/RWU/ - Right wing united

We are the Right Wing United.
Our goal is to mobilize the international right into real world action.
A global shift has occurred in the political landscape.
We are the for-bearers of a torch that will be handed down generation by generation.
Together we can do this. Together we are strong.
Everyone will challenge us, but no one will stop us.
Do you think you have what it takes?
Tired of the trolls and larpers?Want to save western civilization? Sick of the infighting? JOIN RIGHT WING UNITED.We are a group that advocates the unity of all people on the right; Christians,libertarians, confederates, ancaps,nationalists,fascists,identitarians, traditionalists, conservatives, ect our goal is to mobilize the international right into real word action.Join us,get out from behind the computer and fight!
discord: wabUCtT


Our very civilization is being eroded. The marxists and their useful idiots have used their cultural hegemony to silence and ridicule any remotely conservative opinion. They would erase us from the face of the world to usher in their atheistic slavery. We, members of Right Wing United, stand against them. We accept many ideologies. Conservatives, Minarchists, Anarco-Capitalists, Christain Fundamentalists, even Monarchists, and the dreaded Alt-Right, all are welcome. We believe that there is no greater threat to the existence of Western Civilization than the creep of cultural marxism. We cannot face the enemy alone. Though we may have internal disagreements, we must set those aside to save what is left of the West, before it falls to the hammer and sickle. As the American Colonies did so many years ago, we must follow their example and unite, lest we perish before the hateful flood

Attached: rwu.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Ok now this is based

hey... thats pretty kek

dont join its shit

Fuck off with your honeypot attempt, fag

Attached: yourepathetic.jpg (1995x1125, 1018.84K)


Bump for this. Heebs will not divide us

annnnd memeflaggot

ok schizoid

This is some next level faggotry


Attached: ryona.jpg (535x753, 36.38K)

Gullible retards, this is clearly a honeypot attempt

Attached: Fed.png (1322x882, 359.01K)


what if you're the fed...
trying to keep the people down...
dont trust this man..

fuck off newfag, i remember this server back from 2017

Go dilate, Discord trannies

what did he mean by this?

are not conservative or "right wing" they want theocratic despotism.

okay federal agent


turn the memeflag off, (((dude.)))

Attached: who.gif (452x523, 2.92K)

How does this prove anything


mfw rwu

Attached: cat kiss.gif (162x90, 91.85K)

Pretty based even though some ideologies aren't so good at stopping cultural marxism. Either way have a bump.



What does RWU think of the jews?

Listen here kiddo, I infiltrated your secret chat group before and this is what I found, you arent fooling anyone here with your faggot shit

Attached: 1563552583155.png (707x779, 748.37K)

Not our server at all you stupid retard try again

lol aight

nasty gross hate em they suck

Attached: nazbol lizard fast.gif (640x640, 1.84M)

yeah dude i get it you like going to troon splitdick servers and compiling images of them for your funny jpg image macros but not really relevant at all to the situation at hand so