiment down to two syllables and it would still be absolutely correct
>You want to just sit idle while the world goes to shit?
>Start a family, be a man, educate your children in virtue, is what I meant.
They didn't need to. A man's salary, for jobs that basically only required high school diplomas, were enough to buy a house, two cars, raise kids, pay for their college, and take vacations every year. Now you need a master's degree, and all of the pensions and benefits and unions are gone, not to mention less pay overall.
The few people that are being born are being born out of wedlock, imagine how fucked that is.
Most people when given the option to indulge on a comfy easy life or take the initiative to fight to protect their descendants will take the easy path. It's the folly of man. It's tragic but this is what happens when people let novelty and decadence get in the way of serving God.
All that stuff still exists but women would rather achieve their own selfish personal ambitions than start a family
>The few people that are being born are being born out of wedlock, imagine how fucked that is.
You didn't get recalled, Ivan? Back to Moscow faggot.