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How did America fuck this up so badly?
Cameron Ramirez
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Grayson Williams
We're retarded
Benjamin Ross
That shit was planted in NYC.
Carter Hughes
Jose Peterson
>the country on the list with the largest population has the most cases
Julian Hall
60% of people show no symptoms. I think you're testing more. The deaths are what matters.
Samuel Cooper
Hospitals are being given $28,000 for every coronavirus death.
Every grandpa heart attack is now corona.
Blake Evans
That would be china you mutt
Parker Johnson
nigger we have 300million people, none of those other countries in the list even have half that
Michael Williams
china isnt on the list you blind goatfucker
Angel Anderson
Look at the guy in charge. Inject disinfectant.
Tyler Nguyen
Benjamin Garcia
Dr Fauci said only 60k deaths maaan
Jonathan Lee
Look at per capita numbers faggot.
Also China's numbers are lies.
Mason Lewis
>Mudskins in charge of reading comprehension
Jeremiah Reyes
Even if it gets to 100k it'll only be as bad as a bad flu year.
Joshua Murphy
You are truly special
Lincoln Butler
no forced lockdown and NYC saying it's an act of war if the president forces a quarantine lol
>muh trump
literally caused them to fuck up
Jeremiah James
>liberals are the only ones retarded enough to do it
go drink more fish bowl cleaner
Jaxon James
how the fuck does it manage to stay at 2000 a day for weeks and weeks
Gabriel Morris
Jaxson Price
Sorry no archive link but this is 100% true. Obviously the heart attacks didn't go away. One could assume they're about the same rate so why aren't they being counted as such?
Isaiah Brooks
Shit healthcare system and a retarded leader.
Nathaniel Hernandez
>trusting chinks numbers
Hudson Bailey
And yet somehow all the retards in NY suddenly think Cuomo is the greatest thing ever and that he's done a great job.
I will leave this shithole after quarantine because it's nothing but hypocrites. Right up until Cuomo started running his mouth at Trump everybody in upstate hated him, didn't matter where you fell politically. Now, libtards especially, all have his balls in their mouths.
Zachary Hernandez
china thought they were being smart with fudging the numbers to make it all over/done then italy happened lol
Nicholas Edwards
BTW I guarantee if quarantine is ever over, all these ballsuckers are going right back to hating Cuomo.
Samuel Brown
stop spreading false information you fucking mutt. The deaths are under reported. Pneumonia deaths are listed in 2019-2020 at an all time high and have spiked to unprecedented levels the last few weeks.
Connor Brooks
Show the per 100K numbers kike.
The US is 320M people, Russia is like half that.
Spain far less.
Using totals is brainlet tier retardation.
Dominic Lewis
This. You can always spot a leftist by their absolute retardation with regards to numbers.
Isaac Ortiz
Which isn't in the list and no one has actual reliable numbers on sandnigger islamokike.
Jeremiah Turner
yeah and a few days ago they add 1k deaths ,just to make it look like they are reporting the real numbers.