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Balkanization thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not calling it Grand Republic of New England
>greater chicago
>chicago puppet
chicago would be a complete shit hole and everywhere around it would carry on like normal aside from having to dig more ditches for the englewood hordes that came looking for food
> UP
> Greater Chicago
You don't know about here do you? It's ok faggot.
I can't wait to turn coastie fags away at our border at gunpoint.
Enjoy your warzone cities engulfing your food and medical supplies, the rest of us will be fine, thanks.
I really like this map
>he thinks we don't have guns
We control the coasts and the undersea internet links. You are fucked.
total garbage
>Lumping SoCal in with the bay area
I didn't want to call it New England because the vast majority of the population and landmass are not former New England.
Also I think it's really lame to name a country after another country.
Especially since Plymouth would be a majority Catholic nation.
I'm not in love with the name though. If you have something better I'm all ears.
Thing is that I really doubt most states are likely to split themselves, if the US were to balkanize.
It's time brothers. No longer shall FL anons be trapped on this peninsula with jews and snowbirds. We shall claim the north.
thank you.
where would you find yourself, fren?
Oh and the coasts? Oh don't worry, you can keep it.
Say hi to Xi and Putin for me, I'll be in the FOB with the Boomers and GWOT vets that have nothing better to do than waste morons that think you can just walk through the Rocky Mountains.
You realize California has an actual military force, right?
Plymouth is named after Plymouth in England though
But yea i understand i mean theres no other name for it, culturally its the same as Old England honestly, but with those added territories that go down as far as Delaware.. IDEK DESU ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, last I checked, New Englanders want nothing to do with NYC.
Except southern connecticut lol we're bitches to NYC unfortunately
Who, the NG? A militia?
Good luck feeding a standing army in a state that has to import food AND electricity, let alone your shitgibbon population.
No, stop posting this retarded map.
You realize that the food wouldn't disappear the moment things become balkanized, right? I don't even like this fucking state, but I'm just point out that while it's a real long term issue, California would still have some short term power.
>he doesn't know about the eastern portions of the coast states
Where do you live, faggot?
None of these are quite right.
>New Netherlands
>Not including West Michigan
>thinking a few thousand innawoods fagets could stop the great lakes metropolitan areas from projecting power onto them
t. midwest NPC
I live in San Diego county, dumbass.
>import food
you are retarded.
you think those soibean and wheat cartels larping as states are contributing any nutrition? All that shit just goes into making processed carb snacks.
All of our actual food (produce) comes from California. And you can easily establish large chicken and pig industries anywhere to get meat sovereignty almost immediately.
just made this yesterday for fun
i like balkanization threads, so i'm gonna keep posting it. feel free to actually give your opinion if you're gonna bump and waste a captcha.
you don't like it? filter me out or don't click in.
I'm sure you're very busy shitposting and trolling in coffee threads.
DC would let their Wall Street Cash Cow go just like they let the King Cotton Cash Cow walk away...
The Anglo American Dominion of Virginia. I know that my ancestors and I lived here in an alternate timeline.
> Assuming us innawoods faggots wouldn't bleed them so slowly and painfully they'd put up wall near Osh gosh and treat everything from Osh Gosh to Marinette as a buffer no man's land.
this is like perfectly accurate in terms of geography and culture.
Although I find it impossible to believe that economics and politics would enable a balkanization like this.
Why would it be named after Virginia?
Seems a bit generous for the US. You know there should 200 countries there. Most of them full of shitskins.
so tell me about why SoCal and Bay Area would be different countries.
i have never once heard that they had any actual animosity towards each other beyond an intrastate rivalry.
Sans the faggot, wealthy, Orange County assholes who are SJW neocons.
That's why I linked just those other two. The civil war borders would have more relation to mountains, deserts and rivers. Oh and luck of coursr.
Because Virginia was the first English settlement in America. My family was one of the first to come here from England 400 years ago. It would be like what Canada actually was, an Anglo American colony. One day I wanna move to England and really Larp as an Anglo there.
interesting. I wonder if Arizona would really go it alone, but I think this is otherwise pretty good. I like the "New Amsterdam" applied to the greater MidAtlantic too, since that was really the old Dutch colonial area more so than upstate NY, which (for some inexplicable reason) is what Upstate NY secession people want to call their new territory.
and i also once had a map that used "Rocky Mountain Republic"
Because they like the Virgin Queen Elizabeth so much they are keeping as name sake.
The United States would never give up the California coastline, it's too important to the military strategically.
>oh but america stays the same
retard map, US needs to fracture a lot more, you've still got texas in the same country as detroit and new york
now this one I like
I don't think it'd be up to the military elites who would care about that though.
If CA wanted to leave, they'd leave, and the middle of the country would surely let them show themselves out.
Even if the Mike Mattises and Jim Webbs of the world wanted to hold 40m people hostage for a handful of military bases, nobody in the US would be willing to fight a Civil War over that.
I think still having access to the middle Pacific through Jefferson, and keeping a multidecade lease on military bases in independent California would suffice.
>annexing leafland
>giving away Cali and Hawaii
Uh yeah, I'm thinking this is based
>texas in same country as new york
and you call my geography retarded