I am North Korean

We have watched your four chan - for years. We like what we see. We like that we are your best Korea.

Please ask any questions you have for me,

Thanks and peace be upon you

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Remove meme flag so we know you're real

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Hey newfag, actual nork IPs have posted here.

Bost eggroll

There isn't much to ask.
But please give nukes to Iran so they can destroy Israel.

I am internet through the peoples republic of china.

will kim yo jong step on my balls in the foreseeable future?

Was NK before trump really a cia front?

I knew a north korean in high school that knew fluent Russian because that's where his family fled

Remove meme flag

Long live the glorious leader of best Korea Kim Jong Un.

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We have given technologies to Iran. But not nuclear. This is for us to defense against dotard donald trump.

Yo what the fuck is this real!?

Fuck off cunt you’re not NK

Your mother is town trolly.

did kim die? what do you think of the younger sister

Is it true that Dear Leader once shot an 18 at the capitol golf course?

Do you have any lewds of her or pictures of her feet?

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6/10 would bang

>This is for us to defense against dotard donald trump.

but he's been more openly friendly than any other western leader

These are western lies. He is working very hard this is why you don’t see him.

mah nigga

Yes. DPRK women look better than fat decadent western women.

i heard this from a chinese source.

한번 조선말로 써보십시오.

then show us

We do not trust snake that is America.

Let the record show that instead of paying homage and respecting my wishes to your dear leader, you showed ignorance. You make a bad impression on your nation and you need to be sent to camp 14 right away.

This is such a terrible larp, fuck all you underage newfags for replying and not saging

Fuck jews?

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당신의 어머니는 마을 창녀입니다


how many flavours of potato chips do you guys have?


you dont think we genuinely want to be friends? :(

Holy shit how did they teach that kitty to bust a move like that? That’s a talented cat.

Wtf??? That gif is wild! How’ve I never seen that on tv or something? A fucking dancing cat

Ghaddafi, Saddam.

Is this the latest hot meme?

Nobody ever ask you to trust us. We honestly dont want you to...in fact we hope you make a dumb move so we can absolutely obliterate your shithole country. It's fun to us.

I shall beat you on behalf of the rocketpig!

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Fuck off Chink nigger we're full

C'mon bro you're not even trying, but consider those digits checked

Please explain Juche.

Is Kim Jong-un dead?

Yes. You American shit head. We know you destroy countries and people. Arrogant digger.

Oh, so you, yourself, are NOT best Korea, but Best China. I see. IP via China seals it, does it not?
Perhaps your Supreme Leader should know this.

No, it’s an actual cat that can dance like a hip hop star you twat. Have you been living under a rock or something?


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As a man we are masters of our destiny of us, the country, and our family. We need to be self reliant and strong.

very unfortunate, but the clintons arent in charge anymore. we are rejecting the corruption in our govt.

same as above. we are tired of warongers leading us over a cliff. thats why we have trump.

the US population has no stomach for war right now. perfect time to make friends ;)

okay, this is epic

Arrogant? Perhaps. But then again when you are on top who can do anything other than call names? Please do something dumb so we have a reason to kill every last one of you.

America will be a friend like friend who fucks your wife.

How many people do you personally know who have been sent to one of the camps? Are they real or fake news?

>As a man we are masters of our destiny of us, the country, and our family. We need to be self reliant and strong.

there's hope for a future together, west korea


That’s impossible I don’t believe you.

We have best education in DPRK. America is poor, just has military which cannot win wars. We are smart and ready for your lies and deceit.

:/ you can fuck mine if it makes you feel better.

Greeting Australian

i thought you came here to answer questions, not insult people

is that real??

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Yes. We have internal reeducation camps for those of which are not inline with our beliefs and belief in supreme leader.

We have no crime in DPRK

i will give ya that one, you're right desu.

ok but what about the jews?

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Jews are not in DPRK.

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so you guys kill them or what?

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Whos idea was to add these meme flags here?

>Thanks and peace be upon you
user... they aren't sand nigs.

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Answer my question motherfucker,


Fucking based

Will you take in refugees?

We never had a jew in DPRK. We fought and best Jews in your american failed assault on DPRK during the patriotic war.

Of course. We have taken some Americans who defect. Look it up.

Nice digits. How is Chairman Kim doing?

Will you accept a synagogue to be built?

How do I immigrate to NK?