Fake Fake Fake

The nurse in the famous photo is allegedly a DJ. Can't confirm. Media is covering it up.

All social media profiles deleted.

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Best Korea tier

liberals are retarded and water is wet.

What nurse? I'm gonna need a quick rundown.

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they look so suspicious with those glasses.

Of course it was fake. Everything is the media is fake.

In 2020 if you want honest journalism you have to come to Yas Forums.

How the fuck is anyone surprised by this?

this place cant even have a discussion before its derailed after 3 minutes into whos not white enough


Kek I fucking knew it was fake. You never see a nurse in America that is not fat and either black or brown.

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Yea i believe the random jpg posted on a basket weaving forum

whiter than you ahmed

Forget the fake nurses the president said to drink bleach! Drumpf!

You mean... the media is lying to us?
No fucking way dude.

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Slandering heroes - the new trolling.

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>t. shitskin

ABC news here is reporting her as a hero against the extreme minority of rabid twump supporters, says that she is a real nurse, and that her name was Leander something or other.

Just a treasonous cunt. Imagine her protesting in front of the founding fathers. She'd have been shot LOL

and they WASTED those n95 masks for a photo op!! REAL nurses are on the FRONTLINES DYING because they don't have n95 masks!!

Was anyone else curious why nurses had time to stand outside by cars?

Why are leftists such dishonest faggots?


was that photo ever used? unlikely since she blew their cover.
>female couldn't just film the shit and let the trap set itself.

gonna need to see those tits for confirmation.

imagine my shock

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>random jackass
>wear scrubs


>Some Grandma Posted A Thing On Twatter
Why is this low-quality garbage allowed?

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(((You))) tried

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Originally exposed here.


Yeah, all I see is the same "Drumpf said drink bleach" garbage you can find on Twitter. This place is no better.