Will you send your kids to college?

Seriously, what purpose do they serve other than partying?

They spend two years doing "gen eds" which is basically redoing high school.
They don't actually learn anything related to your field. Every professor will tell you that you learn more your first month working than the 4 years in college.
Force them to live in prison like dorms.
Your daughter will spend 90% of her time partying, drinking, and fucking guys who have no respect for her.

Bets of all, you pay tens of thousands of dollars for this privilege.

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Anything to get them out of my house

I'm sterile, so no.

As long as they work and pay for most of it sure why not

Hey thats my school.

penn state is a whore house

Implying there will be college or a functioning society in 10 or 15 years.

All the whores left :(
State College if fuckin dead.

>Implying there will be college or a functioning society in 10 or 15 years.

LOL try 1-3 year buddy.

I don't care how much money I'll make, they want to waste it for the "college experience" to get both career indoctrinated and leftist indoctrinated, they're paying for it themselves. If status and a white collar job mean that much to you, go sacrifice your own money to fuck yourself over.

College hasn't been about learning anything for at least 20 years. You only go to network and prove to potential employers that you can do something mildly uncomfortable for 4-6 years. The only people that don't seem to notice this trend are those that are up to their eyeballs in student debt

I'm at Penn State, they actually teach shit there if you don't do a meme degree

The fighting sanduskys

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look at that fatty in the visor and gay pose with a cutie on his arm. There's hope for you yet

All's well in Happy Valley.

If they need access to resources you can't get on your own because they are majoring in something that is actually worthwhile (physics/engineering) yea i'll foot the bill unless they fuck up

if they are doing a meme major like gender studies/liberal arts/music/poetry/social sciences
they pay their own way but i'll be okay with it

raise your kid with the right principles and they won't become degenerates in college

stop posting this tranny

You still in town? I miss checking out all the cute girls between classes. I just want to see a PAWG in leggings again.

By the time my kids are old enough for college will a degree even be worth anything?

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You check them out, black men fuck them.

you're literally just paying for the potential social connections.
other than that, a degree just shows employers you have the contract commitment for bullshit

I went to college when I was 18 right after high school. Had no fucking idea what I wanted to do with my life, but everyone in my family was supposed to go, so I did.

I had a high school gf, so I hung out with her a lot and we had fun, but I'm not very good at making friends so I spent a lot of my time alone in the library feeling depressed.

After 3 years I kind of gave up and decided I wanted to be a musician. Spent 2 years in Jazz college. That was awesome, but I still made no friends and felt lonely.

After that, I realized that success in music is generally a social thing (not many "geniuses" happen to make it big unless they're cool people, which I'm not), so I gave that up.

Went back to regular college, finished up my arts degree and then I had to find a job.

I still had my high school gf, so that was a big motivating factor to get on with life. So I got a job and we got married and had some kids.

But THEN, I started to hate my fucking insurance job, Like loathed it. Cutting people off benefits to meet targets. Couldn't advance anywhere in-house because I'm socially awkward. Finally got fired.

So I bounced around to a few other insurance outfits and hated them even more.

So then at 40 I was like "I should be a teacher!" My wife was ok with it because she knew I was unhappy. So I went and powered through an Ed degree.

Turns out, that FUCKING SUCKED TOO. Being a teacher is, once again, very socially demanding. And there is the same bullshit, just in a different context.

But I committed and got the damn degree. Passed my practicums etc.

Applied for a;l the teaching jobs. But then this fucking pandemic hit and I'm SOL. Ha ha. Pretty ridiculous.

Anyway, we're fairly financially well-off due to my wife being a genius, but I'm sort of in limbo.

So college? Yeah, I'd do it. But seriously go in with a fucking plan or you'll be unhappy for 20 years doing some horse shit you hate.

this is what the yellow man thinks about when he's not cheating in a math test

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Society will bounce back. Rich people are all narcissists and need attention all the time. They get way more from the plebs when the world is bustling and interconnected.

Why would you want to be the lord of a pile of cannibalistic shit?

Maybe because my children are not retarded like the amerimutts and actually go to college for a STEM degree and become doctors.

High-waisted jeans were the worst thing about the 1980s. Why the fuck did we bring those back?

They have a great summer football camp for pedophiles. Probably a lot of Washington DC connections.

How many jobs are there that pay $55k a year sans college degree? Apart from IT positions that are getting eroded by H1B1 almost all decent office jobs require a bachelor degree at the very least.

Many obtainable, highly paid careers like lawyer, doctor, accountant outright demand a degree before you can obtain postgrad certification.

Therefore it is clear that without a college degree, even a *useless* humanities one, you're dooming your kids to lives of manual labor or or low level service work. Meanwhile a decent studentn can easily break into 6 figures by the age of 30 assuming they complete their degree on time and find a job within 2 years of obtaining said degree.

Imagine how much dick they’ve had ran through them. A woman won’t go 3 months without Vitamin D. At least 16 dicks for a degree. Average girl that lives on a campus... 32 dicks. In 4 years.

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The BLM flag is modeled after the colors of watermelon.

That's degree dependent of course. Also HVAC, Plumbing are examples of ways to break 6figs without a degree

Make them work 4 years first. Then send them off to school only if they want to get licensure.

uni is run by kikes

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Can you normies just fuck off already? Yas Forums is for social outcasts only. If you have kids, sexual partners and friends get the fuck out.

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There are two girls in college.
The ones who date to get dick. These relationships rarely last long but it still lower their dick count to less than 6.
Then there are the ones who sleep around. 32 is on the low end. That can hit that number in a year.

can't make me, chad

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Hmph. I spilled my heart out and you reject me? Story of my life.

I'm going to talk to my wife, who I've been dating since we were 15. Fag.

Fuck four year Universities. Trade school all the way for my son.

have sex incel

Trade schools are becoming a meme like STEM

Look at the fat retard Chad on the left with a little hottie

Depends but yeah a lot of hot girls go to private schools for obvious rich people reasons.