Seriously? I just came here to see if any of you are dumb enough to support this guy after he literally said "DRINK BLEACH" on live fucking TV. You have elected the dumbest president in the history of the united states in the middle of a fucking plague. We are all going to die because of how stupid you are. I can't even.....
Drink Bleach?
Die of Corona virus then.
If that’s your takeaway from his statement, you’re probably retarded enough to drink bleach. The guy misspoke whilst fatigued and stressed. Instead of backpedaling, he should’ve owned it, but here we are.
Wouldnt it be more stupid if he needs to say it was sarcasm (please, dont drink it)
No one here wants to live in the same country with anyone that would do this anyway. Do you? He also never said "drink bleach" on TV, but I wish he did.
>fatigued and stressed
Nice excuse, when are you finally going to run out of them? The Emperor has no clothes.
How much are you guys getting paid for this?
Drink Bleach nigger.
we live in your head rent free, since you asked.
he literally told people to fucking drink bleach and inject it in their veins, just wtf is even going on
>after he literally said
care to list the transcript or embed the vid where he literally said this?
Guyz I can’t find where he said to drink bleach does anyone have the sauce??
I drink it everyday to own the libs. Praise Donald Trump and his jewish son in law.
We all must drink bleach to spite Trump. If enough of us kill ourselves he will be charged with homicide. Bet.
You mean the guy misspoke because he's a fucking retard? MAGA idiots are a special kind of stupid.
>I just came here to blahblahblah....
google is your fren fucking idiots, you like the guy so you put in the work
Im not here to guide you through every dumb fucking thing agent orange said
5 more years
if you guys keep pushing this drink bleach narrative then we'll just meme it into reality and in 2 years you'll be drinking a teaspoon of bleach every morning to keep sickness away and we'll never have to worry about bacteria or viruses again
don't test us you dumb leftie illuminati retard
You're dumb if you drink it straight to start. You need to work your way up first! Start with 1/2 teaspoon mixed in with tea or coffee once a day. After a week, you can increase it to a tbsp. A few weeks like that and you have the tolerance to drink straight from the bottle.
You TDS sufferers are making me want to vlog drinking this shit daily to shut you idiots up.
only a drumpftard would think something like this is funny, and of course here you are spreading misinformation
Exactly. Hopefully some people will do it and hopefully they will mostly be niggers. It's not a terrible analogy for a good idea anyway. Endoscopic UV treatment, lung lavage, nebulized viricide etc. Someone should look into that shit.
Bahaha, bleach is how I stay healthy. I've been drinking a cap full every day for 3 years.
I'm sorry we hurt you feelings.
Yes, he misspoke. He made a stupid fucking statement. Oh well, so has every POTUS and every world leader. It wasn’t Trump that was selling our asses out to China and it wasn’t Trump who refused to shut down our borders in an attempt to quell the spread of the virus. While you retards sit here and blame Trump, Coumo, Pelosi, etc, those parasitic Chinks are walking away scot-free. I have yet the see the majority of the MSM blame the Chinese for this and that’s fucking scary. Idc if you’re Dem or Repub, this should scare you.
Drink bleach shlomo
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
He didn't actually tell people to do that, he asked medical experts to look into doing something like that. Of course that was still a dumb thing to say on his part because idiots who don't know any better can take it out of context and resort to trying to inject or ingest disinfectants.
5 more years of a jewish son in law running things? Praise Israel my fellow pede.
The only part he fucked up was saying it was sarcastic. He apologized.
No he didn't say it literally you dumb nigger. He said desinfectant, and desinfectant refers to many different solutions.
Dude, the guy told people to drink bleach
wtf, this president needs a child safe filter lol, cope more.
Both are being used already.
Yes!!! In this time where the fake news media (CNN Fake News, MSDNC) are going hard attacking Trump, it's time we conservatives come together to defend OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP! I myself am already drinking bleach daily to keep my immune system strong and supported and kill Covid-19! DO NOT LISTEN TO THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA HOAX LIES! WE KNOW THEIR DIRTY TRICKS! DRINK BLEACH FOR TRUMP MAGA MY FELLOW PEDES!
Bleach is mostly water and we are mostly water therefore we are bleach.
I'm sorry but it's too good to be true. A sitting president. Telling his countrymen. It might be a good idea to inject bleach. This is the greatest happening since he got elected in the first place.
>I just came here
Please go back to whatever cesspool you crawled out of.
I just watched the video, is this what s o y boys are complaing about? Hahahah, fucking sad little people always waiting to criticize Trump 24/7 on something irrelevant that he does or says.
The fact that there are 10 threads all misquoting him shows you've been instructed to push this lie. It's not working.
>we live in your head rent free
OP is the faggot getting owned by a tire.
You have to have the Zinc! You need the Zinc.
It's not a lie
bleach drinker. lel.
Oh boy I can't wait for a boomer couple where man "drinks" bleach and woman survive, then blame trump.
Why are you posting this nonsense instead of drinking bleach OP?
Please don't... With retards killing themselves by ingesting chlorine We'll be stuck with the left.
He never uttered those words. He never said “drink bleach”. Also, I’m not even a fan of Trump. I think he’s better than anyone else we could’ve been saddled with. Truth be told, until the Chinese lured themselves as complete animals, our economy was doing well.
>he literally said "DRINK BLEACH" on live fucking TV
he literally didn't
Its a lie. You can't even provide a source because he didn't say it.
>implying you don't drink bleach
lol faggot