>Huge economic rescue plan agreed by EU leaders
>Transport secretary briefing
>Calls for the government to step in and stop Saudis from taking over Norfcastle United
>Racist Norferners lob beer at chinky bird
>Huge economic rescue plan agreed by EU leaders
>Transport secretary briefing
>Calls for the government to step in and stop Saudis from taking over Norfcastle United
>Racist Norferners lob beer at chinky bird
fucking hate you pricks
First for Pube and Cancerfag fucking each other.
any lads on the sesh tonight?
why are you so concerned with who i fuck lmao you jealous or something? i dont even know you hahaha
Continuing bidding from the other thread. Do I have any takers?
we've done a number on you
Wanna watch?
lmao newfag
I thought with the lockdown there would be
more posters here but no.
it's the same few people
Why is the yid so desperate for attention with the names and trips?
Twin sisters die from Covid-19, I wonder why though....
might kill myself tomorrow
>>Huge economic rescue plan agreed by EU leaders
>(((Them))) getting Europe into debt to (((them))) by pretending to have Europe's best interests at heart is somehow a "rescue"
>>Calls for the government to step in and stop towelheads from taking over Norfcastle United
Just let them buy it and then seize it off em. What are they gonna do lol.
Woodblock prints are comfy lads
Do it, now!
i swear after the manhands shite the amount of cunts wanting fucked has quadrupled
fuck off
leave me alone
not shagging any of you
Jew by any chance? Why are you poking your brown nose in to what isn't our business?
I know, what makes it even worse is not a single person has bid on you yet.
It's like you truly are worthless.
I have schizophrenia and I haven't had sex for years and I have no job
what’s the implication here lad
they had a threesome
Bit on the "tubby" side?
you one of the pricks that tried adding me lmfao fuck off i wont shag yer arse
Probably couldn't get off the couch
Just plant some garlic, lad.
that’s skinny for Hampshire, Southampton especially
Another burger who can't drive in the UK, same place.
Sir, the auctioneer can't bid on the items. Do keep quiet.
The Jew is off again talking about homosex, degenerate cunt.
get a tripfag and become the next big star t b h