Why are so many straight young white men dropping out of society?

Why are so many straight young white men dropping out of society?

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No future

It's all just a bunch of shit
now with this overblown virus it is double shit

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why indeed

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All I do is work, exercise, and play video games. Why should I do anything else?

I'll drink to that

Because they were born Canadian, and are therefore genetic dead ends. It's called evolution. Look it up, sweetie.

They aren’t, you’re just a beta male with no friends who wouldn’t know any better bc you lurk reddit and Yas Forums 24/7 and lack real world interaction with regular people


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everything hurts and there’s no reward

And in the end we're told we're the most privileged people of all. How can such cruelty exist?

what's the incentive?

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Because they have no reason to participate. This society fucking hates them and is sure to let them know every chance it gets. Ironically everyone will look to the men they shunned to save them once shtf

It’s actively trying to destroy us, better to just not play their game at all.

They are getting out-competed by people who are better.

Born into a hopeless situation thanks to jews

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no incentive to take part

Because white women fuck everything besides white men. Dogs, niggers, mexicans, horses, arabs, turks, indians, asians and so on....

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Because it is the right thing to do.

hello faggot
>what is affirmative action
>what are diversity quotas
>what is "equal opportunities"

a lot of pussies like to blame the color of their skin as to why they are so shit.

blacks and whites.

one could argue that they have good reason to feel that way.

its the color of your skin.

They are second-rate citizens, both legally and socially. If they don't have social skills and contacts they can't even find a job, no one will ever employ an introverted man.
Basically, society has expelled them. They must do something about it, because no one will ever help them or feel compassion for them.

readily accessible forms of entertainment
immersive video games

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What society?

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The same reason every other time you make this thread: society is no longer worth participating in.

Men are designed for risk and violence yet many do neither.

Its not like whites are the only people who consume that. So why is it just whites?

If you are a good looking, neurotypical straight white chad, this society is a paradise. If you're an ugly autist, this society is a living hell, and you drop out. White chads and "white" uggomonsters don't belong to the same species, let alone the same race.

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Only by other whites but the real reason is porn addiction

because society is increasingly becoming a vapid circle jerk of narcissism and "virtue"

everybody is too concerned with being part of a herd, trying to out compete each other over who fits the ingroup the most.
White men, who are the backbone of society have no place, no future, and no interest in the shit show if self fellatio that it has become.

You're a man! Men create society.

Because poojeets, niggers, asians, and other various mongrels are not my friends and certainly not people I wish to live among.


They’re butthurt that they don’t control everything anymore

For women, society is always a paradise it doesn't matter how they are. Take into account that chads can also become victims of divorce-rapes, false rape accusations, abusive women... Chads are still second-rate citizens compared to women.

because theyre fucking lazy, im 24 own 2 houses have a 2 year old son and a hot gf. been working since I was 13

We've finally learned how to get gibs. I'm never working again if these NEET bux are permanent.

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they have been doing this for the past 20 years so that OP could ask this question.

they weren't in control before, they only had the illusion