Australia is our greatest ally!

Australia is our greatest ally!

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>Bogans > bolsheviks
agreed, toss me a Vic.

If the government would stop being such cunts then I could get behind this, aussies are fucking hilarious

We won't be when you're no longer White. You'll actively try and destroy us or muttify us to your level

Can you cunts do something about china already


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Boomers love to shill how "Israel is our greatest ally" when you aussies actually are. It has meme potential for sure.

“Greatest ally”

You fags have way to many niggers for any of us to come near the shithole that is your country

We need to end the "Israel is our greatest ally" meme, because it's not true.;

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They were with us in Vietnam, killing commie gooks and chinks. Agreed.

Israel never signed an agreement with the United States to become our ally

Oh good Aussie, can´t your government glass China? Mine is fucking up so hard like you have no idea, and the US won´t do shit so...

I've been posting this meme all over kikebook. Been getting banned regularly though. Have to change the size of image for it not to recognise them all as the same picture though. Still get sent to the sad corner

If nothing changes we will eventually become a Chinese satellite...

Lest we forget

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Suck his dick harder, aussies hate us, why cant you idiots see that?

>Heavily influenced by American culture
Yeah, no. Fuck off.

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The retarded bogans might, but deep down every Aussie knows they need us. Imagine no USA, and the chinks decide they'd like to annex northern Australia. What the fuck would the aussies do about it? Get cucked, that's what

You aussie faggots need to stop talking so much shit about america, lest we tell China that we won't intervene if they'd like some new coastline

Of you look at Americans in the 50s and 60s they sound identical to Aussies. Post 70s Nu-Americans are mentally retarded monkeys

Southerners sound fairly similar to aussies 4 drinks in. Even the banter is the same.

make it easier for white australians to move to burgerland then you fuckers

They're all retarded, stop romanticizing them. I'm sick of seeing Americans cuck out so hard to these shit heads.

No they don't, not even close. Jesus, you're pathetic

Either Australia or Japan (prior to and after WWII, it's been nothing but "good") would have to be the US' greatest ally, and we must never forget that when the time comes that the Chink scourge inevitably threatens either/or.

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Fuck you Canada is our only true friend

So all this shittalk and deep down you want to move here??? Show some goddamn respect then, every fucking thread you koala rapists go out of your way to talk shit, very specifically about america

Almost 1/3 of your country is foreign born, most of them from 3rd world Asia. Don't criticise us, we must work together and stop the Chinese-Paki menace!

We are Americas greatest ally but they aren't our greatest ally.
God Bless India.

haha i dont know about the shit talkers, but i do want to move there.

checked. much love to da aussie lads

they are worse than the chinks when it comes to being filthy animals. they would rather shit out in the open than use a toilet

Cope, you know it's true. We are USA jr

Well god bless you mate, I've always wanted to give Victoria or Perth a go. The grass is greener, at least in my mind

Nah dude, aussie are cool. I even convinced some of them to vote for Wayne Lambright. That would be really funny if Wayne won some position in Australia.

Australia, (the land and scenery) is great mate, its a beautiful place, but unfortunately its just becoming more and more pozzed and diverse and crime is increasing in many areas.

Victoria is pozzed beyond repair and is full of Africans/Sudanese who do home invasions and car jackings daily and its illegal to defend yourself here.
Perth is still okay.

We're working on it. After the whole Corona virus debacle everyone here is motivated to get ride of China, even the rich merchants.

where is based Australia? Perth has gotten good feedback, whatabout anywhere in NSW or Queensland?

Yes who can forget them defeating the Japanese invasion forces headed for Australia at the Battle of the Coral Sea.

Based invisible imaginary Pajeets.

Strayans were cool until about 2005, now they are 100% cucked faggots who barely even go outside anymore.

That is directly a result of US actions. Get fucked seppo.
Bring back the White Australia Policy.