Maryland agency receives more than 100 disinfectant use calls

>Maryland agency receives more than 100 disinfectant use calls
>drinking disinfectant
are americans all this retarded

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Wow 100!!! That's half the amount of dog dicks you've choked down last week.

Attached: 929F1FB4-23C4-409E-ACC6-932892545B15.gif (237x237, 443.02K)

yo wtf?!

that cat looks so fake you can literally see the wires they are stringing it up on

and people think dogs are better than cats

dman hahaha cat has some moves wow who trained it HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA HAH AHSJHDAJ ASDHADASDAD

wtf this cat got MOVES

Someone please meme "drink bleach against Trump. If enough of us kill ourselves he will stand trial for mass murder."

hey did this really happen?

Is this real? What the actual fuck

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The dancing cat I mean

What the fuck why is this not int he news?!!

Wow I didn't know that cats can do this.
Maybe cats will become the next highly developed lifeform on earth, after corona kills us all.
Planet of the cats.

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yes? like duh? now please answer my question regarding americans and retardation


thread reeks of reddit

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Wow how does he do that?
Is this real?

It's not right

The real dancing cat meme is very good.
It's a really nice meme, and I feel positive every single time. It's epic but also cool.

holy shit

Nah only the true retards are injecting and drinking disinfectant. Once those dumbasses die off U.S. will have the highest IQ in the world.

That's real.


>That's real.
anyone who believes its not is a shill or kike!

Reported for off-topic

>are americans all this retarded
at least 62,984,828 are

Haha, yes
But also a nigger faggot spic with aids.
God I can't wait for this cancer to stop, just let it end

it would be if true, beaner bro
Pareto's law for the win


I almost fainted. This can't possibly be real.