Are spics the same species as white folk? After watching all these videos from Mexico and Brazil, it's become apparent that they're barbarians. They brutally murder children from rival cartels, etc. and yet when a white person kills a spic, like Patrick Crusius, all of a sudden we must do something about it. They can act wild, disrespectful, commit crimes, sling dope, commit rapes, form gangs, etc. on OUR soil but yet when somebody goes to their country and disrespects them there's automatically a lynch mob hunting for him, like that Russian guy. Back in the old days, they used to cut the hearts out of people and drink their blood for their demon gods. Now I know why my ancestors used to lynch these subhumans and strip them naked and treat them like terrorists at the border.
Are spics the same species as white folk? After watching all these videos from Mexico and Brazil...
Other urls found in this thread:
White = human
Non-white = subhuman
Non-whites are not human and must be treated like animals.
>Are a mix of tribals and Spaniards the same as white folk
No amount of white Spanish blood will breed out the brown Aztec psychopathy.
brutality has nothing to do with whiteness.
An intelligent and civilized man understands that sometimes extreme brutality is the most humane way.
What is happening in that photo?
Why do spic countries like El Salvador and Honduras have such a high crime rate? It's even higher than our nigger-infested cities
they cut a mans face off while he was still alive and are scoring it with box cutters over and over again. they are also sticking a pole down his throat.
Your filthy cousins to the West are removing this bastard's face, you dumb nigger.
Hey Puerto Rico. Thank you for not being Mexico.
based and true
Holly fuck
Gang shenanigans?
What did he do that made the other shitskins do this?
We love you!
Hey man im just doing my part in not immigrating to the US and become a newyorikan
C'mon, Lad.
If there is a god, do you think he sits there and goes, "Well they're showing humanity that any behavior is possible."
I'm 1/4th spic because my dad is half italian half mexican from texas. Its hard for me to explain to gringos but we just have this boiling blood that sometimes needs an outlet. I even feel it, I could not imagine being 100% spic. You can just feel the passion and rage flow through you.
>Are spics the same species as white folk?
The simple answer is that they are why race mixing is one of the most evil things a person can do. Mainly the mixture of a superior race (European) and an inferior race (Negroid, Indigenous, etc)
Spics are the product of a few Spanish conquistadors who made the mistake of impregnating native Amerindian whores (or negro slaves ie Brazil). This process only has to happen a few times before the bastard children start multiplying amongst themselves like flies and create the modern day Latino/spic population. These bastard mutts are dysgenic creatures in every possible way. They are ugly, stupid, violent, hypersexual, psychopathic, and so much more. They have absolutely no redeeming qualities.
Just look at the kind of music these dysgenic mutts create. It tells you everything you need to know about their genetic quality. Pure garbage
>Patrick Crusius
>not a Jew
>yet when a white person kills a spic, like Patrick Crusius
Kike detected opinion discarded
Yeah, like to be a savage is hard. please.....nigger entertainment level
>No amount of white Spanish blood will breed out the brown Aztec psychopathy.
Agreed. And honestly, I have a lot more respect for the pure blooded Aztecs than I do for the bastard latino mutts who exist today. At least the Aztecs killed for religious reasons. However barbaric it was.
Spics today behead and peel off faces over drugs. Pure degeneracy.
An ex Mexcian cartel cop was on Jew Rogaine a while back, and he pretty much confirmed that the savagery is likely an epigentic remnant of their Aztec past -- what most red-pilly anthropologist already allude to.
He literally had to sneak out of his constabulary (via drug cartel connections, ironically enough) in order to quit his job without the real risk of death to himself and his family -- the distrust and violence is that ingrained and endemic in the nation. (*he had enough of cognitive dissonant pro forma crack-downs on weed, while coke floods the nation)
>the closer to Caligula
>the greater the chaos
>What did he do that made the other shitskins do this?
Do you even have to ask? Spics regularly behead and torture innocent people. That video where they killed the father and son was because they snitched to the police. They beheaded the father in front of the son and then they flayed to boy alive and ripped his heart out.
Bump. Spic hate thread
Mexicans are to people what the Chinese are to animals at wet markets.
All of Latin America is basically a warzone, and the people act accordingly. The spics I've run into in the U.S all tend to be very timid, almost pathetically so, and I think this is their natural state when they live in abundance; slow and docile. Either all their savage blood stayed in the south, or their incompetent handling of their own politics led to an environment where unbridled savagery is often incentivized. I'd argue for the latter, since we see an analogous scenario in China, where generarions of government incentivized apathy (eg helping a wounded stranger will land you with their medical costs) has created a land of callous, animal torturing bugmen. The Taiwanese, who are genetically quite similar, don't share this buggish demeanor.
You know exactly what’s happening in that photo why do you want people to post the video? Are you fucked up in the head? Get help
Why do all hispanics fucking litter and poach so much? Go to any shoreline anywhere in America and it's nothing but Modelo cans thrown everywhere. They keep every fish they catch, no matter the size or legality. No respect for nature or other fishermen.
Look at the mixed races of Brazil, there completely chaotic with their violence it’s just violence for violence.
What’s with the coomer shit? Go to B
Also am related to Eva green
The vast majority of Mexicans have zero Aztec blood, it's all a huge larp. The Aztecs were a small elite population in central Mexico, who brutalized all the other tribes in the area and demanded tribute from them. When the Spanish arrived, all the injuns they had been raping and sacrificing for generations leaped at the opportunity to turn on the Aztecs. Most Mexican mutts are descended from the low status jungle village dwelling injuns, not the Aztec ruling class.
look ,don't use spic its a too broad term, your problem are the Mexicans, particular the northern ones, and yes that are savages, its incredible that a civilization had been form in such violent conditions as the aztecs
an advice of dealing with Chileans
ask them about Pinochet, if they said he was a murdered, dictator , helicopter man bad etc,etc. get far as you can of him/her because the chances he is a criminal are like 80% no joking
can the guy on the right now grow a mustache?
amerindians are a primitive group high in psychopathy and savagery
also Argentinians are top notch tourists at least the ones that come here
They aren't sticking a pole down his throat they are using a vacuum to stop him from drowning on his own blood