Is PJB the all-time 'America First' champion? If not, who is? Who has the potential to become the best?
Is PJB the all-time 'America First' champion? If not, who is? Who has the potential to become the best?
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I miss the McLaughlin Group. He was comfy.
Nominating that dude who called the holocaust a racketeering scheme
he was good at a time when right wingers didnt realize that there was still a war to be fought. he knew ahead of time and named important things like spirit, history, culture, race, media, education, all as battlegrounds for the upcoming war for the soul of america and conservatives scorned him. now they see how rampant and mask off the progressives are in the trump age and wonder when this happened. conservatives ignored his warning and now it might be too late to win that war, that is why conservatism is becoming irrelevant and reactionary politics that oppose institutions of culture, religion, education, media, etc are gaining traction.
Ditto. I think "Death of the West' was my initial redpill.
Agreed. The scariest question of all: Is there no way of turning the tide? Are we destined to becomes a subordinate nation dominated by the will of Big Tech, China, and hordes of snowflake SJWs?
thats why its more important than ever to realize what level of warfare is possible to still achieve victory in at this point. ill go in more detail in my next post
I'm all ears. Anything that sparks even the faintest bit of hope.
fourth generation warfare is the most applicable warfare to cultural battles in our time. its won on 3 levels of increasing importance. strategic warfare, operational warfare, and moral warfare. we basically have no way to win moral warfare at this point because of how bad the conservatives fucked us culturally. gamergate is a great example, segregation and women being reverted to housewives and damsels was morally indefensible, so they didnt even try to argue it was moral that their views were morally correct in this climate
operational warfare was all but impossible to win because of how entrenched the media, education, and academics are in the progressive side of the culture war. the most important of these is the media since they were the side we fought hardest against in 2016-2020 with alternative media. alternative media couldnt stand the test of fortitude as its proponents would be banned from social media and from payment based websites. the reasons for all these bans stem from the moral warfare being lost and allowing progressives to claim fairplay with terms and service bans for transphobia and other bullshit. this was apparent during gamer gate once again when the media was the primary vehicle to expose people to gamer gate and show gamers as cretins while gamers had no central organization and no institutional power. the institutions are key, thats why we are unable to win the operational level of warfare and why strategic warfare is so effective.
So what do "strategic warfare" and "operational warfare" constitute? Give us the deets, user.
strategic warfare is as simple as absorbing attacks, disabling your opponents methods of attack, attacking effectively, and attacking with a goal in mind. the dissident right has been insanely good at dismantling the logic and rhetoric of the progressives through memes and irony. one of the most disarming things in the world is to have a commonly known, hard to disect, easily shareable, relatable meme that attacks your worldview. its a bit hard to describe a specific instance but its basically how people take an i am silly comic and add something thats culturally relevant so that whenever the argument is brought up, no matter how legitimate, it is delegitimized by being mocked or argued against in an easily digestable way. another form of disarming done by the right was exposing language traps of the left by showing old tweets that made these moral busybodies look hypocritical for policing language. this is more commonly known as the mask slipping. the reason this was effective is that it removed the veneer that the left or progs were the calm minded, rational, slow to anger ones when people see them acting exactly how they describe others shouldnt or when they act in a offputting manner like people in those cringe compilations who have those meltdowns and bare their teeth and what not. the last disarming method is to delegitimize organizations or media outlets by constantly exposing any time they lie. the reason this works is that lying weighed heavier than telling the truth. if you tell a lie for every 39 times you tell the truth, you are still seen as unreliable. media trust was down to 19% in 2016 because of how frequently people would distribute clips of reporters or experts blatantly lying or just making a simple mistake to delegitimize them.
absorbing attacks is a specialty of the right, as it is a highly connective, low centralization, and easy to unite group of people. when a dinosaur media outlet or a celebrity or institution gets caught doing something bad, they have a slow ineffective response full of political pressure and progressives dying on their hill to protect them which weakens their message (think that me too bitch defending biden during this sexual assault allegation thing). its easy to target a single slow to react target and watch the whole thing fall apart and take a long time to recover its status.
the right wing on the other hand will have a central figure who stokes attention, over extend themselves, get a media witch hunt, and have no one defend them while a new leader rises. think any eceleb or actual right wing media personality like alex jones or mike cernovich. in this sense, the right is akin to alqaeda, striking their leader will result in nothing lost as a new leader rises up to carry the message and bear the wrath of the institutions. thats why grifting is so common in right wing circles, its a high reward, high risk scenario that leaves the ideology with a cushion of disposable people. media attacks against the right are usually ineffective because the right will just find a new figure and not waste time saving their old ineffective leader.
Praise Kek! You've given this much analytical thought, I see.
attacking effectively and with a goal is the most potent force of the dissident right. its hard to argue that any other current political movement is more vicious in its scorn for education, media, celebrities, and basically any high status group. the reason they have this reputation is that their standards are not exactly clear (hence why there are so many memes of nazis dating traps and doing other degenerate things) while their opponents live by a strict incoherent book of standards. some people can survive cancel culture like bill maher, but others collapse under the weight of their own side turning on them like contrapoints, kamala harris, warren etc. by simply finding something that would be devastating for their side to find out about them, the right doesnt need to win the moral or operational warfare to dispose of the legitimacy of their targets. warren lying about being a native american to scam colleges is the textbook definition of white privilege and cultural appropriation. kamala being a cop and locking up pot smokers is extremely based, but it makes the floor of their support fall out from under her.
the final strategic warfare front is clearly the weakness of the right. there is no big tent movement and there is no clear goal besides opposition to progressives and delegitimizing the institutions they control. progressives on the other hand have had a perpetual civil rights movement from giving blacks the vote to giving tranny pedos access to womens bathrooms. they set a goal, they agitate and evolve the discourse around their goal using the operational advantage, and they achieve their goal by non stop focus on this goal. ever wonder why overnight the issue of transgender bathrooms became so morally significant that obama was going to stop giving federal aid to north carolina over it? this was the same man who said marriage is between a man and a woman 6 years prior now suddenly realizing that tranny bathrooms are worth potentially destroying the union of states over. they achieve their goals then make new goals and achieve those. right wingers have no end game where a policy gets passed and they suddenly get to celebrate. once this changes, the right wing will finally win a portion (although it is the least important level) of the culture war.
In summary, asymmetrical warfare where we pinpoint the Achilles heel of our opponents, expose it, then watch them drown as a result?
yes. its more important that they fall on their own sword than by cut by our knife. because they have more cultural power, isolating them from their own group or having their group attack them is more effective than having right wingers with their limited networking attack them.
And Trump was shrieking in the media about "anti-semitism" and "pat hates the gays" the whole time.
Okay, point well taken. But to be perfectly candid with you, I feel that (((the question))) distracts and diverts from what are more pressing issues. You can hate on "Zion Don" all you like, but he understands the four fundamental issues that most deeply need to be readdressed: economic nationalism, America First foreign policy, defense of borders, and delegitimizing intellectually disingenuous political correct culture.
what did this chump do?
pretty based deus
It's what he failed to do in retrospect. Offered to overthrow commie FDR and lead America into the fascist age and instead he sold them out and told FDR. FDR shit on him for it and ultimately America got fucked. Then wrote a silly little book about how corrupt the upper capitalist class is.
It doesn't distract at all. It informs tremendously. Because Zion Don is on the wrong side of that question, what he defines as "economic nationalism", "America First", "border defense", and "delegitimizing politically correct culture" are all very, very different than what you are taking them to mean [assuming you aren't a hasbarat].
Meanwhile General Mosley was actually based and makes Charles Lindbergh look like a cuck.
>Dear Mr. Stuart:
If I am to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated October 11, I must, in keeping with the principles which have always governed me, write you very frankly. At the outset, I must say that I am happy to know that your organization has chosen such a vital mission. But I wonder if you realize the difficulties of such a campaign and the real strength of the enemy – and are you prepared to go to battle with him and his tribe? A number of organizations have started out bravely with a mission similar to yours, but too often they have melted away before the enemy.
I have had considerable experience on this subject, for I tried to arouse the American people from their apathy, pointing out the dangers confronting us as a nation. But I stated the truth too frankly and so, for many months now, my pen and my voice have been silenced.
Early in my endeavors, I received an invitation to speak before the Union League Club of Chicago, an organization I remember from boyhood, which always marched in step with the Republic. No date had been fixed but when the enemy went after me in the public press the heroic Union League Club evidently lost their nerve and they did not renew their invitation.
What prevents America from being first today? Let me be frank and point out the enemy who would themselves be first in America today, and that is the Jewish nation, a nation within a nation. If you will investigate, as I have – crime, graft, filthy publications and unsavory movies, the liquor and drug traffic, the red light district, white slave traffic and WAR – you will arrive headon against a pack of Jews in control.
I am not going to take your time to discuss in this letter the age old problem of the Jew, but if you are interested, you can get all the evidence concerning his plans for world domination from the writings of Jews, themselves. You do not have to rely on the statement of any Gentile. Suffice it to say, however, that they have been driven out of every country in which they have been domiciled, and for good reason, and EVENTUALLY THEY WILL BE DRIVEN OUT OF THE U. S. A.
The Jew may tell you that there are only some four and a half million of them in the United States. The fact is, there are over thirteen million of them in the United States today. Formerly I felt sorry for the Member of Congress who could not face this problem frankly on account of Jewish influence in his district, but now I find the influence of Jews extends to every field. The banker, who may agree with me on principle just one hundred per cent, dares not touch this problem for some of his biggest depositors are Jews; many a lawyer will not face it for some of his big clients are Jews; the press cannot touch it, for so many of the big advertisers are Jews, and it is the advertiser who makes the paper pay. If we lack the character to face this problem squarely and solve it, we will experience the tragedy which overtook France.
that book is the essential filter. its either you understand the peril of a new population that cant produce the nationals vital members or you see all people as equal regardless of the enormous difference between people in even the same racial group. id go as far as saying that even germans and norwegians as similar as they are could not be interchangable populations
So what? You're saying you'd rather stand by ideological purity and watch a senile, incoherent, SJW-sympathizing tool get elected president, as opposed to keeping one who, at the very least, meets us halfway?
I shall be glad to join your organization, assisting it as far as I am permitted to do so –
1. If you eliminate from your organization all Jews and all Jewish influences (they join all organizations and buy in on both political parties; then they keep themselves fully advised, and control or ruin);
2. If you will come out before the nation with a definite statement against the Jew and all he stands for, including the closing of our doors to all refugee Jews, of whatever nationality;
3. If you will take a definite stand against the control by Jews in local, state and national affairs;
4. If you will advocate the restoration of our REPUBLIC, bringing back in the written and spoken language throughout the United States the words, “Republic, Christ and Christian”.
If you will take the stand that I have suggested above, millions of Gentiles will rush to your banner. But if you fail to meet this issue squarely, your organization will accomplish nothing, except possibly to support a certain overhead, including perhaps several Jewish secretaries, placed with you for the purpose of spying upon you and your work.
You may not agree with me in what I have written above. Perhaps you will give this letter no consideration whatsoever, but may I ask you to preserve it, so that as the years roll by you may again read it, with the perspective of, say, ten or fifteen years. May I ask also that you make acknowledgment of it, for I plan to give copies of this letter to individuals over the land who know this problem and agree with me just one hundred per cent.
Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter inviting me to meet Mr. Lewis L. Strauss of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, and my reply.
Very sincerely yours,
George Van Horn Moseley
Truly, a based man.
Jim Jordan is carrying the 'take zero bullshit from commie scum' torch well, but I don't know if we will ever again have a spiritual successor to Pat in the halls of power. Quite the blackpill.
I wish this dude had a job in the current admin... he really gets me. Every time I read one of his articles, I find myself nodding along the whole time. Truly a great American thinker.
Okay, now I'm convinced you're hasbarat. Trump does not meet us halfway. There is no halfway with kikes.
I'll praise Kek to that, user. I wish Pat still had a vocal platform akin to that which he had from the 80s-early 2000s.
Feel as you must. You're hurting this country by tacitly supporting someone like China Joe with your abstention, thus rendering the man a shot at the WH.
Why would I want to help the United States?
Well, at least you're honest. You hate this country, whereas I am America First. You can fuck right off with the SJWs and illegals.