/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3434

► Detected: 2,826,659 (+103,490) ► Died: 196,971 (+6,054) ► Day: 106 (-02:15:29)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,516 strains have been sequenced —


Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

88% death rate for patients on ventilators in NY

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

New study shows China massively underreported statistics

Italy claims virus found in dust clouds, fully airborne

Virus stays in air for 12 hours, longer than expected

Jews 8 times more likely to die in the UK

Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

China "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1

Spike in deaths in NY already visible in mortality rates

Wuhan doesn't report new cases because they are not testing

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

▶ 4 new cases in the Cayman Islands
▶ 13 new cases in Burkina Faso
▶ 86 new cases and 4 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 1778 new cases and 155 new deaths in Canada
▶ 2 new cases in Guinea-Bissau
▶ 4 new cases in French Guiana
▶ 114 new cases and 1 new death in Nigeria
▶ 14 new cases in Uruguay
▶ 37170 new cases and 1858 new deaths in the United States


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Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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Rate my PrEP boyssssss

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Do trump supporters really?

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R0 3.6, Not Great, Not Terrible

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Give me that

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That was posted in january i think, how long did it last you?

What are your predictions for March? Next Friday is International Workers Day.

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>>tfw no qt oni wife to quarantine with
>it's not fair bros

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You guys remember the South Korean death cult from January?
I remember that we found out they opened a church in Wuhan a year ago.

Did they get a sleeper agent into the lab? We found the picture of them pointing at major cities across the world plus they had like 600 infected in that Korean town alone.

Highly suspicious desu

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>UPDATED CHARTS @ 24 Apr 2020
UPDATED CHARTS @ 24 Apr 2020
Daily cases increase record edition

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Can someone explain to me why this disease won't become endemic because coronavirus are impossible to vaccinate against and lower the average lifespan 20 years because everyone dies of pneumonia the second they turn 65

I used to be an ugly, balding, 5'2", weak-jawed hapa incel working a dead-end job at Target, living in some shitty apartment, never touched a woman. then I just decided to "bee myself", do nofap nopillow keto etc. and now I'm a 6'5" aryan Chad millionaire with blond hair and blue eyes and I lift 30 gorillion pounds and I have a new chick every 3 days, thanks to Quarantine and deenz!

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Which country falls first and why?

It's the end of the world.

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#1 United States 923,612 (52,092) #2 Spain 219,764 (22,524) #3 Italy 192,994 (25,969) #4 France 159,828 (22,245) #5 Germany 154,999 (5,760) #6 United Kingdom 143,464 (19,506) #7 Turkey 104,912 (2,600) #8 Iran 88,194 (5,574) #9 China 82,804 (4,632) #10 Russia 68,622 (615) #11 Brazil 52,995 (3,670) #12 Belgium 44,293 (6,679) #13 Canada 43,888 (2,302) #14 Netherlands 36,535 (4,289) #15 Switzerland 28,677 (1,589) #16 India 24,447 (780) #17 Portugal 22,797 (854) #18 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #19 Peru 21,648 (634) #20 Ireland 18,184 (1,014) #21 Sweden 17,567 (2,152) #22 Saudi Arabia 15,102 (127) #23 Austria 15,071 (530) #24 Israel 15,058 (194) #25 Japan 12,368 (328) #26 Chile 12,306 (174) #27 Singapore 12,075 (12) #28 Pakistan 11,940 (253) #29 Mexico 11,633 (1,069) #30 Poland 10,892 (494) #31 South Korea 10,708 (240) #32 Romania 10,417 (567) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,281 (64) #34 Belarus 8,773 (63) #35 Qatar 8,525 (10)…

#1 United States +37,170 (+1,858) #2 Ecuador +11,536 (+16) #3 Spain +6,740 (+367) #4 Russia +5,849 (+60) #5 United Kingdom +5,386 (+768) #6 Brazil +3,503 (+357) #7 Turkey +3,122 (+109) #8 Italy +3,021 (+420) #9 Germany +1,870 (+185) #10 Canada +1,778 (+155) #11 France +1,645 (+389) #12 Belgium +1,496 (+189) #13 India +1,408 (+59) #14 Saudi Arabia +1,172 (+6) #15 Iran +1,168 (+93) #16 Mexico +1,089 (+99) #17 Pakistan +883 (+18) #18 Sweden +812 (+131) #19 Netherlands +806 (+112) #20 Belarus +751 (+3) #21 Peru +734 (+62) #22 Ireland +577 (+220) #23 United Arab Emirates +525 (+8) #24 Bangladesh +503 (+4) #25 Chile +494 (+6) #26 Ukraine +477 (+6) #27 Portugal +444 (+34) #28 Indonesia +436 (+42) #29 Poland +381 (+40) #30 Romania +321 (+22) #31 Colombia +320 (+10) #32 South Africa +267 (+4) #33 Israel +255 (+2) #34 Kuwait +215 (+1) #35 Philippines +211 (+15)…

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Srsly? =D Holy maccaroni. Some sauce please, before i blow my head off?

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We are in for a long one user get the popcorn or kettle ready shits just getting started

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brazil cuz of digits

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I want to cum in Lum


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ecuador's already fallen desu

That's... Nice I guess

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Daily reminder
>wild boards mysteriously found dead in China
>blue tits dying in the hundreds in Germany
>birds dying in Singapore
>zoo tigers getting infected in Brooklyn
>pets getting infected
>Italy reporting bugmen airborne AIDS SARS attaches itself to fine particles


>Twenty-one Artiodactyls scored medium, including several important wild anddomesticated ruminants, such as domesticated cattle, bison, sheep, goat, water buffalo, Masai giraffe,and Tibetan antelope. S


So Rodents,Bats,Felids,Mammals, all can be infected by corona-chan

Nothing new to Yas Forums but at least we have research now

This is it isnt,?

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Nahh , its posted every week if you follow cvg, its that user hobby.

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Oni girls are best girls

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based blackpiller

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What the fuck is his ribcage(?) though

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Double Nigger.

Is Coronachan back at it again?

is this the record number of new infected per day?


Last time I saw max number was around 85K per day.

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Why can't Ecuador deal with 576 dead?

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How long is the media going to talk about trumps's fuck up?

Why would the elites be scared of this nothingburger?

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This is what I crave

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Until his next.

for me it's catgirls

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Can we hit 3 mil cases and 200k death by tomorow ?

がんばって ね コロナ様

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ecuador already won, eat your heart out, the last one to fall would be either Pitcairns or Easter ?

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Based and bottomofbalticspaceshippilled

I want to sooc up her braps

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why do i have this saved

There is no true bestgirls i'm an all-loving man,i must give happiness to all of them

Onis are great, but only my 2nd favorite

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Pretty sure bleach is dangerously based

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I mean literally. The coronavirus 229e and oc42 both cause the common cold and have been around since the dawn of time. This new one is in the same family, whats stopping it from mutating and coming back in six months as something slightly different so you no longer have immunity

How do we keep the coof going faggots? I know that if I get it I'll head down to the homeless tent city and coof on them.


Both are in the category of "Monster Girls", so you really can't go wrong. You have good taste.
pic related

I hope you have a wonderful day, user.

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Objective COVID19 truths
>It is a nothingburger - USC confirmed it
>Shutdowns will negatively impact leisure and travel - if you can't affort at least 2x annual international travel you are a nigger and should kys for being poor and black (no matter how pale your skin is)
>Shutdowns will negatively impact STEM and medical students as part of the retardation of society - these fields are the only important facets of higher education
>Shutdowns will be used to destroy small businesses and enforce global corporatism
>Shutdowns will render an entire generation incapable of reproduction - if you're over 20 and single, do not expect to be allowed communication, dating, or sex until your age group is running out of eggs
>No vaccine will come
>The entire world will be moved online: no more concerts, no more theatre, no more cinema, no more fine dining
>>No more shopping or community either: everything will be online delivery and leisure in a world like Black Mirror's "15 million merits"
And the most important one
>Worldwide, we can only prevent this by drastic action against those who are in on this plot: government, law enforcement, and medical staff

Gamer over you fucking /cvg/ happening faggot doomers.

3 Minute mark is when you incel anime drawing doomers get btfo'd.
It was a fun while it lasted. But /nbg/ wins this. Its over you lost.Time to go back to your janitor job at popeyes you faggots.

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Post your famine face

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>bleach makes everything whiter

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Remember, you are SUPER DUPER important! Silly risks? Don't take them! I don't know what I'd do if you got sick...

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pretty sure if lemon juice was a 2 it would burn your skin

▶ 172 new cases and 11 new deaths in Argentina
▶ 14 new cases in Congo

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Well they ALL have big Chinese investors and "friends" in the background.
So expect it to last quite a while until Trump starts bombing the Chinks for infecting humanity.

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/cvg/ doesn't even exist, take your meds, schizo


>Exclusive: China sent team including medical experts to advise on North Korea's Kim - sources


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2 more weeks
>two more weeks
2 more weeks

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>FL Governor less sure about a reopening date now
What's in the future for the sunshine state lads?

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>>Worldwide, we can only prevent this by drastic action against those who are in on this plot: government, law enforcement, and medical staff
what are u gonna do? assault them with a spoon?

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What is your 1st favourite?

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Why is NZ so seeked after? Zizek mentioned the elites fleeing there because of GW

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only dumb faggots would argue with that
this shit won't go away

>Twenty-one Artiodactyls scored medium, including several important wild anddomesticated ruminants, such as domesticated cattle, bison, sheep, goat, water buffalo, Masai giraffe,and Tibetan antelope. S

There is no herd immunity even for our cows, this plague will intensify in alot of mammalian groups.

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Absolutely kino

never thought about it that way. Fair enough

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WHY is this always happening to me???

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Going in for the kill lmao.