Can someone post the video of Trump saying “you should drink bleach?”

Because it doesn’t seem to exist.

I see all the headlines on CNN and concern trolling posts on here, but all I could find was him talking about how UV rays are used to kill viruses (which is an actual medical treatment.) So can you go ahead and post the video of Trump telling us to drink bleach? Thanks!

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Fellow pedes I don't feel so good. I did as our President instructed and inserted two lightbulbs up my ass and then drank a bottle of bleach with my beautiful wife of 20 years Karen. But now I'm having trouble seeing straight and I keep throwing up blood. Do I need to drink more bleach to defeat the invisible enemy or is the hoax virus dead already and this is just the 5g tower next door making me ill? It's not fair, I need to live so I can shake the hand of the Jewish man fucking Mr. Trumps daughter. God bless diversity, God bless Israel, God bless Jared Kushner. Trust the plan, spit in each others mouths. See you at the protests.

Inject bleach bruh

i just went to CNN website and there isnt a single mention of the word bleach on the entire front page. there isnt a single person on CNN tv saying the word bleach

stop reading twitter and facebook posts you fucking whiny little bitch

Did you watch the video? He says UV light. Which is a real treatment by the way.

He doesn’t say bleach or disinfectant once.

People are using disinfectant/bleach interchangeably. It’s literally the top story on their website.

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>I see all the headlines on CNN
Show me one.

Do you see the word bleach in that image??

Nigger can you even fucking read

people are being retarded. Trump was suggesting that there may be a possible treatment that involved injecting disinfectants and shining UV light DIRECTLY INTO THE LUNGS. Nowhere does he say that this for sure is something that would work, just that they're running tests on it and it looks promising. He also never said to do stupid shit like just injecting it straight into your arm or any other stupid shit people are peddling. The misinformation campaign is real

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>363 KB JPG
> #
People are using disinfectant/bleach interchangeably.

What do you think Biden is referring to here? Are you actually this stupid because this level of semantics is very transparent.

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You are suggesting that you can't find any video of Trump saying "drink bleach" because it doesn't exist, Instead, a video exists of him saying "disinfectant... injections". That is correct. Then you are suggesting that CNN saying "he said disinfectant" is the same as them saying "he said bleach", even thought they never once said "bleach".

Do I have that right?

Is Joe Biden CNN?

>People are using disinfectant/bleach interchangeably.
Therefore Trump said that we should inject bleach. Your words.


You know it doesn't exist. Why do you take it so seriously?

He said to inject desinfectant.
This is a clear case of sticking to your court, and not acting like the briefing you just got gave you some amazing knowledge. Trump heard words from experts, Trump interpreted those words, Trump said absolute nonsense.

This is a big one.

>said to

And I love this mad mother fucker.

Ok then, semantic hero.
He praised the injection of desinfectant.

You are right, CNN only referred to Trump suggesting we “inject common household cleaners,” they didn’t specifically mention bleach. Bleach is just a common household cleaner, you pedantic shill.

He didn’t say that either, by the way.

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he clearly says disinfectant at 25 seconds in

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Because I am wasting the time of people paid to post here and it’s amusing


Americans have low reading comprehension
they think words only have one meaning

But he is clearly referring to UV light as the disinfectant, not “common household cleaners” or “drinking bleach” as CNN and Biden said.

UV light is an actual medical treatment as I posted above.

Swap "desinfectan"t with "vaccine" and you get Bill gates

pilpul is going mainstream

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Yes, inject UV light... you dumb fuck.

He is clearly referring to UV light as a disinfectant. Did you not watch the video?

CNN is misreporting this as “common household cleaner” and Biden is misrepresenting this as “drinking bleach.” But UV light is a real medical treatment applicable here.

When a reporter asked a follow-up about household disinfectants Trump literally said that those were not to be used as an injection but on surfaces.

This is just a shittier, more obvious version of the Charlottesville hoax.

Invasive procedures using UV light are an actual medical procedure dipshit

>”they’re gunna check that. it sounds interesting”

Which does not work by injection.
Luminotherapy borderlines on pseudoscience and omeopathy territory

It's the president, essentially praising hocus pocus voodoo type shit at his press briefing. He didn't order anyone to do anything, but this shit is downright hilarious.
If he wasn;t Trump, I would be worried about his reelection.

Are you retarded son or just Canadian?

Sex with you're mama borders on pseudoscience. Does that mean people actually do it? Yes, all of them have at least tried it.

>Which is a real treatment by the way
There is no UV treatment for pathogens inside the body. Everyone already knows UV light kills pathogens except you and we don't need irrelevant articles. Everyone knows that something that works on surfaces or air, but isn't used as medicine, isn't used as medicine for a reason. This is why you don't ingest or inject surface disinfectants in your body.

>He doesn’t say bleach or disinfectant once.

He said disinfectant. He asked if it could be injected.

watch the video before you damage control

Wew, Russians these days.

He was talking about an earlier briefing he was given by his team on disinfecting surfaces with UV and other light and recent test with Corona and various cleaners, then touched on maybe light can be used to disinfect people even under the skin (which has been done since the 40's), then he said maybe some sort of cleaner or disinfectant for the lungs (which is done with things like peroxide mixed into Nebulizer juice) he covered to many topics to quickly with medically imprecise teams but only Janny Trannis think he said drink house hold cleaner

I don't have time for your shitty links.

It's almost as if going outside vs staying confined exposes you to less pollutants

>it’s the president

Whose side are you on, Ivan Satanov? I'm sure it isn't on the side of good.

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So both.

Good chat.

The 1950s was an eternity ago in medicine and this therapy was dropped because it sucked. You might as well point to blood letting if trump asked if we could bleed the virus out.