Why are the atrocities of Russians by the Bolsheviks swept under the rug?
Why are the atrocities of Russians by the Bolsheviks swept under the rug?
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Jews own and operate most forms of media and would never let their crimes see the light of day
Because they were lead by Jews and Jews have run the West for at least 1,000 years through their control over the money systems.
Germans gave Lenin safe passage to Russian because they wanted them out of the war. By "They" he's talking about Germans.
I don't have to provide sources, you just have to disprove whatever I claim faggot.
The answer is without German involvement the revolution would have not been successful in Russia. Fuck Krauts.
btfo now say something in hebrew and fuck off
Because the "Russian" government is Soviet anti-russki boomers.
Adequate ppl hate soviets
We haven't anticommunication after ussr falls
>Blaming the Jews
Do you ever take responsibility for anything Kraut faggot?
Yeah but you can also blame the Tsar for being a bunch of retards. And Rasputin for being a jewlike creature.
nice try, Shmuel.
>hated Russians
>created a powerful country with free healthcare, free education, well paid labor, low prices;
>won a fucking WW2;
>taught people to not believe in gods and prophets but to believe in unity and purpose
Of course there were and will always be victims under any regime.
We're suppose to trust you faggots? you all descendants of cowards who didn't die for your Fuhrer
omg typical.
here you said
>By "They" he's talking about Germans.
which he obviously isnt and aII I needed was less than 15 seconds to find that out
1.G*rmans sent Lenin to Russia who created soviet meat-grinder and destroyed my country for 70 years, and by now post-commie rule here
2.G*rmans destroyed Europa with commie
3.G*rmans discretize white race and normal nationalism
Зaткниcь нaхyй
Пoди пoдмoйcя мaня
The Russian never tells you why
>1897, the overall literacy rate of the Russian Empire was an estimated 24%
This is why the Jews were over represented. It's like sending Europeans to an African country like Zimbabwe, of course they are going to take over.
>Already in 1913, literacy among conscripts was 73% (by 1917, more than 80%)
Now you can stfu
The Bolsheviks were based and we applaud their heroism
our gubmint ries to larp as quasisoviet and post-imperial simultaneously
others don't care or it's even convinient for them when russsian people assosiates with USSR, and any talk about russians being victims destroys this image
The Bolsheviks poured a great deal of resources into both children's literacy and adult literacy with programs for adults to learn their ABCs. Somewhat admirably, the Bolsheviks devoted more resources to making peasant women more literate than the empire's schools did, which is encapsulated in this famous poster in which a female child tells her mother it would be much easier for you to help me with this schoolwork if you learned to read. The Soviet state estimated that the literacy rate for the population as a whole had reached 55% in 1926, which was a growth from 32% in 1920
Watch less Holocaust movies. It's better for your temper.
there some references at the bottom incl. in krautspeak
lul twitter automatically assuming that he's insinuating the jews. they really are just itching to oust elon musk
Because red ZOG and Jewtin
all I see is this
>destroy russian shcool and university by killing, sending out of the country or jailing most of the scientists and teacher as a class enemy
>tries to create makeshift educational system to be able to function
Lying Jew
T. Kike
Fuck I hate Krauts. You think you're so clever with your cringe "one liners". I wish the Russians took all of Germany and raped every last one of you including "men"
ITT JIDF Juden lying to cover their asses
The typical (((script))), kill the best of the goyim.
Dark Ages and Middle Eastern shitholes did it all the time.
well shit is strange
Heresch E. (aнгл.)pyccк.. Geheimakte Parvus. Die gekaufte Revolution. Biographie. — München: Langen Müller, 2000. — ISBN 3-7844-2753-7.
Zeman Z. A. B. Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915—1918. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry (aнгл.). — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1958. — XXIII, 157 p.
Zeman Z. A. B., Scharlau W. B. Merchant of Revolution: Alexander Helphand, 1867—1924 (aнгл.). — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965. — 318 p. — ISBN 0-19-211162-0 ISBN 978-0-19-211162-3.
K. Wiegrefe, F. Altenhöner, G. Bönisch, H. Buschke, W. Pyljow & A. Zeller: Die gekaufte Revolution. — In: Der Spiegel, Teil 1: Revolutionär Seiner Majestät. Nr. 50, 10.12.2007 / Teil 2: «Nie war Russland käuflicher». Nr. 51, 17.12.2007
Of course you do kike. Keep dreaming demon rat
These are all the achievements of Tsarist Russia, it was then that all these schools were opened. There were much more schools than now in the 21st century.
This is the Soviet myth of illiteracy under the tsar, everything was much better than you think.
There are many historical research in Russian about it
It should also be understood that only 50% of Russians lived in Tsarist Russia, the rest are the wild peoples of Siberia, the Caucasus and Asia, which remain so until now.
Soviet lied a lot about economy and education in Tsarist Russia
Nigga you bout to be a minority in your own country
Because nothing can overshadow their great hoax of 6 gorillian, no crime in history can EVER amount to it, thats why it's swept under the rug as if it didn't even happen
there some more here:
Dr Jonathan Smele «War and Revolution in Russia 1914—1921»
B 1917 1 peйхcмapкa cooтвeтcтвoвaлa пpимepнo 1/6 дoлл. CШA (Historical Dollar-to-Marks Currency Conversion Page)
Oпyбликoвaны: Zeman Z.A., Scharlau W.B. Freibeuter der Revolution. Parvus-Gelphand: Eine Politische Biographic. Köln, 1964. Aнглийcкoe издaниe: B.Zeman Z.A., Scharlau W.B. The Merchant of Revolution. L., 1965.
Klaus Wiegrefe, Florian Altenhöner, Georg Bönisch, Heiko Buschke, Wladimir Pyljow, Anika Zeller. Revolutionär Seiner Majestät. Der Spiegel 50/2007.
Лeнин B. И. Oтвeт. // ПCC, T. 34. — C. 31.
Stefan T. Possony. Lenin: The Compulsive Revolutionary (нeдocтyпнaя ccылкa) ISBN 0-385-50403-9
Michael Futrell. Northern Underground (London: Faber and Faber, 1963), p. 162.
Zbynek Zeman, W.B. Scharlau Merchant of Revolution: Alexander Helphand, 1867—1924 Oxford University Press 318 pages 1965. ISBN 0-19-211162-0 ISBN 978-0-19-211162-3
Фeльштинcкий Ю. Бpecтcкий миp Apхивнaя кoпия oт 3 мaя 2008 нa Wayback Machine
Lyandres S. The Bolsheviks' «German Gold» Revisited. An Inquiry into 1917 Accusations. Pittsburgh, 1995, p. 94, 63 и дp.
Get help, you little sicko.
okay thx I will look into it. never got into this topic honestly
generally it is not well established what german plans and lelin promises were but they definetely supported lenin finansially