@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/24/20
>Pres Trump signs HR 266 PPP&HCE Act 4/24/20
>VP Pence on GeraldoInCleveland 4/24/20
>Triggered! Hosted by Don Jr! 4/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/24/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 4/24/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on FBN 4/24/20
>Trump2020StratCommsDir Lotter on HughHewittShow 4/24/20
>Trump2020CommsDir Murtaugh on OAN 4/24/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on DavidWebbShow 4/24/20
>Corey Lewandowski on JohnFredericksShow 4/24/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (ATSD(PA) Hoffman) 4/24/20
>This Week@Interior 4/24/20
>StateDeptVideo: US Continues Offer of Humanitarian Assistance to Iranians 4/24/20
>StateDeptVideo: Bearing Witness to Atrocities of LOLocaust 4/24/20

OP pastebin:

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i hope this doesn't end one of the better chapters of the trump saga


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the flu is actually worse


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Butt for real Un is FUKIN DEAD and we're in trouble now

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Stocks up again

The Great Recession wasn’t real
It was just Obama

Why did Cuomo killed granny?

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I see you're an edgy teenager

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inject bleach

nooooo the chairman cant die!

>Hey guyz, see this complete misrepresentation of a thing he said about chloride? I bet you feel dumb now and won't vote for him in november. Surely, this will remain fresh and in your minds and still without context 7 months from now!

This is the hill that shills have chosen to die on now. Holy shit.

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Is that a threat? I think that's a threat. We're gonna have to kill Democrats I'm self defense aren't we?

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Not even a shill, but why the fuck is this retard telling people to inject bleach to cure the virus? Now he's claiming it was sarcasm... as if anyone on the planet thought he was being sarcastic at the time. The saddest part about all this is that his retard supporters will continue to shill in his defense. Just admit that he's a senile retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. Biden may be catatonic, but at least he wouldn't be encouraging people to kill themselves.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

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nothing will happen and i will beat your ungymmed self up if you say otherwise

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>Butt for real Un is FUKIN DEAD and we're in trouble now
They should nuke China in retaliation.

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Until we work out how to get ourselves into the perfect 2D universe or at least our dicks in there then we are DOOMED to fuck the 3D holes and produce lots of white children.

Attached: It'sdangeroustogoaloneheretakethis.jpg (1333x2000, 370.95K)

>men get into a real fight and end up playing after a few punches
>sloots can't stop a fake fight from turning into a brawl
this fren gets it

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They are just trying to kill ignorant people, like Iranians who drank methanol thinking it was the cure for coronavirus

when you burp a little bit and it's actually pure acid vomit
is that covid-19?
what is that?

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>Not even a shill

Yes you are.

goodbye rocket man. you had a rocket plan. but now you met your rocket end.

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You’re not a shill, just a retard

"A 16.4% error rate that deprives citizens the enjoyment of any constitutional right is offensive and unacceptable.

For the previous reasons,the Nken factors do not weigh in favor of granting a stay, and Defendant’s ex parte motion is DENIED.IT IS SO ORDERED."


while you faggot shills waste your time here, important shit is getting done

>Not even a shill, but why the fuck is this retard telling people to inject bleach to cure the virus?
Neither of these thing are true

oh yeah dunno if y'all saw me post it the other day but unemployment is estimated to be over 20% now lmao

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it's just a flu, bro

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It's gross, don't do it.


pls leave chinatown out of this my people have suffered enough. They will give me good deal very reasonable in a few months.

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>I'm not a shill, but I'm going to talk like and insult you exactly like one

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I see you're a greasy brown beaner fag.

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What did he say should be injected?

The whole thing just proves civil war is inevitable. The media need to be held accountable with their lives and leftists need to hang.
They cant be helped so putting them down is the only way.

what all did i miss today ??

sorcery and magic are false satanist heresy which goes against church teachings and even worse that picture has small breasts

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You're not white though.

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>Not even a shill, but
stopped reading there

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And who is this Korean Peninsula Expert?

Damn, that's fucked

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>over 20%
Imagine being Spain and living in such a fucking state

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Acid reflux

Yeah but that includes people like me who are furloughed. I have a job but democrats won’t let me do it.

>unemployment is estimated to be over 20% now lmao
I signed up for doordash, I will be working.

>pls leave chinatown out of this my people have suffered enough. They will give me good deal very reasonable in a few months.

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They will be deported to the Ukraine

And here we have Democrats self identifying as a disease.

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did dumb fuck dumpf really tell people to drink bleach and shoot up disinfectents ??

honestly like the style. could only imagine how good the artist would be without a dick in his mouth

Not even an awoo, but I'm gonna awoo

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Might be batflu belch. 39.9% of corona victims reported that side effect. Are you a nigger with diabetus? Hide from your other niggers. Its niggertacious.

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Blumpftards are completely incapable of accepting the truth. Sad!

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Your mom


Stalin was a better leader than Hitler
not that I'm a commietrash or anything, just stating facts

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Certainly not bleach, you shill.

Of course I am, that would be completely absurd any otherwise.

Counterpoint: Witches are very sexy

Confucius say: if you nvidia factory is not on fire, it WILL BE on fire

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(pssst, you don't have a job, they're just going to lay you off quietly in a month)

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>Trump says he's listening to medical experts

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Sometimes I do that in my sleep and the shock of it wakes me up and I inhale deeply my own bile and then I spend the next 15-20 minutes trying to cough it up in the wee hours of the morning. I'm probably fine, though.

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either unions are good or diversity is bad

Ya don't gotta be an Awoo to Awoo
it just makes it easier

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If I said no will you yell at me?


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This fucking brainlet farce never ends. How stupid can they be?

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Is doordash processing those applications? Uber said they’re not accepting applications in order to help the drivers they have now.


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This whole clorox "controversy" feels like that fishtank cleaner thing but more desperate.

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The Great Recession wasn’t real
You admit that, right? Or are you still delusional?

>completely incapable of accepting the truth
Such projection lmao

Former Trump voter here. I guess I'll tell my story.
I saw Drumpf at a grocery store in New York. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly

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I was mocking disruptor's line of
>Not even a shill BUUUUUT

im cooking cher boradee ravioli righ now

I was just curious, he was talking about injecting something I was watching. Never heard him say bleach tho.

I used to think Congress was evil, but the media makes them look like saints. Truly the enemy of mankind.

> Hill the Shills have died on.
Imagine if you will, having to reach into a toilet filled with diarrhea to find your meth pills at the bottom. You inhale the smell and wretch a little bit, but you can't stop, you can't give up. withdrawl would hurt too much. So day after day you go back and slosh around some more. Finally you grasp the pill! You're a pathetic loser, and you know it, but that's ok for that one gleaming moment when you pull the shit-encrusted poison pill out of the toilet and put it in your mouth. Then you go to /ptg/ to gloat.

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there is no such thing as witchcraft, that is a heresy committed by pagans and protestants (which are the same thing)

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>anons in a previous thread try to damage control Trump's disinfectant statements and pretend that he said "not to do that"
>Trump proceeds to avoid reporter questions after the briefing
Yeah, he made a boo boo and is embarrassed by it

Post arm. Anons will be the judge of that, fren.

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Because it is, media trying to kill Americans and blaming Trump for it.

>Not even a shill

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Oh but it is and they'll keep running with it

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>Confucius say: if you nvidia factory is not on fire, it WILL BE on fire
Waiting for next years cards anyway.

Yes, they're sending me a packet in the mail with the stuff I need. I assume it's because they're expanding into smaller markets during the outbreak.

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oh, okay, I'm barely paying attention. I didn't even know there was a shill here.

No I actually do have a job. My boss paid me the equivalent of the wages I’m losing this month out of his own pocket. Keep shilling though.

>quoth the wolfgril, AWOOOOO

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>1,858 dead

people think that if a company makes no money, their cash flow just becomes "$0" and not "-$(SUM OF ALL DEBTS AND PAYMENTS)"

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Amazes me how this Artists' Deception of the "virus" has gotten such traction.

Most of the EM photos I've seen just look like blobs with a bit of fuzz outside. Then they get digitally enhanced for shape. Then more digitally enhanced for color. Then the illustrators get hold of it.

Literal meme creation passing as science

A copy pasta slightly shortened (to fit the character limit) from a FB post. Have at it pol.

This is from Stephanie: owner of Balance Integrative Health in Dubuque. She's amazing.

During the White House press conference this evening, a medical specialist spoke about COVID survival rates.

When he was finished, Trump took the stage and mentioned Injecting light into veins since UV light is working on outside surfaces. Trump also talked about disinfects being used outside the body easily, questioning if there was a way to disinfect the inside of the cells.

There are therapies that are readily available in the USA and many other countries.

1. First, when he talks about injecting UV light... YES! See my last photo and video of me doing just that a few months ago in Seattle at Advanced Medical Therapies.

IV laser light therapy helps repair mitochondria, fight pathogens, boost mood/energy, enhance the immune system and more. I did this light therapy with a specific IV protocol of nutrients and antibiotics while my body was preparing for a specific treatment.

2. Second, when he spoke about finding a way to inject disinfectant into the body... YES! We do this all the time for integrative oncology. Literally, people receive hydrogen peroxide infusions along with their chemo/radiation protocols to help kill cancer cells. This hydrogen peroxide is obviously compounded by a specialty pharmacy, mixed with the correct solutions and protocols are followed. Yes, if you go buy a bottle of H202 and inject it straight into your veins you'll die. Don't do that.

Lastly, my favorite nutrient in the world...... Vitamin C. When Vitamin C is at high doses, it actually converts into H202 (hydrogen peroxide) within the cells. This is why it works SO well when we are using it with integrative oncology, chronic viral infections and more.

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Trump actually thinks people should try injecting themselves with floor cleaner. Holy fuck what a colossal fucking clown. I’ve watched that clip of him mumbling like 5 times and there’s no way to misinterpret it; he literally said they should look into injecting people with disinfectant.

This is truly clown world.

>mfw people actually unironically voted for him

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>could only imagine how good the artist would be without a dick in his mouth
yeah, hes a pretty big faggot

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Nice pic

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Delete that awoo




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>suddenly occurs to me why hot topic and buggers can't get alone
shit, how did i not see that before?

In a society where there is no diversity there's no need for unions.
>see: Ford trying to put his money back into his workers and the Dodge jews demanding he not help white men

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Go back to breitbart boomer

I see another edgy teenager

four more years, faggot

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This is edgy af, I like this alot. Stolen.

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>Yes, they're sending me a packet in the mail with the stuff I need. I assume it's because they're expanding into smaller markets during the outbreak.

Good for you. Double check the orders. My door dash guy fucked mine up tonight.

It's like David Dees but without the effort.

RIP rocket man.
i fear relations will go sour with a dumb bitch in charge. rocket man struggled at first but seemed to get a handle on things.
I bet CIA niggers are responsible for this

but the article said diversity is holding back unions. is that a good or bad thing?

>taco eating beaner
Nobody cares what you think shitskin

>can't even quote the right posts
kys MIGAturd

You’re a cannibal coconut head with no brain who converted to Islam

It’s understanable that you’re retarded

What a fucking idealogue hack. No one injects bleach and Lysol into their veins or lungs.

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So it's possible to get Frankentits in a twist...

Learned something today

>Trump proceeds to avoid reporter questions after the briefing
>I'm not taking any more questions from you

Poor guy just had his first taste of freedom. RIP egg roll

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No refunds!

>Double check the orders. My door dash guy fucked mine up tonight.
It might not have been his fault, sometimes the restaurant fucks them up.

Diversity sows discord