Please stop with the mutt meme

There are a lot of mutts in America and there is a lot of race mixing unfortunately.

But a lot of Americans are still pure white (probably the majority of whites).

If this weren't the case, then America would be poor like one of the Latino countries.

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The Europeans on here who spam mutt memes are refugees

>There are a lot of mutts in America and there is a lot of race mixing unfortunately.

But a lot of Americans are still pure white (probably the majority of whites).

If this weren't the case, then America would be poor like one of the Latino countries.

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Those are some gorgeous white American ladies right there! USA!

Im slav/med
Im a white mutt

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I want to smell rights feet SNIFFF

Mutt memes bother you?
I am going to post so many now.

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The Midwest has more pure blood Aryans than Germany. I find that fucking hilarious.

Please double down on the mutt meme. It encourages non-mutted countries to avoid our horrible fate.

my country is less mixed than the US, we are colonizing the Antarctic and we will be per capita, a more rich country that the US.

Attached: Idiocracy-Costco.jpg (1261x672, 685.08K)

Just post the non-hispanic white population statistics and there will be an end to this horror

Built for BBC

I'm a white American mutt, different European ethnicities mixed. But my last name is English, and I've been told I've had English features. My family was one of the first to come to America from England 400 years ago. So I LARP as an Anglo. I want to move to England one day when it's truly the miserable, isolated shit hole island that it was always destined to become. Hopefully when the economy crashes the rich immigrants will leave and all who will be left are the poor,ugly, miserable, low IQ Anglos like myself. I'll finally be home.

Attached: ashens.png (773x924, 219.02K)

All 3 are built for bbc

>But a lot of Americans are still pure white

depends on what you mean by pure (((white)))

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We also have more shitskins than all of Europe
We’re big, this isn’t new

Truth is you probably have more Anglo blood than most Bongs. I am in this boat as well. I can find records of my direct line of ancestors that begin at the start of the Anglican church to 1940. My father was the first to marry outside the Anglican church and married a German.

Not the Midwest we are still 80-90% white.

Man I would fuck her and not procreate with her and create more ethnic if not also religious Jews, if you catch my meaning

I'm willing to bet Ashkenazi Jews are more white than you are.

Mostly of German and Scandinavian ancestry as well.

middle one looks like he has a dick in his pants and i'm very into that

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Wearing your flag as clothing is the cringiest trashy thing you can do. God, I fucking hate cuntservatives. Jingoism is an absolute cancer.

Gimme the one on the right and I'll stop.

I'd marry this Jewess fuck the ethnostate

we wuz kangs

White than you Muhamed

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You can leave your car unlocked with your possessions inside, never lock front door to house, neighbors still go out of their way to help each other, strong protestant beliefs, strong sense of community. We are exactly what (((they))) are trying to destroy.

Based marissachads

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that chick is so fucking hot, goddamnit.

Pure white American here but i can’t help it: the mutt memes are goddamned hilarious. When they first broke, i thought they were annoying cuz i just didn’t really understand them (the gross over exaggeration of muttness resulting in people looking like goblins hahahaha [hence the goblino & goblina offshoots]). Then they died down for about a year or so and now they’re back and i’m kinda happy about it simply because they make me laugh. Glad I’m not a mutt!

Shows how insecure some of you guys are. Imagine caring so much about being white you willingly give your DNA to them