/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3435

► Detected: 2,827,814 (+104,645) ► Died: 197,015 (+6,098) ► Day: 106 (-01:13:55)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,516 strains have been sequenced —


Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

DIY facemasks can be made as safe as N95

Sweden doesn't test or count suspected deaths

Politicians get ready to reopen based on antibody tests

Italy warns that cats, ferrets and dogs can get infected

CDC recommends wearing masks in public, against WHO advise

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Med shocked, lungs of young patients filled with blood

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

Mortality rate in Ecuador province multiplied 7-fold in two weeks

French media: Nobel laureate says virus combined with HIV in lab

▶ 172 new cases and 11 new deaths in Argentina
▶ 14 new cases in Congo
▶ 4 new cases in the Cayman Islands
▶ 13 new cases in Burkina Faso
▶ 86 new cases and 4 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 1778 new cases and 155 new deaths in Canada
▶ 2 new cases in Guinea-Bissau
▶ 4 new cases in French Guiana
▶ 114 new cases and 1 new death in Nigeria


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Other urls found in this thread:


Let me explain to you why /cvg/ fags are the shills, and /nbg/ are the good guys. It's very simple: Which side would real Yas Forums users choose?

/cvg/ embarks in constant gaslighting to keep this lockdown going as long as possible, saying this virus is apocalypse-level and billions of lives will be lost if we lift it. Let me ask you this: Since when in the fuck does pol want to PRESERVE this clown world? Since when does pol bend over backwards to PROTECT NORMIE LIVES? Since when does pol AGREE WITH CUOMO?

By the incessant normie-dick-sucking done by /cvg/ faggots, you can easily and immediately draw the conclusion: These happooners consist solely of actual, unironically retarded people, and SHILLS. There are no real pol users trying to construe this virus as a big deal. There are no real pol users advocating for the protection of the heckin boomerinos. All such people are simply socialist shills / globalist useful-idiots who want desperately to turn this FABRICATED NOTHINGBURGER into an opportunity to impose big-government mass cucknation, sling shit at trump, anally cactus-fuck small businesses, and of course, harvest lots of precious shekels through sensationalist news media.

>b-b-but /nbg/ fags want to go back to work and serve mr shekelberg

The ONLY companies truly harmed right now are small businesses, ie. the only businesses not run by a board room full of kikes.

The simple fact is, this virus is quite mild and has been present throughout the country since December at the latest. We lived with this virus for 3 fucking months without even noticing it. It's no different than any other random-ass case of "pneumonia" that pops up in hundreds of thousands of people every year. The only difference this year is it's an election year, and so shills (cvg) have turned it into a tool for their kikeful gain.

lets see some lewd corona chans

>be global elite
>notice nothingburger pneumonia virus spreading, as happens every year
>make plan to reconstrue it as le ebic bandemig :D :D :D because you know retarded faggot /cvg/-tier dipshits will run with it
>able to short the stonks market because obviously you, having come up with the plan, know when to sell
>make a gargantuan profit with your kike buddies
>anally cactus-fuck small businesses, further solidifying your large businsess
>sling some shit at trump

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> :D
easiest filter ever

Coronachan is super hot when she does beastiality

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What the fuck is that thing?

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Fucking sexy coronachan

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Why are Americans like this?

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Real talk.

Why is Donald Trump so fucking BAD at handing this?

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MonsterGirl Chads roll call

>yes, Corona counts

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>be global elite
>don't want corona-chan to burn down this sham economy and help with the horrible overpopulation
>try to underplay it as just a flu to demoralize you

Why are mutts so retarded? Why do they think everyone is focused on their shithole and trumperino?

>Which side would real Yas Forums users choose?
True Yas Forums hates the world, wants everyone dead, and a pure white ethnostate.

which aligns with that.
/cvg/ celebrating the constant growing numbers
/nbg/ screaming about how its a nothing burger, we need to go back to work, we need to return to "normal" normie lifestyles.

Nice try, Shekelstein but you gave yourself away
>Let me explain to you why /cvg/ fags are the shills, and /nbg/ are the good guys.
Yas Forumsacks don't need an explaination.

A chinese woman

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>Blessed numbers AND Butterfly Affection
You are super based and I hope you're taking care of yourself!

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Because Trump and “muh free healthcare“ is literally all you faggots ever talk about.

Mutts genuinely believe global politics revolves around them.

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In case based oni bro didnèt see it

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Anyone still with hope to survive this?

What do you get for trips?

#1 United States 924,235 (52,109) #2 Spain 219,764 (22,524) #3 Italy 192,994 (25,969) #4 France 159,828 (22,245) #5 Germany 154,999 (5,760) #6 United Kingdom 143,464 (19,506) #7 Turkey 104,912 (2,600) #8 Iran 88,194 (5,574) #9 China 82,804 (4,632) #10 Russia 68,622 (615) #11 Brazil 52,995 (3,670) #12 Belgium 44,293 (6,679) #13 Canada 43,888 (2,302) #14 Netherlands 36,535 (4,289) #15 Switzerland 28,677 (1,589) #16 India 24,447 (780) #17 Portugal 22,797 (854) #18 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #19 Peru 21,648 (634) #20 Ireland 18,184 (1,014) #21 Sweden 17,567 (2,152) #22 Saudi Arabia 15,102 (127) #23 Austria 15,071 (530) #24 Israel 15,058 (194) #25 Japan 12,712 (345) #26 Chile 12,306 (174) #27 Singapore 12,075 (12) #28 Pakistan 11,940 (253) #29 Mexico 11,633 (1,069) #30 Poland 10,892 (494) #31 South Korea 10,708 (240) #32 Romania 10,417 (567) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,281 (64) #34 Belarus 8,773 (63) #35 Qatar 8,525 (10)…

#1 United States +37,793 (+1,875) #2 Ecuador +11,536 (+16) #3 Spain +6,740 (+367) #4 Russia +5,849 (+60) #5 United Kingdom +5,386 (+768) #6 Brazil +3,503 (+357) #7 Turkey +3,122 (+109) #8 Italy +3,021 (+420) #9 Germany +1,870 (+185) #10 Canada +1,778 (+155) #11 France +1,645 (+389) #12 Belgium +1,496 (+189) #13 India +1,408 (+59) #14 Saudi Arabia +1,172 (+6) #15 Iran +1,168 (+93) #16 Mexico +1,089 (+99) #17 Pakistan +883 (+18) #18 Sweden +812 (+131) #19 Netherlands +806 (+112) #20 Belarus +751 (+3) #21 Peru +734 (+62) #22 Ireland +577 (+220) #23 United Arab Emirates +525 (+8) #24 Bangladesh +503 (+4) #25 Chile +494 (+6) #26 Ukraine +477 (+6) #27 Portugal +444 (+34) #28 Indonesia +436 (+42) #29 Poland +381 (+40) #30 Japan +344 (+17) #31 Romania +321 (+22) #32 Colombia +320 (+10) #33 South Africa +267 (+4) #34 Israel +255 (+2) #35 Kuwait +215 (+1)…

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Friendly reminder it hasn't even begun yet.

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LOL chair size = amerilard

Homeless WA user here
Made some more progress but I can see why German user recommended pick axe. The ground has started to become 90% pebbles.
I looked up jewtube video on clay deposits but do any of you have tips on finding besides "dig near river/streams"?
Sorry this isn't very cvg related. I feel less exhausted compared to my last update
Please like and share my blog frens, stay safe

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real talk

you gonna have to start posting sauce

I don’t, but plenty of people are obsessed with us


>roll call
Can't really outroll your digits, pal

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>2826847 infected
>196981 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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I used to be an ugly, balding, 5'2", weak-jawed hapa incel working a dead-end job at Target, living in some shitty apartment, never touched a woman. then I just decided to browse CVG, for the Boop poster, do nofap nopillow, keto etc. and now I'm a 6'5" aryan Chad millionaire with blond hair and blue eyes and I lift 30 gorillion pounds and I have a new chick every 3 days, I wash my hands, didn’t touch my face, ate deenz, stayed safe, waited two weeks, and practiced an over abundance of caution, CVG has made me the man I am today, I can’t thank you guys enough.

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cvg celebrates media pinning this shit on trump, celebrates the supposed "saving of lives" through this lockdown, and sucks Cuomo's dick. Nothing in these shit threads is anything like the beliefs the rest of pol holds. At best, these threads are leftypol incarnate, and at worst they are shilling grounds.

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Does she count?
Fucking gross, stop spamming ugly corona

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Boop-user-Bot what other corona image could be used in this gif?

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I hope you make it throughout the outbreak

>boop poster
>Butterfly Affection
>rare image
>checked them
we DO NOT deserve you

I love how smug the eagle looks.

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user... if you don't know the girls i'm posting have you been living under a rock?

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I’m just posting an authentic Chinese woman, you guys are posting unrealistic expectations

What do you say about the antibodies?

Days in Nofap counter, reset to 0

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Higher case numbers today?

I don't think lum chan looks like a gook, she's 100% aryan

They don't last because coronavirus, lol.

The average /r/Hapa poster

We're all gonna make it fren, but our Lord knows death maybe better

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i dont watch anime

Why would you want realism over anime waifu?

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The virus- most likely most will.
Unfortunately there is a war coming.
Just watch the shisthow unfold.
And by war I don't mean civil unrest or something of what we are used to seeing everyday since Desert Storm.
USA will crash, but before it burns it will start a war with China.
Just think of the following scenario :
US has unseen unemployment rate
Small/Medium biznizis are BTFO with no chance for going back to what it used to be
Reopening too early
More sick, more chaos
Food shortages
Just as social unrest start to become more noticeable and more brutal Dotard announces that the SOURCE was found and another war starts.
How many will enlist when they are starving for the following reasons:
Murrica Fuck Yeah
Food for me
Food for family
Bills taken care of
Read and think on this scenario...

Because I’m not a child molester

>I love how epic the eagle looks.
Corrected - no need to thank me!

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To be honest I think its his advisors. Hes been mislead on a lot of issues in the passed because he took a lot of recommendations from other people when it came to filling his cabinet. I think hes learned quite a lot over the years and is a good judge of character but nobody was ready for something like this so its hard to blame him. His entire campaign was going to be based upon the way the economy progressed since he entered office which I have my own opinions on but its not really that important. He did a lot for marginalized communities despite what some may say. Fauci has been the only person to stand up to him during this to contradict the narrative that a lot of people around him are trying to build. Politics and Big Business operate hand and hand, 99.9% of the time the politician that spends the most money is the one thats going to win an election. Trump has a vested interest in seeing the economy get moving before the election as quickly and safely as possible. The people whispering in his ear are payed by people who have the same intentions but for different reasons ($). Not only that but the federal government doesnt have the level of control over states that you may want to pretend that it does. When trump flexed and said that the lockdowns would lift when he said so it never really worked that way. Every state declared a state of emergency and instated its own quarantines and advisories and regulations. The federal government just advised and tried to manage money and distribution of supplies. I honestly think hes taking more heat than he deserves and I dont vote and I dont really support government in general. At the end of the day hes just one guy so its kinda asinine to put all the blame on his shoulders. The stupid shit hes saying during all of this however, that is his fault. He would do better to let people like fauci speak more and anyone else that actually understand epidemiology and virology talk instead.

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That won’t stop anime from watching you

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