Why is nobody talking about the mass shooting that just happened in Nova Scoatia?
Why is nobody talking about the mass shooting that just happened in Nova Scoatia?
Because nothing of value was lost
Just another reason woman should not be cops. How in the fuck does a trained officer lose a gunfight to a dentist who didn't even have his PAL. I'll tell ya they can't shoot for shit. Gun culture is absent in woman.
Nobody cares about your shit country leaf.
Animals die all the time in the jungle, nobody cares or makes threads about that shit.
Imagine shilling for the country right next door to fail. Oh wait you're prob a shitskin; nobody white would wish a brother country harm. Shitskin. Do you even shower or use TP?
the only think to talk about is how dumb the police story is. all the victims were murdered with no witnesses
Because it was a white male
kek speaks through Leafs burgoid
nobody gives a fuck about nova scotia, canada most of all
What's TP?
"White" Jew
Had no firearms licence due to previous convictions
First killings done without a gun
Shootings only after he killed a female cop and presumably got her gun
Meanwhile other equally incompetent male cops shoot up a community refuge in their panic
>only cops deserve guns
>gotta ban more gun owners
Because Canada is pretty much irrelevant. Sorry bro.
Fuck your faggot country. Day of the rake soon maplenigger.
who cares about Nova Scotia
only Quebec the white trash nigger lover province really matters
You're kidding? We've had like six gorillion threads about it, it's practically spam by now.
cuz nobody cares about a bunch of leafs that got raked
Because we are used to shootings and we dont gloat and chimp out when it happens in the number one country that talks shit to us. You could have picked anything for your flag and you chose a leaf. Nothing that happens their even registers worldwide.
Short answer is white privilege. If a person of color did this it would be all over the Internet and media for weeks.
No conspiracy theory?
Some guy jumped a female cop then went on a rampage?
I heard he had a police uniform and shit like he planned it out...?
Too many retards on Yas Forums fell for the divide and conquer propaganda that was shilled here for the last 5 years. You literally have tons of users from the US rooting for a fellow Western Nation that shares their border to fail just because they don't like the current seating Prime Minster, even though we had years of conservative leadership before that. Stop being such gullible fucking retards and actually get some critical thinking skills.
Go fluff Trudeau's wife's bull, catch Corona-chan, shit your pants and die leaf.
>Some guy jumped a female cop then went on a rampage?
that part actually happens like 20 minutes before he gets shot at the gas station
joke's on you, Canadians rarely wear pants in their own homes
>You literally have tons of users from the US rooting for a fellow Western Nation that shares their border to fail just because they don't like the current seating Prime Minster
I think it has a lot more to do with some canuck users acting like insufferable fags like the prime minister, and shit up the board even more. You know who you are.
Because Canada is inconsequential
Nobody cares about Canada. Post in store prices if you want us to talk about something
Fuck canada
Shitty cop-out. Every nation has its share of garbage users that vomit out terrible quality posts. It has basically become a meme to hate Canada and too many retards are turning it into their reality.
i'm always in boxers or shorts and a trailer trash white undershirt
Pretty much this. It was bad enough with all the boomers and r/thedonald already.
Settle down j-roc
This isn't true.
Suspect had multiple guns, one came from Canada the rest from the US.
He smashed into the the female cop head-on, got out and shot her, and took her gun. He then killed a bystander who stopped for the car accident and stole his car. The car must have been out of fuel, because he drove to a gas station to fill it up and one cop happened to need to fill his car up and stumbled on him there.
I should add that he had killed ~20 people before he killed the lady cop.